Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

747: Manzhi’S Pot! Why Do We Carry It?

After hearing the news announced by Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade unit present was very shocked.

It’s not that they are afraid of drills. As a permanent unit at the Zhuhe drill ground, the Synthetic Brigade has conducted few drills?

Since the establishment of the Combined Brigade, how many large and small exercises have been conducted? They probably can't even remember.

Moreover, the very meaning of the existence of the combined brigade is to become the grindstone force of the entire army, and it is to allow brother units to grow through exercises.

So, they are not afraid of drills.

Drills are a daily routine for them.

But the fight against Division Z was still fought against Division Z under the command of the old commander. They felt pressure, a lot of pressure.

You know, that's the old chief, the founder of the Synthetic Brigade. Besides, it's not like he hasn't been beaten before and was completely tortured.

After the last exercise with Division Z, they felt very frustrated and sad for a long time.

In their opinion, the combined brigade was already very strong, and they had also become very strong. However, they did not expect that they were still incompetent against the old brigade commander and were no match for them.

Now fighting the old brigade commander again, isn't that pure?

Could it be that my brigade commander has drifted away during this period? I don’t know my last name anymore? Do I think I have the capital to challenge the old brigade commander?

Or maybe the problem has happened again and you want to seek abuse?

Yes, that must be the case. Otherwise, their combined brigade would never have had this exercise with the old brigade commander. This exercise was probably requested by the brigade commander.

Damn Manzhi, even if he is looking for abuse, he insists on dragging them along.

Do you think that now that the old brigade commander is married, his combat effectiveness will decrease?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes immediately fell on Manzhi, with great disdain in their eyes.

Are you the only one who still wants to challenge the old brigade commander? Are you worthy?

Sensing something was wrong in everyone's eyes, Manzhi suddenly thought that he had probably been misunderstood.

These people must have thought that they had requested this exercise from the military region on their own initiative.

If so, I wouldn't have to explain so much, but that's really not the point.

Don’t you know how much you weigh? How can you find excitement and go to the old brigade commander for a drill? Have you ever been able to fight? 08

The old brigade commander is recognized as the king of tactics, and he can't even fight a bear. How can he, a mere commander of a combined brigade, have the courage to challenge the old brigade commander again?

They had already been defeated last time, and for this reason they had been ridiculed secretly by other units in the military region for a long time.

How could I be so ignorant that I would challenge the old brigade commander to a duel again?

"This exercise with Division Z was not requested by me, but by the old brigade commander himself." Manzhi explained: "The old brigade commander wanted to test our combined brigade and see what we would do after that exercise." , has there been any progress? So don’t make random guesses. The old brigade commander is also doing this for the good of our combined brigade.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned and shocked.

What's going on? The old brigade commander took the initiative to apply for a drill with them? What does this mean?

What? Could it be that they, the Synthetic Brigade, have been too comfortable during this time, and you want to give them a beating?

Or did their combined brigade do something to make the old brigade commander unhappy, so they want to beat them?

No, no, the combined brigade has always been cautious and stationed at the Zhuhe exercise ground for training. Although it has established many enemies, all combat units in the major military regions are gnashing their teeth at them.

But they have never provoked Master Z, and they have never actively ridiculed Master Z.

Who doesn’t know who the commander of Division Z is?

They mocked no one but dared to mock Master Z?

Since they didn't do anything wrong, it must be Manzhi who did something wrong. It must be Manzhi, the brigade commander, who did something to make the old brigade commander unhappy.

So the old brigade commander specifically looked for this opportunity to educate.

But trading belongs to education, so there is no need to bring them along?

"Brigadier, have you done something to make the old brigade commander unhappy?" Someone couldn't help but ask directly.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused the second opinions of others.

"That's right, brigade commander. Why is the good old brigade commander doing exercises with us when he has nothing to do? How have we ever fought before?"

"Brigadier, you probably did something that made the old brigade commander uncomfortable. Hiding the brigade commander is just a drunkard's intention."

"Let me tell you, brigade commander, if you have done something wrong, you should take the initiative to admit your mistake to the old brigade commander as soon as possible. Why do you need to conduct a drill?

"That's right, how can we be the old brigade commander's opponent?"

For a moment, the chief officers of all the units present started chatting and spoke quickly.

The more they talked about it, the more they thought that this was the most likely possibility. The brigade commander Manzhi must have done something wrong to make the old brigade commander unhappy.

Only then did the old brigade commander apply for the exercise, hoping to use the exercise to teach Manzhi a lesson, but they were innocently involved.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is the old brigade commander like that?" After hearing these words, Manzhi suddenly said with dissatisfaction.

To be honest, when Li Ran told him about the drill, Manzhi did think for a moment whether he had done something wrong to make the old brigade commander angry and couldn't stand it.

Then the old brigade commander took advantage of the momentum of the exercise and took the opportunity to teach himself a lesson.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Manzhi really didn't expect that he had offended the old brigade commander in any way.

The key point is that I have been at the Zhuhe training ground all day, and the old brigade commander is in Division Z. They are so far away from each other, and they can't even fight. "How can you offend the old brigade commander?"

Yes, since I became the brigade commander of the combined brigade, I have become very pretentious, especially in front of the chief officers of the units in other military regions. I am very pretentious and do not take other units seriously.

But ask yourself, it is just targeting other unit chiefs, and this never includes the Z Division or the old brigade commander.

Could it be that the old brigade commander thought he was too arrogant? Too pretentious?

Of course, it was impossible for Manzhi to say that maybe he was too pretentious and the old brigade commander couldn't stand it.

I, Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, how can I be so shameless?

However, everyone present did not believe Manzhi's explanation, mainly because Li Ran, the old brigade commander, in their eyes, was definitely the type to avenge himself.

If you offend the old brigade commander, the old brigade commander will definitely deal with you, not overnight.

Manzhi's behavior seemed to them to be a thief with a guilty conscience. That's right, that must be the case.

"Captain Ai, you are now the wife of the old brigade commander. When you have time, tell the old brigade commander that everything was done by Manzhi and has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, Manzhi is indeed a little distracted. It would be better to hit him [but we are innocent."

"Yes, Captain Ai, you are now the old brigade commander's wife, he will definitely listen to what you say.

"Don't look at the monk's face but look at the Buddha's face. Please advise the old brigade commander to show his respect."

For a while, everyone said to Ai Xue one after another, hoping that Ai Xue could say something good in front of Li Ran.

If you teach Manzhi a lesson, you will teach Manzhi a lesson. They will definitely welcome it with both hands, but there is no need to involve them.

"You have really misunderstood. It is just an exercise. There is no one to target or teach anyone." Ai Xue explained with a look of helplessness.

She is now married to Li Ran. There are some things that Li Ran can tell her, although he doesn't say much.

But the exercise with the synthetic brigade really has nothing to do with the so-called lesson satisfaction.

The commanders of the various units of the synthetic brigade present were obviously overthinking.

"Look, I've said it before. An exercise is an exercise and has nothing to do with personal feelings. If I, the brigade commander, said you didn't believe it, but Captain Ai said it myself, you will believe it now." Manzhi immediately said after seeing this.

Ai Xue said this, so it was difficult for the chief officer of the guest unit to continue on this topic.

It seems that the old brigade commander's initiative to conduct exercises with the combined brigade really has nothing to do with Manzhi.

Manzhi cried in his heart when he saw that his words were of no use unless Ai Xue said this.

As the commander of the synthetic brigade, I am really too humble, really too humble.

After a brief sigh, Manzhi immediately returned to the topic.

"Everyone, it is obvious that the old brigade commander is now planning to test whether our combined brigade has made any progress since we fought him last time, and whether we have learned from the experience last time. If this is the case, we must go all out this time. Let’s show the strength of our synthetic brigade and let the old brigade commander see it. Our synthetic brigade has made rapid and great progress, and it’s not just standing still.” Manzhi said immediately, encouraging him.

"Yes, the brigade commander is right. Although our combined brigade was founded by the old brigade commander, he serves as the grindstone for the entire army and teaches the three armies how to fight. Looking at the achievements of our combined brigade over the years

Apart from being defeated once by Division Z, have you ever lost before? It has been quite a while since the last time we fought against Division Z. The fighters and equipment of our combined brigade have been strengthened.

There is no chance of fighting Master Z. "

After Manzhi finished speaking, the chief of staff of the combined brigade also immediately struck while the railway was hot to boost morale again.

Everyone present is the chief officer of each unit of the combined brigade. If even they have no morale and no confidence, how can they still fight?

How to continue the second battle with Division Z and the old brigade commander?

After hearing what the two people said, everyone present nodded. It was indeed the case.

It's not that they are bragging or comforting themselves, the synthetic brigade has indeed been making progress and making progress.

After that defeat at the hands of the Z Division, they were not idle, nor were the officers and soldiers of each unit. They learned from the experience of the last failure and never slackened in training.

In addition, the synthetic brigade has always been a pilot unit for new units. Any new equipment from the military factory will be sent to the synthetic brigade first.

Therefore, the fighter jets of the combined brigade have actually made rapid progress, fully keeping up with the needs of the development of the times.

In addition, the combined brigade conducts more than ten exercises every year, basically one exercise every month.

It can be said that every month, we are either doing exercises or preparing for exercises, fighting against various military regions and units.

They are making progress, and so are other units, but equally, they can learn from other units that are making progress.

By constantly checking for leaks and filling gaps, we will continue to improve the combined brigade and strengthen the combat effectiveness of the combined brigade.

In terms of the number of exercises, no unit in the entire army can match the combined brigade, not even the Z Division.

An exercise consumes a huge amount of manpower and material resources, but when it comes to the combined brigade, superiors have never been stingy.

Because their combined brigade is to prepare for actual combat.

Once actual combat begins, the first to go to the battlefield will be the combined brigade.

Although the old brigade commanders were terrifying in strength, they were not made from dry hair or kneaded from clay.

950 "You are right, our synthetic brigade is always making progress, not standing still.

"Yes, the old brigade commander is strong, but we are not weak either, and we are always catching up.

"If nothing else, I ask myself, the training intensity of the officers and soldiers of our brigade is definitely much higher than the training intensity of the officers and soldiers of the Z Division."

"Yes, our logistics support is comparable to that of the Z Division? Even if it is the first heavy armored division in the army, there is still a gap."

"The officers and soldiers of our brigade are under high pressure and high intensity every day, but they persevere without any complaints. Our soldiers

Not only do they possess advanced equipment, they also possess the resilience of the older generation.

As he spoke, the chief officers of each unit became a little proud and a little happy.

But what they said is true. The officers and soldiers of the combined brigade are indeed under the greatest pressure. The training intensity is very high and the training rhythm is fast.

Even under such circumstances, the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade all persisted.

And after the last battle with Division Z, the Combined Brigade once again focused on cultivating the perseverance and resilience of officers and soldiers.

Under such high pressure and intensity, the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade did not collapse, but were able to persevere, thanks to one reason.

That is, the combined brigade has a lot of exercises, one every month, and they compete with other units, and they all win.

You will win when you play an exercise and you will not lose. This will make the morale of the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade higher and higher.

Because they are winners every time, that feeling is really good.

If you keep losing, anyone will be discouraged and lose motivation.

But the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade are not like, you can win if you fight, and if you win, you want to continue fighting. Who doesn’t want to experience the feeling of being strong all the time?

For this reason, in addition to Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, the officers and soldiers of the synthetic brigade are also notorious.

The soldiers will have the same temperament as the commander-in-chief.

The officers and soldiers of the combined brigade are not only going to defeat them every time they fight with brother units, but they also have to destroy their psychological defenses at the same time.

Sometimes after an exercise, the commanders of the main battle units of some units have red eyes and burst into tears.

Although some did not cry, their mentality collapsed and they were beaten to the point of being autistic on the spot.

There is no other way. In order to make the brother units stronger, we can only do this.

To make the combat effectiveness of brother units stronger, we must make the psychological quality of the officers and soldiers of brother units stronger.

This also led to a situation where after every exercise, the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade would always be chased and beaten by the officers and soldiers of their brother units.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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