Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

728: Li Ran Is Heartbroken! Look At This Ugly Face

While Elder Mao Xiong was holding a meeting with a group of senior generals to discuss, on the other side, the field army was here.

In the conference room.

Including the elders, the general staff bosses and senior officials, including Li Ran, are all here.

Mao Xiong was in a meeting, and the Field Army was also in a meeting. To be honest, the main reason was that Li Ran was adding chips to Elder Mao Xiong. Elder Mao Xiong was caught off guard, and the senior leaders of the Field Army were also caught off guard.

No one expected that Li Ran would do this. The key is that this move was so arrogant that no one could be off guard.

Of course, if Elder Mao Xiong hadn't spoken, everyone present wouldn't even know that his elder had reached a deal with Elder Mao Xiong and used the information from the sea to detail Jiran's appointment to Mao Xiong.

Everyone present also knew that the elders had elders' considerations, so some things naturally had plans and arrangements in mind. It was reasonable not to say hello to them in advance.

"Please tell me what you think about this cooperation between the two parties." The elder said slowly.

He had already negotiated with Elder Mao Xiong, but he didn't expect Li Ran to come to such a place, but now, he came as soon as he came, and Li Ran also did it for the good of the field army.

Everyone understands the value of Mao Bear and White Swan, so it is simply impossible to say that everyone is not interested in this cooperation.

"Elder, I think this cooperation is very necessary. What Mao Xiong provides is so important to our field army, and we all need it urgently."

After the elder finished speaking, the admiral immediately expressed his stance, as if he was almost sending Li Ran to the bear in a boat.

"Yes, I think it is very necessary. This cooperation will definitely be a win-win situation for both of us. Moreover, we have established a military academy exchange student system with Mao Xiong. In the long run, this cooperation has very profound implications. Meaning," the Air Force commander said.

Of course, as the commander of the Air Force, he couldn't resist the white swan at all.

They have wanted this thing for many years. Back then, if the bald eagle hadn't interfered with the situation, they would have been able to get one over. Now that they have this opportunity again, they can't give up at all.

Now they already have the Dragon 20. It would be wonderful if they could get the White Swan and get a strategic bomber Dragon 20.

We have all the most advanced fighter jets and bombers, and we are ready to fight the Eagles.

Of course, that's what I thought. After all, it was impossible for the Air Force Commander to say that he wanted to send Li Ran out to achieve this cooperation because of the White Swan.

After hearing the words of the navy admiral and air force commander, a cold light appeared in the eyes of the general staff boss.

I'm sorry, Li Ran is not from your Air Force or Navy, right? You are so anxious to send Li Ran out, how can he not know about your thoughts?

One wanted maritime technology, and the other wanted White Swan. For these two things, they wanted to send Li Ran away, which led to this cooperation.

Have you ever considered the feelings of an Army General?

Don’t you see that the army general now wants to kill both of you?

Yes, the army general is very angry now. Mad, the two guys who don't want Bilian, in order to get these two things from Mao Xiong, trade with their army people, it is really a good calculation.

If you have the ability, why don't you trade your own people with Mao Xiong? Are you trying to get their army general's idea? Have you got his consent?

After so many years, is it easy for the Army to come out for just one season?

What if Li Ran goes to Mao Xiong’s place and something happens? What if Mao Xiong or someone borrows something from him and doesn’t return it?

Have you considered all of this? Do you have any preparation plans?

"I don't agree." The Army General said directly: "We will not do loss-making business, and Mao Xiong will not do loss-making business either. You have also seen Li Ran's performance in the exercise. I can say that even if The reincarnation of Rommel and Guderian is probably nothing more than this, not even as good as Li Ran. If you just trade with such an important strategic commander, won't your consciences hurt? Don't you? Do you know the importance of Li Ran to the field army? Do you have any preparation plan? What if Li Ran has an accident at the Mao Xiong place? What if Li Ran cannot eat well or sleep well there? What if Li Ran gets Mao Xiong there? What should I do if the beautiful bear is tempted?"

The army general looked distressed and said: "As a senior general of the field army, I strongly condemn and despise you for being like this."

In front of the elders and everyone else, what the Army General said was so awe-inspiring that it made both the Navy Admiral and the Air Force Commander blush and feel ashamed.

Have they gone too far before? Have they been too selfish?

Li Ran is still here, and they are just thinking about these things without thinking about Li Ran at all. Such thoughts are very selfish.

As expected of the big brother of the Army, he considers everything comprehensively and his ideas are so firm. He is not blinded by the sugar-coated bullets fired by Mao Xiong at all.

The spirit of the Army General is worth learning.

Indeed, they were wrong, their previous thoughts were a little too selfish.

What they said before did not take into account Li Ran's personal thoughts at all. Such behavior is wrong.

Thinking of this, the two of them immediately fisted their fists and said to Li Ran: "Comrade Li Ran, don't take what you just said to heart, because we didn't think carefully.

"Yes, you have to make your own decision regarding this matter."

After hearing what the two people said, Li Ran immediately said that nothing was wrong. He was actually very shocked. Hearing what the Army General said, he couldn't help but be very moved.

Sure enough, there are still good leaders in the field army, such as army generals.

At the critical moment, the army general is the only one who considers his personal thoughts and thinks for himself. Sure enough, he can see people's hearts at the critical moment.

Look at the boss of the General Staff again. From the beginning to the end, he was silent and didn't say a word. He even said that he was his illegitimate son before.

Damn, this is how an illegitimate child is treated. Faced with the little temptation given by Mao Xiong, how can I still have the so-called illegitimate child status?

Look at the army generals again. Why are they all generals? Why are there such big gaps between people?

Besides, you are still the boss of the General Staff, but you are not as enlightened as an army general, which makes Li Ran very disappointed.

"Boss of the General Staff, I'm not talking about you. Usually you always say that Li Ran is your illegitimate son, but look at it now, is your attitude towards an illegitimate son? People use your illegitimate son to trade, but you always You have been silent and silent. Is this the attitude you should have as an elder and a superior? You have always been a general staff boss that I respected before, but now, you are like this, which makes me very disappointed. .”

After talking to the navy admiral and air force commander, the army admiral felt very happy.

He found that the way Li Ran looked at him changed, he was so kind, and there was a lot of touching in the kindness.

So now it is necessary to play it a little further and talk about the boss of the General Staff.

You know, usually he doesn't have this opportunity, nor does he have the courage to talk to the General Staff boss, but it's different now, and he can take the opportunity to talk.

But after hearing the Army General's words, the general staff boss was very calm and said calmly: "How about asking Mao Xiong to add their latest main battle tank technology? Or the technical data of rocket launchers?"

As soon as these words came out, the army general was stunned for a moment.

Then, as if he was a different person, he immediately changed his face and said directly: "If Mao Xiong is willing, I think this cooperation is not impossible."

After saying that, the army general looked at Li Ran, gave an encouraging look and said: "You can go with peace of mind, we are at home, don't worry, Mao Xiong doesn't dare to do anything to you, we will definitely do more. If you want something, I won’t let you go in vain.”


Seeing the Army General's sudden change of expression, the Navy General and the Air Force Commander couldn't help but gasp.

Immediately afterwards, there was contempt in my heart, very contempt, don't use Bilian, bah, it was so high-sounding as I said before, it turned out to be because your army did not take advantage.

It seems that as long as your army takes advantage, you will send Li Ran away without saying so.

These words made them feel a little ashamed. Now it seems that you, the army general, are all the same thing, not much better.

Li Ran was also speechless for a moment and rolled his eyes. He was moved before, but he was moved earlier. As expected, the senior generals of the field army are all virtuous and will not engage in loss-making business.

Alas, the world, the face, what is face, this is it, it is really very chilling.

Thinking of this, Li Ran slowly looked at the chief of the General Staff, with a look that seemed to say, "Boss of the General Staff, what do you mean, please express your opinion."

It's time, it's time for you, the general staff boss, to step forward.

Although this is a cooperation, as long as Mao Xiong is willing to pay, I don't mind staying there for three years.

Isn't it just three years? Just take a vacation in a different place, relax, and respond to what you want. Doesn't it mean you have to have an attitude?

In fact, the head of the General Staff is also very entangled now. He is naturally reluctant to ask Li Ran to remove the bear, and he is also worried about a lot of things.

But if Mao Xiong is really willing to pay those weights, it will indeed be too tempting.

Those things are really important to the field army, and can help the field army make progress in shortening at least five years.

Therefore, the general staff boss is very entangled in his heart now.

"`" It's up to you, elder, to make the decision. "The chief of the General Staff said, only the elders can make the decision on this matter.

Under the gaze of everyone, the elder spoke slowly. He first looked at Li Ran and said in a deep voice: "Elder Mao Xiong discussed this matter with me and made a temporary decision. It mainly depends on your personal opinion. Let me ask you something first. The question is, are you willing?"

At this point, the elders gave Li Ran a lot of respect. If Li Ran is willing, then proceed to the next step.

If you don't want to, forget it.

"I do." Li Ran nodded.

This really has no impact on me, and it's no big deal to go. It just so happens that Li Ran, Mao Xiong's Frunze Military Academy, wants to go and forgive him.

You must know that many of our predecessors studied there, which does have a different meaning to officers.

Although now, the original Frunze Military Academy has changed its name and is no longer called Frunze, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so there must be some background.

Therefore, Li Ran planned to see it.

Seeing that Li Ran was subjectively willing to go, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. Li Ran can only proceed to the next step if he is willing to do so. Otherwise, there is no need to proceed to the next step.

"Okay, since you are willing, then the problem is simple. Just follow what Li Ran said, maritime data plus a White Swan. If they are willing, then they will reach cooperation. If they are not willing, then it will stop here." The elder said directly.

That's right, the pressure is now on Mao Xiong. It's no problem to reach cooperation and it's no problem to want Li Ran to teach.

As long as you provide maritime information and sell a White Swan, then there will be talks, otherwise, it's over.

Everyone here has decided

And he is already prepared and will not give in.


The furry bears know the strategic value of Li Ran, don’t they?

If the conditions were not attractive enough, how could the bear be allowed to go out?

"Elder, what about Li Ran's personal safety?" the chief of the General Staff asked.

(Good Zhao Zhao) "Don't worry, they don't dare to mess around. If they dare to have such an idea, then don't blame me for falling out." The elder said, the firmness in his tone can be heard by everyone.

After hearing this, General Staff Street also relaxed.

In this way, the two sides met again, but this time it was their elder and the elder Mao Xiong who met alone.

In the conference room.

"Is it okay to exchange the maritime data for three years, as agreed?" Vladimir said directly.

"No, that's what I agreed with you, but the person who goes is Li Ran, not me, so we must respect his opinion." The elder said with a smile and a very firm tone.

Hearing this, Vladimir cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

"The maritime information plus the white swan will give him five years of service." Vladimir said.

Although he has already negotiated a white swan, he still wants to win something more, such as allowing Li Ran to teach longer.

"No, three years is all. When the time is up, we must let him go." The elder shook his head, his attitude still very firm.

"Let's do this, four years, you make a step, and I make a step, it's okay. What kind of friendship do we have?" Vladimir played the emotional card.

"No, just three years. If it doesn't work, forget it. Don't force it." The elder said and was about to get up and leave.

"Okay, then three years."

Seeing that he couldn't talk no matter what, Vladimir gave up reluctantly.

Mudd, when it comes to cooperation, furry bears have never been a strong suit.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation." Seeing Elder Mao Xiong's agreement, the elder smiled and extended his right hand.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate.

As for the details of the subsequent cooperation, they are still being discussed. The main ones have been decided, and the subsequent problems will not be big.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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