Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

727: Li Ran’S Terrifying Data! This Deal Has To Be Done

After the speech, according to the original plan, Elder Mao Xiong was supposed to take people away, and at the same time, Mao Xiong's participating troops also had to withdraw to the country as planned.

But now, Vladimir immediately convened an emergency meeting.

All the senior generals of Mao Xiong who participated in the performance were present. When they learned that Vladimir was going to hold an emergency meeting, the elder was very considerate and asked people to prepare a good conference room for Vladimir and others.

Ensure a very safe conference room without any eavesdropping equipment.

In fact, there are professional personnel here at Mao Xiong who will check it. There is no point in preparing those gadgets, and it will also affect the relationship between the two parties.

Over here, conference room C.

Elder Mao Xiong's face was very serious. When he saw that his younger brother's fifth-generation machine had been successfully developed and he dared to expose it in public, Vladimir had a very bad feeling.

Judging from the little brother's temper, since the little brother has exposed the fifth-generation machine, it means that the little brother's fifth-and-a-half-generation or sixth-generation machine is under development.

Thinking of this, Vladimir felt very depressed.

Hasn’t the field of combat power engines always been the weak point of Little Brother? Why suddenly, Little Brother’s technology has developed so rapidly?

Did you get a fifth-generation machine out without making a sound? This speed is too scary.

Have all the technical problems that troubled me before been solved? Where did I solve them?

You know, the bald eagle is now eyeing its younger brother. Do you expect to buy technology from outside? It is impossible. The bald eagle is very strict and no one can sell it.

Unless the little guy here has the ability to get things from there to here out of thin air at once.

How is this possible?

If this little brother had such super powers, he would have been invincible by now.

As an elder of Mao Xiong, this is the first time to hold an emergency meeting in another country, but special circumstances require special treatment.

Just making a deal with my little brother in exchange for Li Ran coming to Frunze Military Academy, there must be a result now.

Thinking of this 08, Vladimir was very depressed.

The strategic commander of Little Brother is really cool. Originally, he had negotiated with Little Brother’s elders to exchange maritime technology for the strategic commander to serve for three years. However, when it came time to negotiate, the strategic commander himself increased the price. , I want a White Swan.

You know, there are only a few White Swan fighter jets in the entire Mao Xiong. With Mao Xiong's current technology, they can't even produce them. If they sell ten of them, there will be one less one.

Therefore, this matter must be discussed carefully.

"Everyone, what do you think of this strategic commander of Dragon Kingdom?" Vladimir asked directly.

"Elder, our Dragon Kingdom is in great need of such a strategic commander. His arrival will definitely bring immeasurable benefits to our Mao Xiong."

"Yes, our Mao Xiong is currently very lacking in such commanders. I even feel that the system of the field army is more mature than ours.

"Three years is actually enough for us. We can arrange for the best students to further their studies under this commander. 11

As Vladimir spoke, everyone else present expressed their need for Li Ran, a strategic-level commander.

They, Mao Xiong, currently lack such a strategic commander.

Originally, they had no such plan. In their eyes, Morav thought he was very good, very good.

But there is no harm without comparison. After this exercise, look at Morav again. Compared with Li Ran, Morav is not worthy of carrying someone's shoes. He is a complete weakling.

If Mao Xiong now has such a strategic-level commander, Zai Xiong's fighter jets will definitely grow geometrically linearly.

Yes, the senior Mao Xiong generals present have such confidence, very much confidence.

Just to get this strategic-level commander to serve here at Mao Xiong, the price would be a bit high.

"Since everyone wants him, the question is, should we sell the White Swan?" Vladimir asked the most critical question.

The attitude of the Field Army is very clear. If you want Li Ran, you have to sell a White Swan.

The importance of the white swan to their furry bears is even more important than these maritime data.

It can be said that whenever there is some trouble outside, the white swan only needs to go out and fly once, and everything will be honest. This is the deterrent power of the white swan.

Such an important white swan is still a product of the last century. In recent years, Mao Xiong's technicians can only strengthen the white swan to a certain extent and add some advanced functions. However, if they want to imitate it, they still do not have the technical conditions.

Every time a white swan is sold, there will be one missing.

After hearing the elder's words, everyone present suddenly fell silent.

The White Swan is too important. What if this White Swan is sold to a little brother, and the little brother imitates it every day?

If that time really comes, it will be very dangerous.

Originally, my little brother's army's combat effectiveness was terrifying. If the air force became more powerful, it would be truly invincible.

Although the relationship between them and their little brother is now that of little brother and big brother, there are no permanent friends, only interests.

If those guys like Bald Eagle weren't watching eagerly, how could their relationship with their little brother be at this point?

Therefore, it is very important to have a balance between the two parties, and this balance cannot be broken.

"Elder, what is your attitude?" A furry bear general asked in a deep voice.

"My opinion is to sell." Vladimir made a decision after pondering for a while.

Yes, in the eyes of the elder Mao Xiong, exchanging a White Swan for Li Ran to work in Mao Xiong's country is a very cost-effective deal, and it is worth it.

Even though this exceeded his original expectations, in Vladimir's opinion, it was still worth it.

"Elder, do you really want to sell the white swan?"


Hearing this, all the senior Mao Xiong generals present couldn't help but gasp.

The interest of their elders in the strategic commander of the Field Army was far beyond their expectations, far beyond their expectations.

Even though the field army has increased the price now, my elders still want this strategic level commander.

"Everyone, you just saw my little brother's fifth-generation machine. Their fifth-generation machine has been developed and officially exposed. Based on your understanding of my little brother, when have they ever been so high-profile? When we can see When they were developing fifth-generation aircraft, I think they are now developing fifth-generation aircraft, or even sixth-generation aircraft." Vladimir said depressedly.

Little brother, this is what makes them feel the most disgusting, but if you think about it carefully, it is completely normal.

After all, whatever wealth you have, you can't reveal it all at once.

It's just that my little brother is more tolerant and managed to get the fifth-generation machine out without making any noise. This is very exaggerated.

And according to my little brother’s style, fifth-generation machines have come out. I’m afraid the fifth-and-a-half-generation machines are in the experimental stage. Are sixth-generation machines still far away?

Hearing this, everyone present suddenly fell silent again.

Indeed, today my little brother showed off the fifth-generation machine, which shocked them greatly.

In the previous exercises, I saw that my little brother's air force was nothing more than that. There was still pressure to fight against them. If it weren't for the cooperation of the ground troops, it would be impossible to defeat their air force.

But now, fifth-generation aircraft have come out, and advanced fighter jets are enough to make up for the shortcomings of pilots who have no actual combat experience.

Besides, my pilot's flying skills are not bad, he just lacks some practical experience.

But they have a terrifying strategic commander here. The existence of such a strategic commander can often control the changes in a war and change the destiny of a country.

So important.

Now it is basically certain that the technological development on my side is not bad, but my personality is there. No matter how advanced the technology is, I will hide it, and then secretly plot against people. This is what I like most. things to do.

If I continue to develop according to this technology, who knows whether I will develop a strategic bomber comparable to the White Swan in a few years?

By that time, if they want to use the white swan to replace Li Ran, the strategic commander, there will definitely be no chance.

So, there is only one chance now.

Everyone fell into thinking for a while, and they were extremely entangled in their hearts. They were still thinking about whether to sell it or not? Should they exchange it?

"Elder, I have a question. The performance of this strategic commander of the field army in this exercise was indeed very impressive, but there is also a big problem, that is, his tactical style is too bold and too wild. , Is this style suitable for our Mao Xiong's combat system? And if he comes to serve in our Mao Xiong, will he be able to do his best?" At this time, a Mao Xiong Lieutenant General asked a question that he was worried about.

Whether or not to sell White Swan mainly depends on Li Ran's value.

Looking at it now, the commander of the field army has an impeccable personal quality and cannot be picky. He indeed commanded the field army to fight very fiercely.

But if you study carefully, during this exercise, the field army major general's tactical style was extremely bold, and a commander's tactical style is very critical.

Whether a unit can exert its maximum combat effectiveness depends on whether it matches the commander's style.

Their woolly bear combat style has been set. If the commander of the field army is allowed to impart some knowledge and skills, will it have a counterproductive effect?

Also, will this commander fulfill his responsibilities after he takes up his post in Mao Xiong?

What if this commander goes to work for Mao Xiong and does nothing there?

After hearing this, Elder Mao Xiong said: "Chief of Staff Yelusky, tell everyone about the modeling data last night."


After Admiral Mao Xiong agreed, he read out a set of data in front of Mao Xiong.

This is the modeling they stayed up late last night, specifically doing a data modeling to analyze the various orders issued by Li Ran, the younger commander, during the exercise.

You don’t know if you don’t analyze it, but you will be shocked if you analyze it.

Under the gaze of everyone, the furry bear followed the general and said slowly: "According to the modeling results, although Li Ran's overall command looks bold, in fact, the success rate of any tactical order I give is More than 80%, and any tactical order he issued was judged to be valid..."

After hearing what Admiral Mao Xiong said about the 000 research data on Li Ran, everyone present except Vladimir, who already knew about it, was shocked.

what's going on?

The success rate of every tactical order is more than 80%? Doesn't it mean that every tactical order he gives is very correct and can exert strategic value? How terrifying is this? Who can do it?

Even Rommel and Guderian back then probably didn't have such a success rate.

Also, there is not a single redundant tactical order. That is, any tactical order issued by Li Ran during the exercise is all effective and plays a key role. There is no redundant order that will cause damage to the base.

The time on the first floor was delayed, but not a single fighter opportunity was wasted.

This is too terrifying, no matter which one it is, it is a very terrifying existence.

The most terrifying thing is that all of these are concentrated on one person. This is the most perverted thing.

Now they understand why their elders want Li Ran so much. Such a strategic level commander is indeed too powerful, even more powerful than five divisions.

After learning the data Li Ran produced during the exercise, all the commanders present felt very ashamed.

To be honest, these generals and lieutenant generals all come from the grassroots level. They have been working in this position for so many years.

But now it seems that compared with Li Ran, their military quality has been completely put down, and they are all blamed on dogs.

It would be great if such a commander was their furry bear.

"As for the second question, there's no need to worry. We can see and feel whether he teaches attentively. I still have credibility here. As long as it's consistent

Once the negotiation is concluded, both parties must be satisfied. "Vladimir said: "And even if there is a transaction, all our things will not be given out at once. "

Hearing this, all the senior Mao Xiong generals present nodded.

In this case, there will be no problem.

"Let's talk about this deal with them and risk our lives." At this time, a furry bear general gritted his teeth and said, which was regarded as a formal decision.

"Trade, we need this kind of talent to make some changes for us."

"With my current technological speed, it will only be a matter of time before we develop more advanced fighter jets. Let's make this deal with them while the White Swan is still valuable.

"Yes, deal."

"Okay, then make this deal with them [cross by swan, cross by swan." Vladimir said solemnly.

This matter was officially decided.

All that was left was for him to talk to the elders of Long Kingdom in person.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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