Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

750: Soldiers Of A Great Country! Codename: Operation Blackhand

Synthetic brigade.

At Manzhi's order, the chief officers of each unit, especially the chief officers of the formal level, all went into battle to do ideological work for the officers and soldiers and boost their morale. ?

The drill will be held in a week, and it doesn't make much sense to increase the amount of training in a week's preparation time.

Moreover, the usual training volume of the synthetic brigade is not low at all.

It is not realistic to train any new tactics in a week, so Manzhi issued the requirements to the chief officers of each unit.

Seize this week's time to ensure the amount of daily basic training, and at the same time, do the ideological work of the officers and soldiers in place and inspire them.

If you go into a drill with the old brigade commander with this kind of mentality, you will definitely lose.

If morale is boosted, there might be some opportunities.

If he went to fight the old brigade commander with the idea of ​​​​defeating him, Manzhi absolutely believed that the father of the combined brigade could be beaten by the old brigade commander.

Even if he loses, if the old brigade commander says anything to his superiors, everyone from him on down will suffer.

So regardless of winning or losing, this attitude must come out first.

With the efforts of the chief officers of each unit and regular officers, the fighting spirit of the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade was soon ignited.

For a time, the public opinion about this exercise within the synthetic brigade also became different.

"Brothers, you must show 100% of your strength this time, and you can't let the old brigade commander look down on you."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would actually fall in the eyes of the old brigade commander. He has no idea how hard we worked."

"If you don't eat steamed buns, you still have to fight for your reputation. This time, no matter what you say, the old brigade commander will see how powerful we are.

"It's so cold, I didn't expect that in the heart of the old brigade commander, we were uninterested in making progress.

"This is our battle to wash away our shame. No matter what, we must win."

In order to improve morale, inspire the officers and soldiers' fighting spirit, and make them eager to win this exercise.

Manzhi had no choice but to make up a white lie, claiming that the Synthetic Brigade now had a low status in Li Ran's heart and had become "degenerate".

The officers and soldiers of the combined brigade were all "degenerated" in Li Ran's heart, and they all had no fighting spirit.

But in fact, "fall" is not "fall", and the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade know it very well.

They were trained like dogs every day. Only they knew how tired they were, but now, their efforts were ignored by the old brigade commander.

The old brigade commander was still the founder of their Hesheng Brigade. In the eyes of the founder, they turned out to be representatives of a lack of ambition. How could this be possible?

Just because they lost the last exercise? Do you think they are no longer good?

Okay, so in this exercise, no matter what, we must defeat the old brigade commander. As the saying goes, if you don't eat steamed buns, you still have a good reputation.

It has to be said that Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, has become more and more mature in his methods now, and he already knows how to use his own strength to fight.

If Li Ran learned about Manzhi's method, he would definitely be very pleased.

Manzhi, who was favored by himself and recommended first-hand, has finally become more and more mature. Only in this way can the combat effectiveness of the combined brigade be brought into play. What is needed is Manzhi's methods and maturity.

In order to conduct exercises with Division Z, the whole brigade of the Synthetic Brigade worked together and were very busy.

On the other hand, Master Z was quite calm.

That calm look gave people the impression that there was no drill at all, as if the drill a week later had nothing to do with Division Z.

Logically speaking, after a unit receives a notice of an exercise, it will definitely prepare in advance and strengthen training. Who doesn't want to be a winner in the exercise?

But now, the performance of each unit of Division Z is quite calm, terrifyingly calm.

In fact, the officers and soldiers of all units of the Z Division now treat the exercises with the combined brigade with a normal attitude.

It's not that the officers and soldiers of Z Division don't want to win, but there is no need to deliberately strengthen training and speed up the pace for the exercise.

If in the past, if notice of the drill had been received in advance, the orders from the chief officers of each unit would have been issued long ago, requiring them to work overtime and prepare for training.

But now, there is no need!

Because Master Z is always ready.

Even if there is an exercise tomorrow, they are confident that they will go directly to the battlefield tomorrow and display the combat effectiveness they should have.

This is the confidence and pride of Master Z today!

So, now, each unit can train as they should, do whatever they need to do, and wait patiently for the drill to arrive in a week.

Division Z, division headquarters!

In the combat conference room.

In the meeting, there were a total of forty people present. These forty people were both men and women. Each of them had a solemn expression and a resolute look in their eyes. The most important thing was that the aura exuded by these forty people was extraordinary.

One person's momentum cannot be concealed, and the momentum revealed by these four thousand people is killing and decisive.

It is no exaggeration to say that if any of these forty people were walking on the road, they would be able to scare away Xiaoxiao with just one look.

These forty people were carefully selected by the major military regions. After numerous eliminations, the forty people who were finally determined were definitely the best among the best.

Each of them is enough to challenge five or six elite special forces.

In the military region, any special forces unit pulls out a special soldier, and he is a younger brother in front of these forty people.

And these forty people were prepared for corruption.

After a long period of training, elimination, supplementation, and elimination, in the end, only these forty people survived through Li Ran's training and screening.

During this period, these forty people carried out many dangerous actual combat missions, and each of them had their own unique skills.

The existence of these forty people is classified as top secret in the military region. Except for Li Ran, the boss of the General Staff, and the boss of the deputy general staff, no one else knows the information and identities of these forty people.

These forty people are about to set off on a top-secret mission.

This top-secret mission will open the door for Operation Corrosion and lure the Bald Eagle to its bait.

Inside the meeting, the atmosphere was very dull.

Li Ran glanced at the forty people and said in a deep voice: "For you forty people, except for me, the head of the General Staff, and the head of the Deputy General Staff, no one knows your existence, no one knows your identity and information. This mission is top secret, and the risk factor is not comparable to the actual combat missions and training you participated in. I can tell you clearly that there is a high probability that all forty of you will die when performing this mission. After the sacrifice, you will be heroes. It's a pity that even if you are a hero, you will not be able to erect a tombstone for you, nor will you tell your family the reason for your sacrifice."

"Due to my identity and some factors, I am unable to lead the team in person. All actions must be done by yourself. Of course, you have the right to voluntarily give up this task.

"Even if you give up, your future development will not be affected at all. Now I will give you a choice.

After Li Ran finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence again.

In this way, Li Ran quietly waited for the forty people to express their opinions.

If someone is afraid at this time and chooses to quit, there is no problem.

It's normal. This mission is very dangerous. It is no exaggeration to say that if these forty people go out, one-tenth of them will be lucky to come back alive. There is a high probability that they will all die.

In the face of death, there is no shame in choosing to quit.

Who is not born and raised by parents? Who has no relatives at home?

After a while, none of the forty people left.

Since they participated in the initial selection and persisted until now, they are more or less clear about some things and have been mentally prepared for it.

They are not afraid of death, they are afraid of meaningless death.

"I appreciate your courage. Don't worry, we will make arrangements for your home. Of course, if you have any requests now, you can put them forward and I will try my best to satisfy them. If the army cannot satisfy them, I will personally help you satisfy them." Li Ran said, the meaning expressed very clearly.

If someone wants money, no problem, the army can't give it to them, so they have to pay for it privately.

If you want anything else, you will definitely give it if the army can give it. If you can't give it, you will give it yourself and do your best to satisfy it.

But after Li Ran said this, everyone present still chose to remain silent, and no one made any requests.

Of course, Li Ran knows that this is their pride and they are willing to dedicate everything unconditionally to the country.

There was no way, Li Ran started to call the names directly.

Li Ran knew all the information about the forty people in front of him and started naming them directly from the first one.

"Chen Fei."


"Start with you and tell me your requirements."

The first person named was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said with a smile: "Chief, I am an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage. I have no relatives. I don't need to be taken care of in my family. I just hope. I will be able to take care of more children in the orphanage in the future," Chen Fei said.

"Don't worry." Li Ran said directly.


"Chief, I am the only child in the family, and my parents are also old. If I unfortunately die, I hope that the army can help take care of me in the future so that the old couple can return home in peace.

0……Please give me flowers…………

"From now on, they are also my parents, so don't worry." Li Ran said directly.

"Thank you, chief."


From the first to the last, forty people all stated their requirements under Li Ran's roll call.

But most of them hope to help take care of their families after death. Basically, two-thirds of these forty people are the only ones in the family.

Once they can't come back, there are only two old people left in the family. I hope they can take care of them so that they can return home in a hundred years with peace of mind.

In Li Ran's eyes, these requirements are not requirements at all.

Even if they don't say anything, they will take care of everything in the follow-up.

Of course, some of these forty people also proposed the idea of ​​​​taking a sip of Moutai. Moutai, as the national drink of the Dragon Kingdom, is very famous.

Unfortunately, with the development of society, Moutai has become more and more expensive and has become a luxury product.

It is undoubtedly impossible for soldiers like them to drink Moutai with their subsidies.

In response, Li Ran waved his hand and asked people from the division headquarters to move a few boxes of Maotai.

After a while, these forty people have to leave, so it is impossible to drink too much, they can only taste it.

Finally, in front of forty people, Li Ran said solemnly: "I announce that Operation Blackhand, codenamed, has officially begun.


Forty people stood up immediately, and each of them looked as if they were dead. They knew that from this moment on, their life and death were no longer up to them.

But they have no regrets, because they sacrificed their lives for the country and died in the right place.

Mission:Codename Blackhand

Objective: Go to A country, drag Yingjiang into a quagmire of war, and open a gap for Corruption Operation


This mission has been planned for more than a year, and all preparations are in place and mature.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of the mission, the confidentiality level is the highest. At the same time, the resumes and files of the forty people in front of them have all been erased. At the same time, everyone has

A miniature bomb was implanted near the heart.

Once the heart stops beating, the bomb will detonate directly, and each of them will be blown up without any bones left, and even the whole body will not be found.

It's so cruel, I have no choice but to do it for safety and confidentiality.

Forty people must not only complete the task, but also ensure that their identities and information cannot be revealed.

Therefore, such preparation is very necessary!

All forty people are also very aware of the risks involved.

Twenty points.

Two soldiers from the Z Division Logistics Department each carried a box of Maotai and walked towards the division headquarters building.

The two of them were talking to each other as they walked, very curious, what big shot came to the division headquarters today? The division commander actually wanted to drink Maotai?

While the two were talking, two white helmet pickets appeared from nowhere.

"Stop, what are you doing carrying alcohol in broad daylight?" a picket asked directly.

Hehe, there are people in this Z division who are so brave, and want to drink in broad daylight, and drink so much?

Don’t you know that the entire army is now prohibited from drinking alcohol?

Do you think he can't see it if you put the wine in the box? Don't you know that as a picket, you have sharp eyes? He wanted to see who has the courage to drink in the daytime?

Facing the interrogation by the pickets, the two soldiers from the logistics department did not panic at all, and even wanted to laugh.

"The division commander asked us to bring two boxes of wine. If you have any questions, you can ask the division commander." A second-term sergeant said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two pickets suddenly fell.

The division commander wants to drink? That's okay. Even if the division chief of staff wants to drink, they still won't look down upon him, but the division commander is different.

What kind of big shot is that, sir? What's wrong with drinking in broad daylight? What a big deal.

"It turns out that the teacher wants to drink. I told you earlier. Who is so sentimental? He deserves to be the teacher. Let's go quickly. Slow down. Don't fall. Can you two do it? If not,

Let me help. "

The two pickets suddenly changed their faces, from ruthless to very enthusiastic.

This scene was completely expected by the two soldiers from the logistics department.

Bah, pickets are the most hated units in the entire army. They are a unit that even retires early. If you have the ability, will everyone leave together during the retirement season?

If I don't see the shit, I'll beat you out...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything. Thank you!!!).

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