Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

719: The Final Counterattack! Joint Military Exercises Are About To End

In fact, Morav actually thought too much, and the furry bear elder Vladimir was no longer angry now.

At this point in the exercise, all the senior generals including Vladimir knew that failure in the exercise was inevitable.

It doesn't make much sense whether you look at it or not. As for being angry, Vladimir has already been angry.

If it weren't for the director's side, the general staff boss personally sent a telegram to Li Ran privately, indicating that the final battle should save a little face for Big Brother, make the fight more exciting, and last longer.

Maybe Li Ran had already asked the air force to cooperate with the ground forces and quickly bulldozed Big Brother Mao Xiong's heavy equipment.

Once we really fight like this, it will be like Big Bear's last fig leaf is gone. At that time, [Vladimir may not be as simple as just being angry.

Anyway, after this exercise is over, Commander Morav, the furry bear, needs to figure out how to explain to the senior generals of the furry bear, even Vladimir.

At this time, it will be tested whether Morav's background can withstand it and whether he can bear it.

Of course, it doesn't make much sense to blame all the blame on Morav. No matter who Mao Xiong sends to fight with Li Ran, the final result will be almost the same, and they will not be Li Ran's opponent.

Return to the battlefield.

The air battle between the two sides is now over. Even if the water is released, Big Brother Furry Bear will still be able to find out, and at the same time, he cannot go too far.

It can only be said that the pace of the air combat should be slower to give Big Brother Furry Bear some time. But until now, Big Brother Furry Bear's air force is only so small. It is being used up little by little, and now all the air force in hand has been used up.

You know, in the subsequent air battles, Big Brother Mao Xiong's Su-30 cluster, on average, one Su-30 had to fight one and a half Dragon 10 modifications.

Although Big Brother Bear's pilots are more experienced and have actual combat experience, how can they possibly survive a one-and-a-half-fight fight in the air?

The air force pilots in the field army are not just for a living, and their daily training is sufficient. It can only be said that they lack a little actual combat experience.

Moreover, they are still learning and improving since they fought against Big Brother Furry Bear, and the gap between the pilots of both sides is narrowing.

Coupled with the leading number of fighter planes, it is inevitable that the Mao Xiong Air Force will be eliminated.

Unless the 760 Field Army keeps releasing water, it will not be wiped out. However, it would be too fake to fight like this. If Big Brother Furry Bear discovers it, it will be difficult to explain.

With all the air forces in Morav's hands being wiped out, it means that this exercise is truly coming to an end.

Without the escort of the air force, the Mao Xiong troops were helpless.

Inside the Mao Xiong headquarters.

The atmosphere was very dull. News came that the entire air force had been wiped out. After receiving the information about the battle, Morav felt as if he had aged ten years.

No more, there is really no hope now, the air force is completely gone, the air superiority is gone at all, even if the ground heavy equipment troops have not been exhausted, it is impossible to win, there is no chance.

In this joint military exercise with his little brother, he actually lost. Will he and Morav become the sinners in the Bear Country?

You must know how much pressure and how much doubt he, the commander, will receive if the news of the failure of the joint military exercise with his little brother spreads back to the country.

Even in the future military career, it will definitely be affected.

He is now Brigadier General Mao Xiong, but he wants to be promoted to General Mao Xiong. But if he loses this exercise, can he still be promoted later?

If he is promoted, there will definitely be a lot of doubts. They will definitely say, you can't even beat your younger brother, so why are you promoted to major general? Why?

You, Morav, are the defeated generals of my little brother, and you have brought all the face of their furry bears to shame. How can you get the face to get promoted?

Thinking of this, Morav was heartbroken and his face turned deathly gray.

He even expected the treatment he would receive after the exercise. The senior generals observing would definitely rebuke him, and even his teacher would be very disappointed with him.

You know, his teacher is a famous general in Mao Xiong, and he now holds a very important position, but he actually taught a student like him, who can't even beat his younger brother. He will become a stain on his teacher because of this incident.

As for the elder, he would definitely tell him, Morav, you disappoint me so much. I didn’t expect that with your little strength, Morav, you can’t even beat my little brother. You have completely embarrassed Mao Xiong’s face.

Thinking of this, Morav wanted to die.

The commander of this damn little brother, how come you are so powerful? You became a division commander at the age of twenty. Didn’t you rely on nepotism to get to the position? Why are you so powerful?

Morav was very upset. He had known better than to underestimate the enemy. He had fallen into his little brother's scheme from the beginning.

at this time.

"Report, Lieutenant Colonel Rassimov requested to speak with you, sir." At this time, the Mao Xiong Signal Corps came to report.

Hearing this, Morav silently answered the phone.

Lieutenant Colonel Rassimov, Morav knew, was the captain of the signal flag special forces unit. During this exercise, he personally led the team to the front line.

Morav didn't know why he was contacting him at this time.

"I am Brigadier General Morav," Morav said.

"Sir, have you lost your fighting spirit now? We haven't lost yet. Rassimov's voice sounded on the phone, his voice was very firm, and he encouraged Commander Morav.

"Rasimov, our air force is gone. The heavy equipment battlefield has turned into a war of attrition. It will be a matter of time before the entire army is annihilated. We have no hope." Morav whispered, very sad.

"No, we still have a chance." Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Rassimov immediately said: "Our signal flag special forces are still there, our organization is still intact, and we have not lost yet."

After hearing Rassimov's words, Morav raised the corners of his mouth in a self-deprecating manner.

Yes, the signal flag special forces are still there, how could he not know?

But now on this battlefield, if there is only a special force, is it still useful?

Can the special forces defeat the air force? Can they destroy the heavy equipment of the little brother?

Don't be kidding, special forces are good at local special operations, but in the face of such an absolute disparity in strength, special forces are really not enough.

"Rasimov, I understand how you feel now, but the reality is cruel. To be honest, I don't think your Wei Chuanqi special forces can have a certain impact on the overall situation." Morav said.

The Signal Flag Special Forces has always been the face of the Bear Country's special forces to the outside world, and their combat style is very powerful.

But now, in such a battle, the special forces are really not enough to watch, they are just fighting in a small way.

"No, if we go out now and behead a large number of officers in their battalion headquarters, their chain of command will definitely be interrupted and chaos will occur. This is our opportunity." Rassimov said .

Rassimov was not angry at Morav's words. As the captain of the special forces, he knew very well.

Indeed, in such a battle, the special forces are indeed not enough, and the local special warfare materials are just a small fight.

It is simply impossible to expect them to destroy the heavy equipment and air force of their little brother. They are not supermen and do not have that strength.

But one thing, one of the functions that their special forces are good at again is decapitation.

As long as they can carry out a large number of beheadings on the little brother's battalion command headquarters, it will definitely cause chaos in the little brother's chain of command. At that time, they, Mao Xiong, will be able to find a chance in the chaos.

In Chaos 1, rebuild the order.

After hearing Rassimov's words, Morav's eyes suddenly lit up (aidf), and his already disappointed heart was now ignited again.

Yes, the special forces can still perform beheading tactics. As long as the signal flag special forces can behead the little brother's battalion-level headquarters, they will still have a chance.

As for why we don't expect the Signal Flag Special Forces to behead the little brother's headquarters, don't be ridiculous, it's impossible, and you can't even find the location.

But that's not the key. As long as the battalion-level headquarters of the younger brother can be beheaded, this will definitely cause problems in their chain of command, and it may even be more effective than beheading the general headquarters.

"Rasimov, please remember, now we have reached the most difficult time, as long as you can complete this arduous task, you will be the heroes of the Bear, and all the Bear officers and soldiers will remember you, and you will become our pride. "Morav encouraged morale.

There is really no other way now but to place our last hope on the signal flag special forces.

"Promise to complete the mission." After saying that, Rassimov ended the contact.

"Sir, can the signal flag really complete the beheading mission?" After hearing the conversation between the two, Colonel Mao Xiong couldn't help but ask.

To be honest, he actually has no confidence in the current battle situation.

"I don't know, but in this situation, all we can do is believe in them and pray for them." Morav said in a deep voice.

Here, after finishing the call with the general headquarters, Rassimov immediately issued orders to each team to carry out a beheading operation against the first-level headquarters of the field camp and conduct a comprehensive beheading operation.

and issued a final mobilization.

"Comrades, our furry bears are now at the last moment. We are furry bears' last hope. If we succeed, we will be furry bears' heroes. The comrades who were injured in the war will remember us, and Vladimir will remember us. We, the Woolly Bear Congress will remember us and let us be the saviors of the Woolly Bears, Ula!"



Following Rassimov's order, each combat group of the Signal Flag Special Forces immediately began to take action.

Each team member is in high spirits and has high morale. At such a critical juncture, as long as they succeed, they will be the saviors of the bear. They have a chance.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very bare bones.

Mao Xiong’s last resort was for special forces to carry out a beheading mission. Do you think Li Ran didn’t take this into consideration?

Not to mention anything else, the structure of the Woolly Bear Special Forces is well preserved, and the structure of their special force Snow Leopard Special Forces is also well preserved and remains unchanged.

Therefore, after guessing that Mao Xiong would eventually let the special forces carry out beheading methods, Li Ran had already given the order to the Snow Leopard Special Forces.

The mission of the Snow Leopard Special Forces is now not to defend, but to protect the various headquarters. If the protection is not good, they will be punished directly.

That's right, Li Ran's order was very rude and he was punished directly.

You know, the situation between the enemy and ourselves is that the signal flag special forces attack and the snow leopard special forces defend. Defensive battles are much easier to fight than offensive battles. If you can't defeat them, why not punish them? Isn't that embarrassing enough?

After receiving the order, the captain of the Snow Leopard Special Forces directly issued a military order.

If the headquarters is successfully beheaded by Mao Xiong, he, the captain, will quit.

Yes, the colonel is so confident at this time. In his opinion, if the Snow Leopard Special Forces cannot even fight such a battle, there is really no need for him, the captain, to continue to do it. It is embarrassing.

In this way, the last special battle between the two sides began. Mao Xiong's signal flag special forces, Mao Xiong's external special forces, have always been

It's a card, frantically searching for the location of the field army's grassroots headquarters on the battlefield, and taking action immediately once discovered.

What makes the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong Signal Flag Special Forces a little desperate is that every time they find a headquarters to launch an attack, secretly, the special forces here have already

After deploying it, we immediately launched a counterattack against them.

Coupled with the strength of the guards at various headquarters, they were beaten to the point where they could not even lift their heads. The pressure on them was extremely huge.

Da da da~


The sounds of gunfire and RPGs kept ringing out, and even in the dark, there were snipers from both sides who were constantly locking targets.

However, the security forces at the grassroots headquarters of the field army are equipped with heavy firepower. Once the sniper's position is discovered, they will directly suppress the fire, or even use mortars to bomb.

In addition, the Snow Leopard Special Forces are also divided into combat groups for confrontation.

Therefore, it would be extremely difficult for the Mao Xiong Signal Flag Special Forces to decapitate him, and it would be impossible at all.

"Captain, they are on guard. The firepower is too strong and we can't break through them at all." A Mao Xiong second lieutenant said with an ugly face.

They were completely suppressed and beaten, and they wanted to break through and behead them, but it was unrealistic.

"We can't give up. Even if it's a one-for-one exchange, we have to give me the command post and direct my firepower towards their mid-level officers as much as possible."


In this way, after almost annihilating the entire army, the Mao Xiong Signal Flag Special Forces finally killed two majors.

The reason why the major was killed was not because of improper protection by the Snow Leopard Special Forces and the security team, but because he was furious when he learned that the Wooly Bear Signal Flag Special Forces dared to come and behead him at this time.

Two hot-tempered majors directly joined the battle with guns in hand.


During the battle, he was unfortunately killed by Mao Xiong's sniper. Although he was damaged in the battle, he was able to vent his anger.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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