Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

740: Professional Air Force Blue Force! Are You Worthy Of The Eagle Sauce?

The words of the general staff boss made Li Ran confused now.

If Kongsi wants me to go there, does it have something to do with me? What does it have to do with me?

I am a major general in the army, what does it have to do with the aviation department being the headquarters of the air force?

Is it because you are handsome? Is it because you are getting married now, so you need to find a reason to let yourself go and give yourself a red envelope in advance?

Li Ran is puzzled now.

"Chief, how come I didn't expect that tomorrow would have something to do with me?" - Li Ran said helplessly.

"I see that your kid is getting married now. You are not as clear-headed as before when you are happy, right?" The chief of the General Staff said angrily: "Did you forget that time you went to the Eighth Air Force Division, and later gave the Air Force the idea to let them Also form a professional blue force of the Air Force?"

"Chief, this is what happened." After hearing this, Li Ran immediately reacted.

I didn't expect this to happen. I went to the 8th Air Force Division at that time and saw the strength of the current Field Army Air Force. The officers and soldiers lacked war awareness, so Chengcai made some suggestions.

This is just a small suggestion for adults, but the cabin crew attaches great importance to it from top to bottom.

Later, due to the exercise, this matter was temporarily delayed. After the joint military exercise, the aviation department began to form a professional Air Force Blue Army unit.

Although the Army has long established a professional Blue Army unit, the combat system and style of the combined brigade are already quite mature.

But the Air Force and the Army are essentially different. One flies in the sky and the other runs on the ground.

The flying area in the sky is much larger than that on the ground. In order to ensure that they are on the right track, the aviation department wants Li Ran, the founder of the Blue Army, to give advice and help them check.

But from a human perspective, this time may not be appropriate, because Li Ran has just confirmed her marriage partner and is about to get married.

"Let you go, when do you have time?" said the chief of the General Staff.

The head of the General Staff got angry when I mentioned this.

The Air Force is not living up to expectations. It can be seen in the joint military exercises that there is still a gap in strength with Big Brother Mao Xiong's Air Force.

If it weren't for Li Ran's advance deployment preparations, our own air force would have been beaten from the beginning.

Regarding our own Air Force, although my elders did not say anything clearly, they still said that the Air Force must work hard.

Everyone could hear the profound meaning of these words, and the space commander became red-hot at that time.

I can't wait to go back immediately and give the air force a below-the-devil training to improve their strength.

But where the gap lies, the head of the aviation department is also very clear. Our own pilots have no actual combat experience, unlike Mao Xiong.

Therefore, it is very necessary and urgent to establish a professional blue force of the Air Force and cultivate the war awareness of Air Force pilots.

"I have time now." Li Ran said upon hearing this.

"Now? If they let you go this time, they won't let you back in a short time. What will happen to your wedding?" the chief of the General Staff said, worried about this.

If someone from the cabin crew heard this, they would probably cry to death on the spot.

Chief of the General Staff, you have changed. You were not like this before. Before, you put the development and strength of the field army first.

How could you say something like this just because of someone's wedding?

Is it possible that one person's wedding is not as important as the field army and air force becoming stronger?

In fact, in the hearts of the General Staff bosses, I'm afraid it's really not as important as Ji Ran.

Because Li Ran was going to Mao Xiong, the follow-up transaction between the two parties had almost been discussed, and now it was time to set a time.

If Li Ran went to Mao Xiong alone, the top brass of the entire field army would probably be on tenterhooks.

Well, that's strange.

Therefore, Li Ran must be married in China and have a baby before she can let Li Ran leave.

It seemed that Li Ran's marriage was almost settled with great difficulty, but then Kong Si came over like this.

Once he stays with Kongsi for a long time, Li Ran's wedding will be postponed.

The wedding has been postponed, so when can the baby-making thing be brought up on the schedule?

No, this time Li Ran went to the cabin crew and asked Li Ran to take Ai Xue with him. Let the two of them put the making of the baby on the agenda first. They can get on the boat first and then buy the ticket.

Anyway, with Li Ran's character, there is no such thing as boarding the boat first without buying a ticket.

"It's just a matter of checking for them. It won't take long. It's a small matter." Ran said very easily.

Just kidding, I, the founder of the Blue Army and the proposer of the idea of ​​professionalizing the Blue Army in the Air Force, would still be trapped by such a thing?

After going there, three times five times divided by two, it was done. In Li Ran's eyes, it was nothing.

"You can bring your future wife with you. If you stay in the flight control department for a long time, there will be someone who can accompany you." The chief of the General Staff thought for a moment and said.

I think it is very necessary for Li Ran to take Ai Xue there.

"Chief, why should I go to the Air Force to take her there?" Li Ran asked in confusion.

"What, just getting married is not enough. We have discussed it here about your going to teach in Mao Xiong. The best time is when you get married and have children. So, what, you want to Hurry up and don't let Big Bear Bear wait too long, you know what I mean.

When the general staff boss said this, he felt a little embarrassed.

To be honest, it is indeed a bit strange for a general staff boss to say such things to his subordinates.

After learning about this reason from the boss of the General Staff, Li Ran was confused.

What is this reason?

"Forget it, let me ask her. If she wants to go, just take her there. Chief, don't worry, it really won't take long." Li Ran said helplessly.

"Okay, you can figure it out." The chief of the General Staff no longer struggled with this matter.

The phone hangs up.

Ai Xue looked at Li Ran with confusion, not sure what was said on the phone.

Because she seemed to be mentioned in the phone call just now, Ai Xue didn't understand for a moment "What could have anything to do with her.

"The boss of the General Staff asked me to go to the aviation department and take you with me. Do you want to go?" Li Ran asked directly.

"Going to Kongsi? Is it appropriate for me to go?" Ai Xue asked, but she didn't ask Li Ran why he went to Kongsi.

"There is no right or wrong, it just depends on whether you want it or not. The General Staff has spoken. If you want to go, just come with me." Li Ran said.

"Okay, I'll go with you." After hearing this, Ai Xue agreed without hesitation.

Although she didn't know what Li Ran did in the past, she knew that there must be something going on if the General Staff boss called.

Since the chief of the General Staff said she could go, why not?

After finally establishing a relationship with Li Ran, she naturally hopes to stay with Li Ran.

After Li Ran hung up the phone, he temporarily handed over the matter of Division Z to his chief of staff. After explaining it, he took Ai Xue and set off from Division Z.

Take the special plane directly to the flight attendant!

the other side.

General staff!

After receiving the news that Li Ran had left, the chief of the General Staff called the aviation department.

"Li Ran has now left for your cabin crew. I asked him to take his future wife with him. You guys can make arrangements there to give the two of them some separate space as much as possible." The chief of the General Staff warned.

"I understand, please rest assured, chief." The chief of the aviation department said immediately upon hearing this.

He knows what the chief of the General Staff thinks.

He had no problem with the General Staff boss asking Li Ran's future wife to come with him.

As for creating a separate space for two people, it would be easier. If the single room is arranged, no one else will disturb them at night.

It was a great surprise for the head of the aviation department that Li Ran could come to the aviation department at this time.

After all, the head of the aviation department felt a little embarrassed to trouble Li Ran at this time.

The main reason is that Li Ran is an army soldier, not an empty house.

At this point in time, people from across the military service are asked to come over to help. If Li Ran is not easy to talk to, he will really scold her.

Two hours later.

The connecting flight landed at the airport. In order to show his respect for Li Ran, the head of the aviation department personally went to the airport to greet him.

"Commander Li, I'm really sorry to ask you to come over at this time. There's nothing I can do about it," the aviation commander said very politely.

Although he is a lieutenant general, he keeps his attitude very low in front of the major general Li Ran.

Everyone knows that Li Ran is only a lieutenant general now, but it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to lieutenant general, very soon.

In the future, he will definitely take over the leadership of the boss of the General Staff. This has almost reached a consensus among the senior leaders of the field army.

"What did the commander say? The Army and Air Force are both field armies. We are a family. It is our duty to help each other. As long as I can help, I will not delay

Li Ran smiled.

0......Please give me flowers......

If an air force commander gives me a face like this, I can't help myself.

Besides, the army and air force are both field armies.

Hearing Li Ran's words, the smile on the face of the flight commander was very strong.

This is why they have a particularly good impression of Li Ran. He is a very capable young man. The key is not to be arrogant and arrogant. He is very considerate of the overall situation and understands the general situation.

Ai Xue also said hello to the chief of the aviation department. She was just a colonel, but the person in front of her was a real lieutenant general, the commander of the aviation department, that was the chief.

The head of the aviation department was very considerate. He originally thought that it was the first time for Ai Xue and Li Ran to come here, so he planned to take Li Ran to visit first.

But he was rejected by Li Ran.

"Commander, I'm not here for a visit this time. I'm focused on business. I'll have plenty of time to come over in the future." Li Ran smiled.

Li Ran is not the kind of person who cares about face. When he comes to Kongsi, he insists on putting on airs. This bad habit does not exist in Li Ran.

Moreover, Li Ran has already thought about how to correct these trends when he takes over as the head of the General Staff.

At least now in Z Division, such a situation does not exist.

Li Ran's enthusiasm moved the commander of the aviation department very much.

On Ai Xue's side, Li Ran asked her to follow him, not because he was afraid of making Ai Xue feel alienated, but because Ai Xue's expertise would also be helpful to the Air Force in establishing a professional blue force.

That’s the Air Force’s avionics system!

For the Air Force to form a professional blue force, a new system needs to be customized to conduct data analysis of future blue force simulated confrontations.

Everyone came to the military airport.

Soon, a total of twenty pilots appeared in front of Li Ran and others. Among these twenty pilots, the highest rank was a colonel, and the lowest rank was also a major.

"They are all the best pilots in the Air Force." said the commander of the Air Force. "They are also the backbone of the Blue Army pilots."

The purpose of the Air Force Blue Army's professional force is to hone other Air Force divisions.

The character he plays is naturally the most powerful bald eagle in the air force.

Therefore, the pilots naturally selected the strongest pilots to play.


Like, Li Ran nodded, there was no problem in the choice of the cabin crew in this aspect.

Moreover, Li Ran also saw an acquaintance here, Song Feilong, the commander of the Kongba Division.

Li Ran originally proposed this idea in the Eighth Air Division, and Song Feilong finally submitted the specific report to the Air Force Division.

Therefore, the aviation department handed over the task of forming the Blue Army Air Force to Song Feilong.

"The fighter jets played this time are all modified from Dragon 10, and there are also..." At the command of the air force commander, Song Feilong explained the specific deployment plan.

"This is gone?"

After listening to Song Feilong's report, Li Ran was a little surprised.

"No more." Song Feilong said, looking at Li Ran, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Is there any problem?" the flight commander on the side also asked immediately.

This matter is very important to the Air Force and cannot make any mistakes. This is why Li Ran was asked to come over at this time.

"There's nothing wrong with the main idea, it's just the details." Li Ran said: "The fighter jets that play the role of the Blue Army are too single. The Dragon 20 has already come out. You ask the Dragon 10 to change it."

If you go to act, are you looking down on Long 20?"

"Dragon 20 plays the Blues?"


Hearing this, everyone in the air force present couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Dragon 20 is much better than Dragon 10. If you play as the Blue Army, how can you beat it?

"The Blue Army is not strong, so how can the Blue Army train its troops? The advancement of the Dragon 20 is only relative. Compared with the fighter jets from Yingjiang, is it very advanced?" Li Ran asked rhetorically.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

Indeed, their opponent is Yingjiang. Although the Dragon 20 is advanced, it cannot be said to be more advanced than Yingjiang. The fifth-generation aircraft has been developed long ago.

"Also, do you plan to simulate ten times a month? Let's not say thirty simulations a month, but at least twenty-five times. With such a small number of times, you are worthy of your Blue Army.

Identity? Is it worthy of the eyeing Eagle Sauce?"

Li Ran's words immediately stunned everyone present in the Air Force.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!! Righteousness).

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