Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

723: Commendation Meeting! The Sublimation Of Military Spirit

The next day, Anseong.

After just one night, Ancheng changed drastically. It expanded a lot from a small abandoned city, and all the ruins and the like were cleaned up.

All of this was thanks to the overnight efforts of an engineering corps that Ancheng underwent such a big change in a short period of time.

It's not that the significance of Anseong changed after an exercise, but that a commendation conference was held in Anseong. Anseong, an abandoned city, needed to accommodate the troops of the two countries participating in the exercise.

Soon, the participating troops from both sides, totaling more than 20,000 people, all entered the designated positions as planned.

All the units of the more than 20,000 troops were at designated positions, and all kinds of armor, vehicles, artillery, and various types of equipment were placed waiting for inspection by the elders of the two countries.

At the same time, speakers have been installed in some places in Anseong to play the national anthem in a reasonable order in accordance with diplomatic interests.

As the national anthem Pangbo sounded, the elders of the two countries began to review the troops.

The elders of both sides walked together, looking at the armies of both sides. The officers and soldiers of the troops undergoing review all looked solemn and solemn, paying attention to the elders.

Such a scene is inspiring, and this scene is exciting.

The elders of both sides reviewing the troops together in this way are actually conveying a signal and expressing an attitude.

After reviewing the troops, it was time for the anticipated awarding of fruits of honor.

Whether it is the field army or the Mao Xiong, for this joint military exercise, the officers and soldiers of the participating troops from both sides have been preparing for training for a long time.

How many days and nights of training have you gone through, how much sweat have you shed, how much hardship have you endured, and how hard have you worked during the exercises? Isn’t it just for now?

Hard work always pays off!

"The Zi Joint Directorate ordered that in order to commend the 1st Battalion of the 111th Airborne Regiment for showing the spirit of fearless, unafraid of hardship and death as a soldier in Anseong's combat effectiveness, the 1st Battalion of the 111th Airborne Regiment was specially awarded the first-class collective merit and was awarded The honorary title of Flying Tiger Camp.

As the honors to the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment were read out, warm applause erupted in Ancheng.

Bang bang bang bang~

The applause was so warm that the entire Ancheng was shaken.

All participating units of the field army fully recognized the honor received by the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment and had no problems at all.

They all know that the brothers of the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment worked really hard during this exercise. "They really risked their lives to perform this exercise mission."

Recalling the beginning of the exercise, after their commander used rain-increasing bombs to create such bad weather, Mao Xiong's airborne troops gave up parachuting for a while.

Only the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion chose to parachute without hesitation. You must know that at that time, each of the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion carried a large amount of ammunition and equipment, and no one carried water or dry food. Under such circumstances, no one could Be careful, it could really kill someone.

But in order to win the exercise, the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion had no complaints. They knew that in this exercise, they were going to fight as a death squad. They had to win the opportunity for the field army at the very beginning and conduct strategic deception on the bear.

Not only was the process of performing the mission very dangerous, but even in Ancheng, one of their battalions had to exert the momentum of five battalions, and they could not be discovered by the bears. They knew how much hardship they suffered during this.

Everyone had nothing to eat and could only drink some rainwater. They all relied on willpower to survive.

If put in actual combat, each of their battalions would be performing suicide missions. In the end, it would be good if the whole battalion could save one or two lucky people.

Even if they knew they were going to carry out a suicide mission, they still had no hesitation.

Such a battalion moved Mao Xiong's airborne troops with admiration. Indeed, this battalion of the little brother's airborne troops is indeed amazing.

The momentum of a battalion in Ancheng could make them mistakenly believe that it was the main force of the airborne troops, and they believed it.

Although they were deceived, Mao Xiong was not that stupid. It was only because of the fearless attack by the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion that Mao Xiong was always in a wrong judgment [being deceived into a match.

If other battalions could not produce the momentum of the 1st Battalion, Mao Xiong would have discovered it long ago.

Don't really think that the Mao Xiong is stupid or naive. It's just that the 1st Battalion played too well, so the Mao Xiong seems a bit silly.

After hearing the announcement by the head of the General Staff, the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment turned red for a moment. They knew how much hardship they had endured for this exercise.

One brother even had an unfortunate accident during training.

Fortunately, it was all worth it, and their efforts were affirmed. They did not hold back the main force, and successfully opened a good start for the main force, making Mao Xiong believe that the main force is in Ancheng, so that the follow-up plan can Smooth progress.

It was worth it, it was really worth it. The officers and soldiers of the 1st Battalion felt that all their efforts during this period were worth it and were not in vain.

They did not disappoint other brother units, did not disappoint their superiors, did not disappoint Commander Li, and did not disappoint themselves.

They are worthy of the martyr who died in an accident during training.

Paratroopers are born to surround and are always ready to sacrifice.

You know, the airborne force has always been the unit with the highest battle losses in the army, and it is also the unit with the highest death rate in training.

From the day they became paratroopers, life and death had long been forgotten. Every time they parachuted, they wrote a suicide note, and every time they parachuted, they were prepared to never do it again.

Therefore, they are not afraid of death, they just want to die valuable.

The colonel of the 111th Regiment immediately ran to the ceremony, and Elder Long Guo personally awarded the honorary title to the 1st Battalion of the 111th Regiment, Flying Tiger Camp!

The colonel looked solemn, took the honorary title banner from the elder's hand with both hands, and saluted the elder.

Then he turned around with a snap and shouted: 11th. "

"Kill, kill, kill!"

All the officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment roared in unison, with soaring momentum and great momentum. At this moment, the military spirit of the 111th Airborne Soldiers was sublimated.

Mao Xiong, the officers, soldiers and senior generals couldn't help but clap excitedly again.

My little brother's airborne regiment is so handsome, so handsome. My little brother has grown up, really grown up, and his strength is really getting stronger and stronger.

No matter what the troops were, they were all in good shape, which made them very envious.

Why is it that after so many years, my little brother's troops have never experienced a war, how can they still maintain such a high fighting spirit and fearless spirit of death?

Mao Xiong will never understand that some things are passed down to the bones.

No matter how much time passes, it will never change or be forgotten.

After the warm applause ended, the head of the General Staff read out again.

"In order to commend the third company of the 112th Tank Regiment for actively rescuing the Mao Xiong brothers who overturned their vehicle during the exercise, the Joint Directorate issued an order to award a second-class collective merit.

Yes, in such large-scale military exercises, accidents are very common.

Time goes back to twenty hours ago.

At this time, the exercise between the two sides has reached a very intense stage, and the heavily armed forces of both sides are fighting.

The two sides combined totaled more than 20,000 people. Although it was a drill and although the ammunition was used for the drill, the tanks were real and the various weapons were real.

In Anling's generation, with such complex terrain and chaotic scenes, it is very normal for a rollover incident to occur.

The field officers and soldiers were a little better. The Mao Xiong officers and soldiers were not familiar with the terrain at all. During an operation, a Mao Xiong company and an infantry fighting vehicle accidentally drove into a ditch, causing the infantry fighting vehicle to roll over. come over.

After the rollover, the hatch was jammed and there was no way to open it. The Mao Xiong officers and soldiers in the infantry fighting vehicle were thrown upside down, causing bleeding and skin abrasions.

The main reason is that there are eight people inside who are all pressed together. If it lasts for a long time, something will definitely happen.

Under such circumstances, the officers and soldiers inside had no way to escape on their own.

After learning that an infantry fighting vehicle overturned on Big Brother Mao Xiong's side, the officers and soldiers of a certain tank, who were nearest, rushed over under the leadership of the company commander.

Under the circumstances at that time, the crane was too late. The two sides were still in an exercise stage, mainly because they were too far apart.

By the time the crane arrives, it will be too late, and someone on Big Brother Bear's side will definitely be crushed to death.

"Company commander, what should we do? The crane won't be able to come for a while. We don't have large lifting tools." The second lieutenant said with an ugly face.

Their current company has nothing but one company of people and some equipment.

The key is to fight but not to save people.

"No, we can't continue to drag it out like this. If time goes on, something will happen to the people inside." After observing the situation, the captain said seriously.

"What should we do?" The second lieutenant was helpless. After all, the Mao Xiong infantry tank weighed more than thirty tons. They had no tools or a crane here, so how could they correct it?

Moreover, they are a combat company and basically have no rescue tools.

Time was tight and it was too late to send it over.

"If we don't have the tools, we'll just rely on manpower and ask the entire company to come over." The captain gritted his teeth and said directly with a heartbeat.


Although the second lieutenant knew how difficult it was to lift such a big guy by manpower, there seemed to be no other good way now.

Sometimes, when manpower reaches a certain level, it can still make a qualitative difference.

Following the captain's order, all the officers and soldiers of the company gathered over.

"`"For a while, your class will work hard here, you line up here, remember, it must be in this direction, be careful, don't let go..."

Before the rescue officially started, the captain made arrangements and warned.

Not only do they want to rescue Big Brother Furry Bear, but they also need to pay attention to their own safety. With so many people acting together, coordination must be unified to prevent trouble. Once anyone makes a mistake, it is easy to cause a major accident and personal injury.

"Do you understand everything?" the captain asked seriously.

"I understand." The officers and soldiers of the whole company shouted.

"Okay, Ren.

After saying that, the captain shouted loudly and took off his clothes, revealing his copper-colored muscles, which were very capable and strong.

All the officers and soldiers in the company took off their shirts and went into battle shirtless.

Of course, some of the sharper parts of the infantry fighting vehicle require clothes to be tied directly to the hands.

"123, use force."

"123 force y

The big guy weighed a full thirty tons. More than a hundred people gritted their teeth and worked hard with bulging veins to actually lift this big guy.

Hundreds of people worked together to lift the big guy up, and finally all the Bear officers and soldiers in the tank were rescued.

Two of them were pressed inside and fell into a coma due to lack of oxygen. They were immediately sent to a field military hospital for rescue.

The other Mao Xiong officers and soldiers were only slightly injured.

"Thank you, brother."

The second lieutenant Mao Xiong who led the team was rescued and expressed his gratitude to the captain. Every Mao Xiong officer and soldier was very grateful.

Because this is very unacceptable to them

It's unbelievable that the little brother could lift such a big guy up with manpower. If it were them, they wouldn't be able to do it.

But the little brother did it and saved them.

"It's good that you're all right." After the captain finished speaking, he said to the officers and soldiers who had not had time to take a breath: "Let's all set off and continue fighting.'


In this way, the officers and soldiers of the company returned to join the battlefield after making a special trip to rescue the officers and soldiers of Mao Xiong.

The previous rescue scene was all recorded by the camera.

Mao Xiong has already made a copy of the past. Such a documentary is worth collecting and promoting the friendship between the two parties.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why although Mao Xiong lost in the end this time, when Li Ran brought a group of military officers and staff to say hello, Officer Mao Xiong was very generous.


As the words fell, the audience burst into warm applause again.

Because of this incident, the officers and soldiers of the Mao Xiong looked at the field army with very cordial eyes, as if they were looking at a good friend.

Because only true friends will try their best to save their companions at that time.

The status of the field army in the hearts of Mao Xiong officers and soldiers has skyrocketed!

"By order of the Zi Joint Directorate, in recognition of the outstanding performance of the 3rd company and 1st platoon of the 172nd Airborne Brigade in the infiltration mission, third-class collective merit is awarded once."

The knowledge point is that this platoon of Mao Xiong paratroopers successfully found the logistics position of the field army on the battlefield, and finally successfully destroyed a logistics position.

Because of this platoon, during this exercise, the person in charge of the field army's logistics unit, some guard troops, and soldiers on duty were all severely punished, and Li Ran showed no mercy.

But I have to say that the officers and soldiers of the Bear Airborne Brigade in this platoon did indeed fight beautifully and well.

So there’s nothing wrong with giving a third-class merit award!

Besides, we can't always let the units in the field army get honors. If we don't give some to Big Brother Furry Bear, how can we just say it and take it?


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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