Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

751: Li Ran Is Under Great Pressure! The Distressed Comparison Between The Chief Of The General Staf

In the conference room, Maotai came.

Li Ran personally poured wine for everyone, a full glass. The Maotai wine Li Ran asked to bring was really good wine. When the lid was opened, the aroma of the wine overflowed.

The strong aroma of wine filled the conference room.

After pouring the wine, Li Ran raised his glass.

"The first glass of wine, I salute you on behalf of the field army."

One bite.

Then, the second cup.

"The second glass of wine, I would like to toast you on my own behalf."

Another gulp.

The third glass of wine is filled.

"The third glass of wine, I toast you on behalf of the people."


Everyone drank it all.

"I wish everyone a triumphant return." Li Ran said very seriously.

Of course, he knew that one-tenth of the people in front of him were lucky to come back alive, and even if they came back, they would not be praised for their achievements.

All operational archives will be sealed for thirty years and will not be declassified until three thousand years later.

In this Black Hand operation, during the team's mission, a major is responsible for leading the team, and Li Ran will provide remote command.

This time the command and communication was conducted personally by Li Ran, so the communication would not be captured by anyone or any force, and no clues would be found.

Great sadness and silence!?

After Zhuang Xing drank the wine, the team officially set off. Everyone regarded death as if they were home. They were ready to sacrifice for the country.

A soldier of a great country is nothing more than that.

It is precisely because of the continuous existence of such people that the ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years can still be preserved to this day, and the glorious revival is about to begin from this moment.

Boom boom boom~

The propeller of the armed helicopter rotated "eight-seven-zero" at high speed, making a roaring sound.

Soon, everyone boarded the plane and left under Li Ran's watch.

Here, after the team set off, Li Ran sent a message to the General Staff to briefly explain the situation.

After briefly reporting the situation, Li Ran came to the tactics room and conducted a sand table deduction.

This tactics room belongs exclusively to Li Ran, and even the chief of staff and committee members of Division Z cannot enter without Li Ran's permission.

The team is on their way, and Li Ran is conducting tactical deductions.

This mission is extremely critical and important.

Due to his identity and other restrictions, it was impossible for Li Ran to lead the team in person.

This is no better than before. When Li Ran was still a second lieutenant, he assisted the Sixth Machinery Department in going abroad to perform actual combat missions. Now, Li Ran has no such opportunity at all.

It's not that Li Ran is scared, to be precise, Li Ran can't go out, and it's impossible for the General Staff to let Li Ran go out.

Just kidding, what is Li Ran’s status now? How important is he to the field army?

Let Li Ran personally lead the team to perform the mission? What if there is an accident? Who can take responsibility?

It is no exaggeration to say that if Li Ran is in danger now, even if a hundred thousand troops need to be dispatched, the general staff boss will not frown and immediately dispatch a hundred thousand troops for rescue

Precisely because I cannot lead the team myself, the most critical aspect of this operation still depends on the team itself.

On Li Ran's side, he could only use tactical deductions to make the plan as thorough as possible, taking into account various possible accidents and taking these unexpected factors into account.

Another very important reason is that this time the team carried out the mission codenamed Black Hand.

It seems to be a direct intervention, but in fact, it is an indirect way to lead the bald eagle into a trap that has been prepared for a long time.

Whether the bald eagle can be brought into the game and dragged into the quagmire, team action is the key.

If the team fails in action and prepares for such a long deployment, it will have no effect at all. This is a huge loss.

This step is the key. If you don't get it right at the beginning, the road ahead will be difficult and the problems will be very difficult.

Therefore, no matter what, this first step cannot be taken wrongly.

It must be done in one step to successfully achieve the original goal.

Only in this way, the group has a chance!

Here, Li Ran locked himself in his own tactics room and stayed there for several days.

The drill with Division Z was getting closer and closer, and Li Ran didn't show up at all during this period. He locked himself in the tactics room and saw no one.

Every day someone delivers three meals a day at the door in the morning, noon and evening. Except for Lazarus, basically no one from Master Z has ever seen Li Ran.

Even the Chief of Staff and the main committee members of Division Z were shocked by Li Ran's appearance.

What's going on? What happened? Why is my teacher suddenly working so hard overtime?

Both of them were stunned and had no idea what happened to make Li Ran become like this.

Is it for an exercise with the combined brigade?

Yes, they know that the combined brigade has been equipped with some new equipment recently, and its combat effectiveness must have become much stronger than when they first fought.

But your own teachers won’t be under so much pressure because of this, right?

The key point is that Li Ran's behavior suddenly increased the pressure on them who were very calm before. It made people feel like a storm was about to come, and the sense of oppression was too strong.

You know, my teacher is the king of tactics, a being who can beat up a bear and be worshiped by everyone.

After all, the Synthetic Brigade is an old unit founded by his own division commander. Even if it is the second time they fight, beating them is still like beating his younger brother. There won't be such a strong sense of oppression, right?

It had been three days, and Li Ran still hadn't appeared. This appearance made the Z Division chief of staff and chief committee officer a little anxious.

"Isn't the division commander out yet?" Division Z asked with an ugly look on his face.

"Not yet, it's been a whole day." The division chief of staff also looked ugly.

"Sir, what's going on? I haven't been able to come out for three days. If there weren't empty dishes and chopsticks at the door every day, I would have doubted whether the division commander died inside. Although what the Z division official said didn't sound good, it also showed that He's worried now.

Indeed, the two of them are very worried now, especially worried.

Li Ran is the pillar of Z Division officers and soldiers. Li Ran is calm and calm, which gives them confidence.

But suddenly their teacher looked like this, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

What's the point of going on like this?

"I don't know what happened, but I'm worried that if this continues, the division commander's spirit will not collapse." said the division chief of staff.

He is not afraid of any difficulties, but he is mainly worried that his teacher will not let his spirit collapse under such high pressure.

In a word, I am worried about Li Ran's personal health.

"Why don't we report it? It won't be a problem if this continues." The division committee member suggested.

The two of them couldn't call Li Ran, but the key was that Li Ran couldn't see them either.

More importantly, the two division-level chief officers did not receive any orders or tasks from their superiors.

For a moment, I didn't know where Li Ran's pressure came from.

To say that there is pressure to carry out exercises with the Heerhe Synthetic Brigade? As for that? It’s impossible.

The exercise was initiated by my division commander. Isn't it like beating up your younger brother to join the brigade? Is there such a lot of pressure?

But if it weren't for this reason, they really couldn't imagine what else would happen to their teacher now?

"Okay, let's report it and ask, no matter what, let the superiors know." The division chief of staff nodded and agreed.

The two of them were unable to make a decision on this matter, so they could only report it.

After receiving the report from the two men, the group army took it very seriously, and Army Commander Tan Fei was immediately shocked.

What's going on? What's wrong with Li Ran? What's going on? Are you suddenly so busy? Are you putting so much pressure on yourself?

The Army Group didn't issue any tasks, and the National District didn't issue any tasks either? What's going on?

Army Commander Tan Fei did not dare to delay, so he had to report the matter to the military region.

After the military region headquarters learned of the incident, the commander thought about it and reported it to the General Staff.

It's not that the commander of the Northern Military Region is unwilling to understand Li Ran's abnormality, but as the commander, the general is keenly aware that this matter may be unusual, very unusual.

Based on his understanding of Li Ran, there are not many things that can make Li Ran like this, it can even be said that there are very few.

As for whether it has something to do with the exercise, it is completely outside the scope of the admiral's consideration.

How is it possible? Although the synthetic brigade is not weak now, it may not have the qualifications and strength to make Li Ran like this.

Therefore, this matter is definitely not as simple as it seems. He doesn't know what it is, but if there is something, the General Staff must know it.

How can I say that he is worthy of being the commander of the military region? He sees far and thinks deeply.

After the general reported this matter to the General Staff, the head of the General Staff knew immediately, and after a second thought, he knew what it was.

Nowadays, the only thing that can make Li Ran like this is that thing.

Three days ago, Li Ran also reported to him that the team had set off for action and that the Black Hand operation was already in progress...

Obviously, Li Ran puts so much pressure on himself now because he is worrying about this matter, and he must be constantly deducing it.

Thinking of this, the head of the General Staff felt a little distressed. After all, Li Ran was so young, only twenty years old, and the current pressure on his shoulders was unbearable by ordinary people.

Even if he is, the help he can give Li Ran is limited now.

The boss of the General Staff also knew that Li Ran attached great importance to this mission. He also knew how much effort Li Ran had spent on this mission.

If nothing else, when Li Ran proposed this task and the General Staff approved it and started planning it, Li Ran was the one who planned and took the lead.

Among them, the General Staff boss is very clear about how much effort Li Ran has put into it, and he also knows the importance of this mission.

The General Staff boss had confidence in Li Ran, but after learning that Li Ran was under such great pressure, he felt a little unbearable for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, I still think it is necessary to enlighten Li Ran. It is normal to feel pressure, but you should not put too much pressure on yourself.

In any case, Li Ran is the most important person.

If Li Ran collapsed because of this mission, it would really be more of a loss than a gain, and he would definitely not allow it.

Ever since~

The boss of the General Staff personally flew from the General Staff to Division Z.

With the arrival of the general staff boss, Division Z was in a state of shock, and no one else knew what had happened.

But there is never a shortage of gossip.

For a time, it was actually rumored that the arrival of the General Staff boss was because his teacher was under too much pressure and he came here specifically to enlighten him.

After the news came out, it caused an uproar.

"No, is our division commander so stressed about this exercise?"

"Isn't it just that the opponent is the synthetic brigade? We have defeated the Mao Xiong, why are we still afraid of the synthetic brigade?"

"Yeah, I don't understand either. The Synthetic Brigade is already defeated by us. Isn't it easy to defeat them?"

"We have defeated even the furry bears, so why are we still afraid of a mere synthetic brigade?"

"That's it, what a big deal it is. What happened to our teacher?"

Many people mistakenly believe that Li Ran is under great pressure from the exercises with the combined brigade, which makes them puzzled.

Here at the division headquarters.

The boss of the General Staff directly

Entered Li Ran's tactics room and "pulled" Li Ran out.

Even the general staff boss, who had been mentally prepared, almost burst into tears after seeing Li Ran like this.

Visible to the naked eye, Li Ran's eyes were bloodshot, the tactical room was full of cigarette butts, Li Ran's hair was disheveled, and he looked very tired.

This scene even made the head of the General Staff wonder whether Li Ran had been staying up late these days.

Li Ran was very surprised and surprised by the arrival of the General Staff boss.

0.2 "Chief, why is Tao here?" Li Ran asked in surprise.

The boss of the General Staff came here without notifying me in advance. This route was wrong.

"How can I not come here when you are like this?" The chief of the General Staff said angrily: "Look at what you look like now."

"Me? I'm fine." Li Ran said.

"I know you are under pressure now, but you can't put too much pressure on yourself to collapse your body." The chief of the General Staff said earnestly: "You suddenly behave like this, and you are so worried."

The people in the division were shocked. They couldn't call you out, and they didn't know what happened, so they had to report it to the top. I received the news and came over. "

"I told them not to worry about me. I will come out naturally when the exercise comes." Li Ran said, feeling a little helpless.

In the past few days, I have been rehearsing in the tactical room, constantly reviewing and rehearsing.

The team arrived two days ago. At the same time, they got in touch with themselves and reported some situations.

Li Ran can only conduct continuous deductions and reviews based on limited circumstances to maximize the success rate of the action.

"You look like this make me very worried. You are still young and have a long time. There is no need to think about eating a fat man in one bite." The chief of the General Staff said with a pun.

He knew Li Ran's purpose and Ji Ran's ambitions.

"No, Chief, this is an opportunity. The strategic window is fleeting. No matter what, we must seize this opportunity." Unexpectedly, Li Ran answered the General Manager very seriously.

Let’s take a look at this question.

In this matter, no one can shake Li Ran's determination!

(Ask for everything. Ask for everything. Kneel down and thank you!!!).

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