Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

739: The Legend Is Getting Married! Go To Air Force Headquarters

Commander of the 1st Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army, a legendary officer of the Field Army, a 20-year-old major general of the Field Army, the first outstanding person in the Field Army to be awarded the rank of Major General Mao Xiong, the founder of the Combined Brigade, and the king of tactics.

Li Ran has too many titles now, and everything he has done is a legend among legends.

But now, it is such a legendary person who, after causing a sensation by announcing his marriage proposal, announced another news not long after.

Li Ran is getting married! His future wife is confirmed.

This time is different from the last time. The last time was announced to the public by the head of the General Staff, without Li Ran's complete knowledge or even unwillingness.

But this time, it was Li Ran who took the initiative to announce that he was getting married.

At the same time, the candidate for his wife was also announced, Ai Xue, captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade.

If he were an ordinary field army officer, even if a major general got married, it would not cause such a big sensation as Li Ran.

By the way, there is no news about major generals getting married, because all the major generals in the field army are young, except Li Ran.

At the same time, Li Ran's official announcement of her marriage also made single lesbians in all major military regions feel sad for a while.

Li Ran is getting married, why is the bride not me?

I feel so uncomfortable and want to cry.

How many single lesbians regard Li Ran as their dream man and the perfect marriage partner.

But now, Li Ran is getting married, and all their previous fantasies have come to nothing.

"Mr. Li is getting married. I'm jealous. Getting married is such a big battle."

"I have to say, Mr. Li is really awesome. Today I saw many lesbians in the agency being sad, saying why Mr. Li got married and the bride was not them.

"Hey, no way, it's so exaggerated?"

"No, I'm afraid you don't know how charming Mr. Li is."

"Actually, if I were a woman, I would also like to find someone like Mr. Li, who is young, handsome, outstanding, and impeccable in every aspect."

"Mr. Li, there is no one idol in my heart."

Compared with the discussions in other military regions, the atmosphere in the Northern Military Region is undoubtedly the most explosive.

The commander of the Northern Military Region was very happy to learn that Li Ran's personal affairs were resolved and his marriage partner was confirmed.

As long as Li Ran gets married, more than half of the tasks assigned by the General Staff will be completed, and the huge stone in his heart will be relieved.

He has no control over who Li Ran's marriage partner is, but since she is also a female officer in the army, she is naturally the most suitable and the most reassuring one.

After Li Ran gets married, all that's left is to urge Li Ran to have a baby as soon as possible, so that his mission will be completed.

That's right, the task assigned by the General Staff is not just to get Li Ran married. Li Ran not only needs to get married, but also has a child.

Ai Xue, the commander of the Northern Military Region, knows that he is the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade of the Combined Brigade, which is affiliated to the Northern Military Region.

In this case, it seems necessary to call the Hesheng Brigade and ask Manzhi to give Ai Xue more vacation and be prepared for Ai Xue to get pregnant immediately after getting married.

After all, lesbians are different from men!

After reading it, the commander of the Northern Military Region made an internal call to the combined brigade.

Zhuhe training ground, synthetic land.

Inside the office.

The phone rang and Manzhi picked up the phone.

"Hello, I am Manzhi, the commander of the Hesheng Brigade." Manzhi said, his voice full of anger.

After all, the commander of the combined brigade is not a simple one. Even though he is just a brigade commander, in fact, the combined brigade is more powerful than the ace division in the military region.

From the moment the combined battalion came out, it has completely replaced the special forces and become the treasure of the military region commander.

Therefore, the combined brigade has a high status in the Northern Military Region and has a lot of cards.

Manzhi was confident, but after hearing the voice on the phone, he immediately softened.

"Hello, Commander, if you have any orders, just give them." Manzhi said immediately after learning that the caller was from the military region headquarters.

There is no way, this is a top leader and must be taken seriously.

The commander of the Northern Military Region notified Manzhi of the news that Li Ran was getting married and that the wedding partner was Ai Xue, and then told Manzhi: "Li Ran is your old leader and the founder of the Synthetic Brigade. Although He is getting married soon, but it is also very important for him to have a child. This is to leave outstanding potential seedlings for our field army, so on Ai Xue's side, you must give her as much free time as possible, and it is best to arrange Personally replacing Ai Xue’s work”

The Northern Commander talked a lot here, just like an old woman.

Although the matter mentioned is not a serious and urgent task, it is a very important matter in the admiral's mind.

Prepare for Li Ran to have a baby as soon as possible!

Li Ran is the commander of Division Z, and he will also explain the follow-up work, mainly to Ai Xue. After all, the child was conceived by a lesbian, not by Li Ran.

Therefore, we must remind the synthetic brigade to give Ai Xue enough time and give the young couple enough free time to get along and have babies.

In short, the attitude of the commander of the Northern Military Region is very clear.

That is, it is very important for Li Ran to give birth to a child, and it is also very urgent.

If the Hesheng Brigade delayed the two people's work of making babies, Manzhi would not be spared.

After hanging up the phone, Manzhi breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed inwardly.

The old leader is awesome. Personal matters such as getting married or having a baby can cause such a shock and attract such attention from superiors.

Judging from the tone of his commander's words just now, Manzhi had no doubt that he was going to transfer Ai Xue directly to Division Z and become Li Ran's personal secretary, leaving the two of them there 24 hours a day. Let’s make a baby together as soon as possible and complete the task of making a baby.

Only the old leaders are treated like this, but other field army unit chiefs cannot be treated like this.

What? You don’t have time to make babies? You were asked to make babies in the army? This is the place where you make babies?

Having no time means that you are not good at work. If you have outstanding work ability and finish the work early, how can you not have time?

Of course, Manzhi would not dare to say these words.

However, what makes Manzhi most gratified and fortunate is that Ai Xue went with perseverance this time and was fully prepared. As for the Synthetic Brigade, the work has been handed over, and the deputy captain is fully qualified to do the job. Captain functions.

Ai Xue finally succeeded in taking down the old leader. In fact, this was a good thing for the combined brigade, and she became even closer to Division Z.

Even if Ai Xue is pregnant now, it will not affect the daily training of the synthetic brigade.

Thinking of this, Manzhi was very happy.

"Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff." At this time, Manzhi shouted: "Go and call the Chief of Staff.


Soon, the chief of staff of the synthetic brigade came over.

"What's up?"

"Let me tell you a big news. Ai Xue has taken down the old boss, and the two are getting married. The superiors called us and asked us to arrange enough time for Ai Xue to make a baby."

"Really? That's great. The captain finally got his wish." The chief of staff smiled.

No one in the Hesheng Brigade knew that Ai Xue was obsessed with her old leader, and there were rumors of an affair between the two before.

Unexpectedly, this time it was finally done and the two of them were going to get married.

"Notify this news, and also inform the Electronic Countermeasures Brigade, so that the deputy captain will have to work harder from now on. Ai Xue is married and pregnant for a long time, and she must rely on him to support her during this period, and I don’t know if Ai Xue will come back in the future.”

"Ah? No way. Isn't Captain Ai coming back?"

"It's impossible to tell. Tell me, once the child is born, what should I do if I join Ai Xue and want to take care of the child by myself? You know, old leader, that he is very busy. If Ai Xue doesn't want her parents-in-law to take care of the child, then (aiea) must be brought up by herself." Manzhi analyzed, it can be said that he is thinking very long-term.

"You are right. It is necessary to say hello to Vice Captain Luo and ask him to pay attention and be mentally prepared." The chief of staff nodded.

After all, the Hesheng Brigade is located at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground and has a bad reputation.

Some news will spread very slowly here if no one takes the initiative to notify it.

If it hadn't been for the call from the commander of the Northern Military Region, it would have been at least a week before the combined brigade knew the news.

As the news from the Synthetic Brigade spread, the Synthetic Brigade was in a state of excitement.

"What? The old leader is getting married to Captain Ai? Let me go, is it true or not?"

"Captain Ai is awesome, he took down the old leader."

"I have long seen that Captain Ai has a crush on the old leader, and now he finally has his wish."

"I really envy the old leader. Captain Ai is such a beautiful person. Whoever can marry her as his wife is so happy.

"Then you haven't seen that when Captain Ai loses her temper, the brigade commander is afraid, but I guess the old leader can suppress her.

"I don't know where Captain Ai got married? Our synthetic brigade can be regarded as Captain Ai's natal family. The old leader should be back."

"I'm looking forward to it. I'm still waiting to eat the old leader's wedding candies and cigarettes."

Northern Military District, Army Group H.

Knowing that Li Ran was getting married, Army Commander Tan Shi immediately began to make arrangements.

Because the military region headquarters also called and notified him, asking him to worry more during this period, mainly to give Li Ran more time to rest.

Tan Jun also understands this very well.

Although Li Ran's final marriage partner was not his daughter Tan Lingling, nor did she become his son-in-law, this did not hinder his appreciation and admiration for Li Ran.

What matters between men and women is fate. Without fate, there is no solution. Besides, how long have Li Ran and Ai Xue known each other?

Therefore, although my daughter lost in the end, she actually did not regret the loss.

In this regard, he also enlightened his daughter. Fortunately, although Tan Lingling was a little sad, it was still within control. The only thing that made Tan Jun depressed was that from now on, his daughter would probably return to the way she was before, not treating men well. Got a cold.

Unless she can meet another person like Li Ran who can make her tempted and pursue her actively.

But in Tan Jun's view, it's very difficult.

It's really hard to find someone who can compete with Li Ran, but now we can only take one step at a time.

Division Z.

"Mr. Wang, why am I calling? It's okay. I just want to tell you that I'm getting married. Hahaha, of course I'm happy. Thank you, thank you. You must come to my wedding banquet then."

"Commander Song, I, Li Ran, yes, you have received the news. Yes, I am getting married. Thank you, thank you. Come and have a wedding banquet then.

"Principal Wang, don't you remember this old friend of mine? Yes, it's been fine recently. I'm calling to tell you that I'm getting married, haha, thank you."

In the office, Li Ran happily called some people to inform some people.

Li Ran has reached the position of major general, and his network of contacts is naturally very extensive. Besides, who doesn't want to know Li Ran? Make friends with Li Ran, a legend in the field army? A twenty-year-old major general?

Some people had already known the news that Li Ran was getting married in advance, but after receiving the call, they still

very happy.

Because Li Ran can take the initiative to make this call, it means that he is very happy to regard them as friends.

"That's almost enough. The movement is a bit louder."

In order to win over Li Ran, Ai Xue even took the initiative to win over Li Ran for the first time, completely letting go of her reserve, but now she is a little shy.

Because the noise was getting louder and louder, she and Li Ran got married, and all the major military regions were alarmed.

"I'm marrying a wife. It's such a happy thing. Isn't it a big deal? Besides, when have I ever been high-profile? I just got married once in my life. "Of course I have to make the most of it." Li

Ran smiled.

Since Li Ran has chosen to get married, she naturally has to do it comfortably and not be afraid of making a big fuss.

"You." Ai Xue patted Li Ran dissatisfiedly, but she was still very happy, touched and happy in her heart.

Naturally, Li Ran and Ai Xue took care of the marriage in the army. As for the marriage outside, it was handled by his parents, so Li Ran was not worried.

Here, Li Ran just hung up the phone when it suddenly rang.

"Hello, who's there?"

"You brat, you're getting married, congratulations."

A familiar and comforting voice rang on the phone.

"Chief, I didn't expect you to know everything." Li Ran smiled and said that the call was from the head of the General Staff, Li Ran was a little surprised.

"The commander of your dignified First Heavy Equipment Division, a 20-year-old major general, is getting married. How can anyone not know about such a big news?" The chief of the General Staff joked: "But you finally got married.

With the big matter solved, it can be regarded as settling one of my worries. "

"Chief, you shouldn't have just told me this when you called me personally." Li Ran asked.

"You're right, kid. There's something that requires you to come to the cabin crew as soon as possible." When it came to business, the general staff boss also regained his seriousness and said.

"Kong Si?" Hearing this, Li Ran was a little surprised: "What should I do there?"

"It's not all related to your kid."


"Have you forgotten?"

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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