Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

746: The Most Stylish Wedding! Another Drill

The grand Chinese-style wedding ended successfully with the blessings of relatives and friends on both sides.

The next day, Li Ran took Ai Xue for their honeymoon. This vacation only lasted half a month, so she had to hurry up.

However, due to the status of both parties, especially Li Ran, they definitely couldn't go abroad for their honeymoon, so they chose to stay in China.

He has a private jet at home and can go wherever he wants. Applying for a flight route is not complicated for Li Jun today.

In this way, Li Ran and Ai Xue played outside during the day and in the room at night. The general staff bosses had given instructions, so they naturally had to pay close attention to the task of making babies.

Half a month later.

At the end of the vacation, Li Ran and Ai Xue returned to the army.

The original plan was to hold a wedding outside and another one in the army.

Compared with the outside, there is not so much grandness in the army.

The location was chosen in Division Z, and a simple wedding would be enough. It was not even as grand as the collective wedding held for the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade when Li Ran was still the commander of the Combined Brigade.

Although the wedding was simple, it was not simple for those who came to congratulate her, simply drink a glass of wedding wine, and personally send blessings to Li Ran.

Let’s take the Northern Military Region as an example: the corps commander, military chief of staff, military region commander, in addition, the principal of the non-commissioned officer school and the brigade commander of the combined brigade.

The commander of the Air Force, as well as Song Feilong, the commander of the 8th Air Force Division, is now the head of the professional Air Force Blue Force.

Because of Li Ran, the aviation department attaches great importance to Sein Feilong and intends to give Sein Feilong full responsibility for this important task. On the one hand, it is also to train Sein Feilong.

Besides, Song Feilong himself is the commander of the ace air force division, so it goes without saying that he is capable of "623".

However, the establishment of a professional Air Force Blue Army unit will undoubtedly speed up Song Feilong's progress and increase the distance of progress.

Although Song Feilong has been very busy recently, in order to express his gratitude to Li Ran, Song Feilong took some time to come in person.

Just to drink a glass of wedding wine with Li Ran, send blessings in person, and then rush back immediately.

Although Song Feilong didn't stay long, it was enough to show Song Feilong's intentions.

Of course, in the end, the head of the General Staff came over in person.

The arrival of the General Staff boss was expected by everyone, but also unexpected by everyone.

Needless to say, Li Ran's status in the heart of the General Staff boss is unknown to everyone in the entire field army. It was announced by the General Staff boss himself.

However, after all these years, it was the first time that the head of the General Staff attended the wedding of a field army officer in person. The meaning was so different.

In the end, what made them feel even more incredible was that a phone call came to express their blessing to Li Ran in person.

This call turned out to be from an elder!

Except for the boss of the General Staff who knew in advance, everyone else was shocked. Even Li Ran was very surprised. He did not expect that Elder Yu would personally call ten times to send blessings to him.

This is indeed too important to oneself!

Although it was just a phone call, the attitude was very clear. No one except Li Ran had ever received such treatment.

Others were also amazed at this.

He is indeed a legend in the field army. Even getting married can cause such a big stir. Legends are different.

Elder Qi personally called to send blessings. What a great honor it is.

Everyone is envious of this, but they also know that only Li Ran can have this kind of treatment.

This way.

At this time, Hesheng Brigade Chief You found Ai Xue, the bride, and wanted to know Ai Xue's next plan from Ai Xue.

Ai Xue is the captain of the Electronic Countermeasures Brigade of the Synthetic Brigade. In order to capture Li Ran last time, he did not hesitate to ask for leave. For this reason, he even said that he would not go back until he captured Li Ran.

Now that he has succeeded, he is married to the old brigade commander, and their wedding has been held. Will he be able to join the brigade in the future? Or will he continue to stay in the city?

After all, he is the brigade commander of the combined brigade, and Manzhi now has quite a reputation in the Northern Military Region.

Knowing that the captain of their electronic countermeasures brigade is the wife of the old brigade commander, the two of them have to be busy having a baby after getting married.

But no matter how hard you make babies, you can’t just do nothing and just be busy making babies all day long.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the old brigade commander. If this is really the plan, in Manzhi's view, Ai Xue might as well be professional, leave the front-line unit and transfer to the agency, so that she can better serve as a housewife.

Yukiyada clearly understood that Manzhi came to talk to him.

"I will return to form a brigade tomorrow." Ai Xue said.

"Ah? So fast?" Hearing this, Manzhi was very surprised.

He envisioned many outcomes. He thought that Ai Xue would either apply for a job transfer or continue to take leave, but he never expected that Ai Xue would go back so quickly and so early.

We just held a wedding in the army today and will go back tomorrow.

"I have already planned it. The wedding is held. I will return to the brigade and continue to be the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade. When I get pregnant, I will officially quit the front line." Ai Xue said.

In this matter, she and Li Ran had already planned it before returning to the army.

Although, the boss of the General Staff has told me that the task of making a baby must be completed as soon as possible.

But you can't treat the task of making a baby like cooking. It's unnecessary to just think about it all day long without doing anything.

Besides, having a child is something you often cannot force. If you don’t have to rush for it, the child won’t come. You can only let nature take its course, and maybe it will come.

Some people are very stubborn when it comes to having children. They are anxious to have a baby and wish they could have one every day. But often, they just can't get pregnant for a long time.

On the contrary, correct your mentality and let nature take its course. Even if you see and do it once a month, you might get it right once.

It's hard to say this kind of thing.

Therefore, the two finally agreed that after the wedding in the army, Ai Xue would return to the synthetic brigade and continue to serve as the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade.

Li Ran had time here, so he went to the Synthetic Brigade to see Ai Xue, and by the way, he could also see his old unit.

When Ai Xue confirmed that she was pregnant, she formally applied to quit the front line. She could either become a full-time housewife or be transferred to work in an agency.

During this period, Ai Xue was in the electronic countermeasures brigade, trying her best to arrange the subsequent work as much as possible. After she left, the electronic countermeasures brigade of the synthetic brigade would not have any impact.

"I understand." After hearing Ai Xue's explanation, Manzhi nodded.

This arrangement may be the best arrangement.

After negotiating with Ai Xue, Li Ran found Manzhi.

Manzhi was a little surprised that Li Ran came to him. He originally thought that the old leader was planning to explain Ai Xue's matter to him again.

Who knows~

"Z division and our combined brigade will fight again?"

In the office, Manzhi was stunned when he heard what Li Ran said.

He didn't expect that Li Ran came to him and wanted to fight with their combined brigade again, and it was Li Ran who proposed it himself.

"Yes, I fought with you before, but now I want to see if the Synthetic Brigade has made any progress under your leadership since that time." Li Ran smiled.

Previously, Li Ran commanded the Z Division and had fought against the Combined Brigade.

In that battle, Manzhi and others were heartbroken and shed tears, because they were no match for Li Ran, their old superior.

The methods they were proud of before were of no use in front of the old superior Li Ran.

But now, there is an opportunity to compete with the old leader again, and Manzhi is still looking forward to it.

"Old chief, do the leaders of the military region know about this?" Manzhi asked.

Z Division and the Combined Brigade will conduct another exercise. Such a big thing cannot be carried out without the approval of the military region.

It is basically a confrontation equivalent to the size of two divisions, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. Without the support of military district logistics, it is impossible to successfully conduct a confrontation exercise.

"I'll go talk to the military area. It's just a sentence. I want to ask you what you think?" Li Ran smiled and said in a very relaxed tone.

Li Ran is not bragging. For him, this matter is just a matter of words.

"Of course I am willing." Manzhi said immediately.

Who doesn’t want to compete with masters? Especially masters of the level of Li Ran, an old leader.

During the joint military exercise, he was awarded the honorary Major General of Mao Xiong. With his strength, everyone around Mao Xiong worshiped him, and he also won the honorary title of King of Tactics.

It has already spread throughout the field army~

Although before, Li Ran commanded the Z Division and beat their combined brigade to pieces, but since the last time, Manzhi has been studying and thinking about how to make progress.

But if we can play another game, we can once again find out the shortcomings of the synthetic brigade and verify whether there is any progress. This is the result that Manzhi wants most.

"Since you have no objection, that's fine. I'll talk to the military district later." Li Ran said.

"Thank you, old chief." Manzhi thanked him immediately, very excited.

He thought this was the care given to him and the Synthetic Brigade by his old superior Li Ran...

What Manzhi didn't know was that this exercise was not only for Li Ran to take care of the combined brigade, but also to use this exercise to command a military operation.

Here, Li Ran directly told the military region commander about conducting another exercise with the combined brigade.

In response, the military commander nodded and said nothing more.

The head of the General Staff has already informed him, and the order will be issued directly by the General Staff.

With Li Ran's current identity and status, even though Li Ran is only the commander of the Z Division, in fact, Li Ran can even directly skip Tan Fei as the commander and directly report and discuss with the military region headquarters and even the general staff. matter.

Yes, this is a privilege, a privilege given personally by the head of the General Staff.

Too much? Not at all.

A twenty-year-old major general of the field army, a major general who was admired by the Mao Xiong who used his strength to fight. If Li Ran had not taken some considerations into account, Li Ran would have no problem directly becoming the commander or commander of the army now.

I just thought that it would be too weird to arrange it like this.

The main thing is the transfer at this level, and it doesn't mean that you can transfer just because you have a place.

Besides, Li Ran is only twenty years old, so he is not in a hurry, not at all.

The senior officials of the Northern Military Region know all this.

Manzhi, the commander of the Combined Brigade, rushed back to the Combined Brigade that day, and the General Staff's order was also issued to the Northern Military Region Headquarters that night.

At the same time, the headquarters here goes to the Army Group Headquarters, and the Army Headquarters goes to the Z Division.

The next day.

Ai Xue also returned to the synthetic brigade, and the general staff boss also knew about the discussion between Ai Xue and Li Ran.

In this regard, there was not too much interference.

No matter how you say it, it's all Li Ran's personal affairs. He interfered too much. Now Li Ran is married and has joined the ship.

As for when we will have a baby, no one can say for sure.

Moreover, the general staff boss urged and urged, but he never thought of letting Li Ran and Ai Xue focus entirely on making babies.

He just hoped that when the two of them had time, they would work hard to make a baby.

Zhuhe exercise ground and Hesheng brigade station.

As soon as Ai Xue came back, she received blessings from the officers and soldiers in the brigade.


"Captain Ai, congratulations."

"Congratulations to Captain Ai, you finally successfully captured the old brigade commander."

"Congratulations, Captain Ai, I really envy you for finding such an outstanding man as the old brigade commander."

"Captain Ai is really awesome. He defeated the old brigade commander. I admire him."

The officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade sent their blessings to Ai Xue. Of course, Ai Xue and Li Ran got married, which completely shattered the dream of a single female soldier in the Combined Brigade.

Originally, they thought that there was no substantial relationship between Li Ran and Ai Xue, and they might still have a chance.

But now, both Ai Xue and the old brigade commander are married, and they have no chance at all.

For a while, I could only bless and envy in my heart.

Who wouldn’t want to have a man like Li Ran?

After Ai Xue came back, Manzhi immediately held a meeting.

Brigade meeting room.

The chief officers of each unit arrived one after another. After everyone arrived, Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, strode in.

"stand up."

"Sit down.

Manzhi sat down, glanced around everyone, and then said: "Before the meeting begins, let us once again wish Captain Ai a happy wedding with applause, congratulations.

After speaking, Manzhi took the initiative to clapped his hands.


For a while, applause broke out in the conference room.

The chief officers of each unit all applauded and sent blessings to Ai Fu.

Ai Xue also expressed her gratitude for this.

"thank you all."

Now Ai Xue's identity is different from before. Not only is she the captain of the electronic countermeasures brigade, she is also the old brigade commander's bedfellow.

Of course, you need to be treated well, given enough face, and satisfied with your ambition, which is not a matter of not understanding the world.

If the old brigade commander is happy, he can teach him one and a half moves, which will be enough for him to learn well.

After the applause ended, Manzhi regained his composure and said seriously to everyone: "We have received orders from our superiors. In one week, we will have a confrontation with Division Z."

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Ai Xue was shocked.

Fight against Division Z? Fight against the old brigade commander again?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything. Thank you on your knees!!).

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