Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

726: Strategic Commander! Black Ribbon Officially Unveiled

The entire audience, as well as officers and soldiers from both sides, were still immersed in the excitement of awarding Li Ran the honorary title of master tactician.

Because Li Ran deserves the title without any moisture.

Li Ran conquered everyone with his command in the exercise.

Just when everyone thought that the honorary title was the last honor awarded to Li Ran, the voice of the General Staff boss sounded again.

"The Zi Joint Directorate ordered that in order to further strengthen military cultural exchanges between the two sides, the two sides established a military exchange student system. In recognition of Comrade Li Ran's important role in this system, Comrade Li Ran was awarded the honorary rank of Major General Mao Xiong.

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderclap in the ears of the officers and soldiers on both sides. Many people, especially the Mao Xiong officers and soldiers, were dumbfounded. They looked at each other. They wondered if there was something wrong with their ears and they heard wrongly.

What? What a big deal, they actually awarded the commander here the honorary rank of major general.

Although he is only an honorary major general, an honorary major general is also a major general, and with the understanding of their Mao Xiong country, although the honorary major general has no real power, the treatment he enjoys is not low at all, and there is no difference in the treatment enjoyed by the mao bear major general.

Even officers below the rank of Brigadier General Mao Xiong would salute and say hello to Li Ran when they see him.

This news was so shocking that none of them expected it, and they couldn't react at all.

Shocked, really shocked.

Looking at all countries, Li Ran is probably the first person so far to receive the honorary rank of Major General.

Although there are others who have received honorary military ranks, only Li Ran has reached the rank of major general. "Two Nine Three"

It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. They didn't expect that their elders would value Li Ran so much.

Even Li Ran is very surprised now. Giving himself the rank of honorary major general? No, not really. This is too much regard for himself.

Having said that, giving this military rank should be to invite myself to serve at the Frunze Military Academy, so I arranged such an honorary military rank for myself.

But now I am not sure that I will go. I have added another condition based on the information I originally gave. Mao Xiong sells a White Swan here, so I will go.

What? Has Mao Xiong decided to sell the white swan? Or what?

Or should I give him an honorary military rank to show my sincerity in order to invite him over?

Not only Li Ran, but even the elders looked at Vladimir with some surprise at this time. The matter of letting Li Ran go to Mao Xiong to serve was indeed a deal.

In fact, the two sides held some talks last night and reached a preliminary agreement.

Mao Xiong gave Shuishi the information, and the Field Army asked Li Ran to serve for three years. At that time, Vladimir decided that in order to show his sincerity, he would give Li Ran a military salary that was no less than what he enjoyed in the Field Army. , so I prepared it according to the honorary major general.

But now the plan was wrong. They thought about it and did not consider that Li Ran would temporarily increase the price. Although the price increase was a good thing for the field army, Mao Xiong might not be willing, which put Mao Xiong into a passive position.

Vladimir also said before that it needs to be discussed. The discussion means that it has not been decided for a while, and the original plan discussed by both parties will be disrupted.

Since the plan was disrupted, how come Li Ran was awarded the title of Honorary Major General?

This seems a bit unreasonable. If Li Ran does not go to Mao Xiong, this title will have no meaning and will be just a blank title.

Mao Xiong's plan to give Li Ran the honorary major general title made the elder think for a while.

Seeing that the elder of the Dragon Kingdom might have some ideas, Vladimir slowly walked up to the elder of the Bear, whispered a few words with a smile, and briefly communicated.

After hearing what Vladimir said, the elder nodded slowly, understanding what he meant.

In fact, for Mao Xiong and Li Ran, Vladimir is determined to win, and he must let Li Ran come to the Frunze Military Academy.

Because in Vladimir's view, this is an opportunity for Mao Xiong. Even if the price that needs to be paid is a bit high, as long as they discuss it, it is not absolutely impossible and everything can be communicated and discussed. .

As for why Li Ran was given the title of honorary major general, it was entirely out of appreciation and admiration for Li Ran.

In any case, their Mao Xiong wanted to make friends with a commander like Li Ran and was willing to give Li Ran the honorary rank of major general.

Regardless of whether Li Ran comes to Mao Xiong or not, as long as Li Ran comes to Mao Xiong, Li Ran will enjoy the treatment of a major general in Mao Xiong.

That's right, Li Ran beat the always very proud Mao Xiong into submission, and he was convinced by Li Ran.

In Vladimir's view, a commander like Li Ran is too important and can be regarded as a strategic-level commander.

What is the strategic level? It is related to the fate of a country and the fate of an army.

The existence of such a strategic-level commander is so important to a country and a force that it is rare to find it.

Especially in today's modern world, the emergence of such a strategic-level commander is of great significance.

If placed in the last century, Ji Ran would definitely be comparable to Rommel, Soumanstein, and Guderian.

Yes, in Vladimir's eyes, Li Ran has such strategic value, which is much higher than the strategic value of five heavy divisions.

Li Ran was originally a major general in the field army, and now he was awarded the honorary rank of major general by Mao Xiong. Now it is equivalent to saying that Li Ran is a person with double major general rank.

And this man with the rank of double major general is only twenty years old now.

Twenty years old, what is the concept?

This is like the famous champion Hou Huo Qubing in history. Now Li Ran means this in the eyes of field officers and soldiers.

With the existence of such a strategic commander, the rise of the Dragon Kingdom will be unstoppable.

Horrible, really terrible, worthy of being a legend among the field army. At this moment, Li Ran is not only a legend in the field army, but also a world legend.

Such an achievement made the field army, Mao Xiong and other senior generals all secretly nod with admiration.

Awesome, really awesome. A twenty-year-old young man can achieve such an achievement at this age. From ancient times to the present, I'm afraid it's not even a slap in the face.

Now, their field army has such a legend. What a lucky thing it is for their field army.

When a country rises, great talents must come to the world.

Morav looked at Li Ran, who had the title of double major general, and burst into tears for a while.

Woohoo, he was supposed to be awarded the title of Honorary Major General of the Field Army. Originally, after this exercise, he could break through the threshold of brigadier general and be promoted to Major General Mao Xiong.

But now, all the honors that originally belonged to him have been obtained by Li Ran. Even when he sees Li Ran in the future, he will say hello, sir.

It's sad, really sad. He lost completely, very completely. He had always been very confident and suffered a huge blow.

Since Yu is born, why should Li Ran be born? There is already Morav in the world, so why is there another Li Ran?

Compared with the senior generals on both sides, the grassroots officers and soldiers on both sides looked at Li Ran as if they were looking at an unparalleled God of War.

A twenty-year-old young man has achieved such an achievement at such an age.

Incredible, really incredible.

What is a miracle, what is a legend? This is it.

Such an officer is worth worshiping with their souls, and such a commander is worth following with their souls.

At such an age, with such achievements, what a high spirit and magnificence it is~

Thinking of this, the officers and soldiers of the field army only felt a strong fire of passion burning crazily in their hearts until the end.


I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and in an instant, all the officers and soldiers of the field army shouted with excitement and their faces turned red.

The voice was very loud and full of momentum.

The Mao Xiong officers and soldiers shouted the classic exclamation, "Ula!"

The voices of the officers and soldiers on both sides blended together. Although they came from different countries, their feelings resonated at this moment.

That is a kind of worship for the strong, absolute worship!

As the protagonist, Li Ran, listening to the excited shouts of the officers and soldiers from both sides in the audience, glanced at the figures, his face and expression were still very plain, as if he was a worldly expert with extraordinary length.

Even Li Ran is very excited now. He didn't expect Mao Xiong to give him such a big gift.

As a passionate man, anyone would be proud to have reached this point.

A twenty-year-old young man has reached an achievement in his military career that countless officers cannot achieve in their lifetime. This is something to be proud of!

There is only Li Ran, a twenty-year-old double major general in the world today!

This time, the commendation to the officers and soldiers of both sides lasted for nearly an hour before it finally ended. After the end, the elders of both sides began to give speeches...

Of course, they are all official speeches, and when this speech was delivered, reporters, TV stations, and other media personnel were also arranged to come in for interviews.

The main thing is to express an attitude, an attitude that the two parties will continue to cooperate in the future, and an expression of the relationship between the two parties now.

Likewise, the main reason for doing this is to show Yingjiang, to deter Yingjiang.


Many reporters took photos one after another, eager to use up the memory of their cameras. They knew very well that this moment "has such a different meaning."

Such a news release is definitely a headline. This is big news about two countries, and even affects the pattern of the entire world.

As journalists, they will naturally not miss such an opportunity. With these photos and recorded speeches, they will definitely be able to write shocking news headlines.

For them, attracting attention and traffic is everything.

Just when the elders from both sides had finished speaking, and all the media reporters were still in shock, suddenly, something appeared overhead.

Boom boom boom~

The roar of the oversized engine rose into the sky, and four fighter jets they had never seen before flew over their heads, leaving behind a trail of airflow lines.

The flying altitude of the four fighter jets is not very high, allowing everyone to clearly see the shape of the aircraft and even every detail.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the four fighter jets suddenly appearing.

Some people even saw the black ribbons tied up on the plane and reacted instantly.

"Black Ribbon, this is a fifth-generation fighter, 20."

"Here, fifth-generation fighter jets? Have they really been developed?"

“I saw it online before and thought it was all about P, ​​but I didn’t expect it to be true.

"The black ribbon is actually a black ribbon."

Everyone recognized it. This was the appearance of the fifth-generation fighter jet that had been widely circulated on the Internet because it was photographed during the test flight. However, the fighter jet was camouflaged and tied with a black ribbon.

Netizens called the nickname a black ribbon.

But after those pictures came out, many people thought they were fake and that the pictures were fake.

Fifth-generation fighter jets are so advanced, how could they be developed so quickly?

But now, the black ribbon clearly appeared above their heads and flew over their heads, all of which proved to be true.

Shocking, really shocking.

Seeing this scene, the officers and soldiers of Mao Xiong were all shocked.

What's going on? I've actually successfully developed a fifth-generation fighter jet here? When did my brother's 4.2 technology become so advanced?

Originally, from their point of view, the only advantage they had was their air force, but now it seems that they still have a ridiculous advantage.

The little brother developed the fifth-generation machine by himself, which is so scary, and the secret development speed is too fast.

Even the expression on Elder Mao Xiong's face was stunned. He did not expect that the Field Army had successfully developed a fifth-generation aircraft.

The air force has reached an unprecedented level of strength, and with the presence of strategic commander Li Ran, today's fighter jets are a bit scary, really scary.

Even though Elder Mao Xiong doesn't want to admit it now, he knows in his heart that his little brother's fighting ability is just as strong as theirs.

Their Mao Xiong has come down from the peak. Even under his leadership, they have developed to the present, and they are still a long way from the peak.

But the little brother has been making progress, getting stronger and stronger, more and more fierce, scary, really scary.

Fortunately, they are now friends with their little brother. In the future, they, Mao Xiong, will still have opportunities to develop.

Many grassroots officers and soldiers in the field army were very excited when they saw the emergence of their own fifth-generation aircraft for the first time.

Alas, that's the only bad thing about the field army. They hide all the good things they have, and even their own people don't know that the air force has developed so well now.

If the fifth-generation aircraft had been sent out earlier, they would have won easily, and they were hidden too deep.

After the matter here ended, Elder Mao Xiong did not return immediately. Instead, he summoned a group of senior generals on the spot and immediately held an emergency meeting.

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