Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

724: First-Class Personal Merit! Li Ran Is Too Valuable

In terms of human relations and sophistication, the Field Army's approach has never disappointed anyone.

Although the collective third-class merit awarded to the Mao Xiong officers and soldiers, if strictly followed the standards of meritorious service, it would not be considered at all. In fact, Mao Xiong's other troops played even greater strategic value in this exercise than they did.

But how should I put it? After all, it is a friendship, and the main thing is a person's worldliness.

Officers and soldiers on both sides have a yardstick in mind.

First of all, both parties are awarded collective honors. After the collective honors are awarded, the rest is individual honors.

In this exercise, many officers from the field army performed very well and with great courage.

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that they were lucky enough to fight under the command of Li Ran.

With an excellent commander like Li Ran taking the lead, it can be said that they can win without hesitation. Of course, it won't work if their military quality is too poor.

The chief of the General Staff continued to read out the honorary commendations.

The first is the advanced individual.

In recognition..."

With a commendation order, all the officers of the field army who won advanced individual awards in this exercise came on stage.

There are a lot of people, and this honorable fruit is not even comparable to the third-class merit, so it doesn't matter if you give more.

When the advanced individual completes the exercise, it will be the third-class merit, and then the second-class merit.

As the head of the General Staff read out the names of the officers one by one, all the officers who had made meritorious service were very excited and walked onto the stage with serious faces.

The elders awarded military medals to everyone, including fifteen third-class medals and five second-class medals.

In today's peaceful era, it is not easy to achieve such military exploits.

After the third-class and second-class gong are performed, the first-class gong is reached.

"The Zi Joint Directorate has ordered that in recognition of Comrade Li Ran, the commander-in-chief of the field army, for his excellent command in this exercise, Comrade Li Ran will be awarded a first-class personal merit."

As the General Staff boss finished speaking, Li Ran, the commander-in-chief of the field army, quickly trotted onto the stage under the gaze of thousands of people.

After reaching the middle position, snap to attention.

It was Vladimir, the elder of Mao Xiong, who awarded Li Ran the honor.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of troops from both sides, Vladimir, the elder of Mao Xiong, personally gave Li Ran a military medal of first-class personal merit.

While awarding Li Ran the military medal, Vladimir even said.

"Commander Li Ran, even if I knew your age in advance, I am still very surprised when I see you now. You are really too young." Vladimir said, his words full of surprise.

To be honest, Vladimir was so envious of Li Ran because he wanted it.

How lucky it would be for Mao Xiong to have a commander like Li Ran. For Mao Xiong, having a commander like Li Ran in charge is really a gift from heaven.

Vladimir himself is a very strong person, and from his youth to the present, Vladimir's resume is also wonderful.

Now that I see Li Ran, I admire Li Ran very much.

Vladimir knew that Li Ran had good language skills and was very familiar with the Mao Xiong language, so when talking to Li Ran, he also spoke in Mao Xiong language.

Hearing what the elder of Mao Xiong Country said, Li Ran originally wanted to be polite, but who knew what happened next.

"Comrade Li Ran, are you interested in coming to our Frunze Military Academy in Mao Xiong as a tutor?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Ran was very surprised. He didn't expect that Elder Mao Xiong would actually invite him at this time.

Invite yourself to work at the most famous military academy in Mao Xiong, the Frunze Military Academy.

Although this military academy is no longer called by this name, the older generation of Mao Xiong still likes to call it Frunze.

Because these three words represent the glory of Mao Xiong.

"I obey orders from my superiors." Li Ran gave a very objective answer.

That's right, whether to go or not is not up to Li Ran. It has to be decided by the superiors. This can be regarded as a kicking ball.

He brought this ball to his superiors.

After all, such a major matter is really not the decision of Li Ran alone. Everyone knows how important Li Ran is to the field army now.

All the field army bosses present were training Ji Ran as the future general staff boss.

In layman's terms, the future backbone of the Field Army will still be in the hands of Li Ran.

What if Li Ran goes to your furry bear and something unexpected happens?

For example, someone took this opportunity to assassinate Li Ran on the road? Or maybe you, Mao Xiong, saw that Li Ran was too good and had any evil intentions against him. You wanted to take the opportunity to keep Li Ran there after Li Ran left. No. Release him?

All of these are unknown factors. Of course, although the probability of occurrence is relatively small, the senior leaders of these field armies must consider it.

As for how to decide, they still need to discuss the group trip.

Moreover, Vladimir's invitation at this time was a surprise to them, and they were not notified at all in advance.

When Vladimir opened his invitation, the head of the General Staff was even more shocked, and secretly cursed Elder Mao Xiong for not practicing martial ethics.

For such a big event, if you don’t say hello at all in advance, what does it mean to invite someone at this time?

Moreover, the boss of the General Staff is also worried about Li Ran's answer. He is worried that Li Ran directly agreed in order to find excitement. What can be done?

After that, when they really discuss this matter, they will be very passive.

Fortunately, Li Ran has always been a person who takes the overall situation into consideration, and did not talk nonsense even when he answered, which made him feel relieved for a while.

At the same time, he was also highly alert.

Sure enough, after seeing Li Ran's outstanding ability, Mao Xiong already had an idea for Li Ran, and wanted to lend Li Ran to him, and then look for opportunities to make it his own.

They must not let Mao Xiong get his wish easily. Li Ran answered well.

Although Li Ran's answer was very objective, he obviously underestimated Vladimir's sincerity.

For Li Ran, Vladimir really wants it so much. Even if he pays for something that is more important to his little brother, as long as he can lend Li Ran for a while, it is worth it.

"Comrade Li Ran, if you are willing to serve at the Frunze Military Academy for three years, we can provide you with complete technical information." Vladimir said again.


As soon as these words came out, everyone on the side couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Shocked, really shocked, Vladimir was willing to provide such important information in exchange for Li Ran.

That is complete technical information, which has puzzled the entire field army for a long time. As long as there is such complete information, the field army can establish a complete naval force at sea.

That will be a qualitative leap for the field army.

Nowadays, the naval force is also very important. The key navy can not only protect its own coastline, but also provide sufficient artillery support if there is a war, which has a very different meaning.

Now Elder Mao Xiong is actually willing to provide such information for Li Ran. This attitude is too strong.

After hearing this, the admiral on the side suddenly trembled and his eyes were incredulous.

As an admiral, he is very aware of the importance of such complete information. He recalls the sadness of the older generation at that time, the difficulties in the development of the navy, and the limitations of various technologies.

Alas, the navy is hard, it is really hard.

Over the years, there have been some gaps in the development of the navy, namely technical gaps. When it comes to money and people, the field army has nothing to worry about.

But the key technology is with others and they are unwilling to give it to them. What should we do? It is impossible to grab it directly.

But things are different now. There is a very civilized solution that does not require armed disputes between the two parties and is even a win-win solution for both parties.

To be honest, in the admiral's mind, there was nothing worthy of Mao Xiong's fancy in the navy.

If Mao Xiong promised to let them use naval officers, including him, in exchange for complete information, he, the admiral, would definitely go there without hesitation.

Change, definitely change, this change is obviously profitable.

Including him, just by providing a few officers in exchange for such information, it is definitely a profitable business.

If he is not enough, bring your wife and children with you, and we will go to Big Brother Bear’s place together. As long as Big Brother Bear agrees, we will not dislike it.

None of this is a big deal.

But now Big Brother Mao Xiong doesn't want her, he only likes Li Ran. Thinking of this, the admiral's eyes immediately fell on Li Ran, looking forward to it.

That look seemed to say, go ahead, agree to it quickly, there won’t be this store after passing this village, agree to it quickly before Big Brother Mao Xiong regrets it.

Li Ran just go with peace of mind. As long as you are willing to go, if you ask me to be a big brother, I will do it now.

For the sake of the future of the navy, Li Ran, you can go boldly. Just give them some time. When the time comes, he will personally take the navy fleet to pick you up.

If that doesn't work, then a military monument will be built for you, Li Ran, in the naval force to commemorate your contribution to the navy.

Thinking of this, the admiral couldn't wait, and even wanted to take the initiative to agree to Vladimir's condition for Li Ran.

Of course, the admiral was very excited, but when the chief of the general staff saw the admiral's expression, his face instantly darkened.

Damn guy, you don't take him seriously at all. Your navy is drifting, isn't it? Use Li Ran in exchange, you can't think of it.

Do you know what Li Ran means to the Field Army? Do you know what Li Ran means to the General Staff?

You think this is a profitable business, but do you think Big Brother Bear will make a loss?

Who knows what will happen to Li Ran once she goes to Mao Xiong?

When the time comes, can you guarantee how Li Ran went and how he came back? Can you guarantee that Li Ran's body and mind will not be harmed at all?

If you can't, please get out now, but if you have any thoughts about Li Ran, labor and management will kill you with the iron fist of justice.

Although he was dissatisfied with the useless appearance of the admiral, the general staff boss was also very surprised now. He did not expect Vladimir's will to be so strong.

For Li Ran, he was willing to provide such important information.

In fact, Vladimir also has his own considerations in mind. Even if he doesn't give it, he can develop it himself if he gives him some time.

Ten years at most. In ten years, my little brother will definitely be able to complete the research and development.

Anyway, it is only a matter of time before the little brother is developed. It is better to use this as a bargaining chip to trade for Li Ran, an excellent commander.

Once the little brother develops it, at that time, if he takes out the information, it will be worthless and it will be completely useless paper.

Thinking of this, Vladimir felt that the transaction he made was particularly worth it, and he would definitely make a profit without losing money.

If Li Ran comes to Mao Xiong, he will definitely be able to give considerable help to their current command system. The introduction of a talent is very significant.

Why is Yingjiang's side so strong in technology? It has always been so strong.

That's not to say that Yingjiang has a lot of talent. It's quite a lot.

There are a lot of talents, and advanced technologies are developed from time to time. This is the importance of talents.

In the development of modern society, scientific and technological strength is too important for a country's development and national defense strength.

Therefore, they need talents and great country commanders like Li Ran.

At this time, Li Ran was also beaten. How should we answer this? Elder Mao Xiong has offered such a big bargaining chip and conditions in order to get himself. What should we do?

It’s not a promise, and it’s not a promise. Can anyone give me a hint?

After reading, Li Ran looked at the general staff boss without leaving any trace. He saw that the general staff boss looked deep in thought at this time. He was also confused by Vladimir's words. He didn't know what to do for a while, and his heart was filled with confusion. Shen and Tianfen were treated by doctors.

Hey, if it fades away, if the emotion fades away, love will disappear as expected.

Once upon a time, the head of the General Staff did not care about his identity at all, and promoted to the outside world that he was his illegitimate son and his excellent successor.

For his own sake, he can do whatever it takes to punch the general, and he is his counter scale.

But now, after Vladimir made this condition, he hesitated for a moment.

What does this mean? It shows that the General Staff boss is also weighing this business in his mind.

Li Ran even has reason to believe that once Vladimir offers some chips again, the General Staff boss will probably say so without hesitation.

Okay, Mr. Elder Mao Xiong, we are very happy to cooperate.

Li Ran, you can go to Big Brother Mao Xiong with peace of mind. I believe that Big Brother Mao Xiong will not treat you badly. The field army will remember your efforts, and we will all remember you.

There is no way, now we can't get a response from the General Staff boss, only the last person is left.

That is one’s own elders.

Thinking of this, Li Ran slowly looked at his elders again. Only his elders could make judgments on such a major matter.

Li Ran didn't believe that Vladimir dared to say this without saying hello to his elders in advance.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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