Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

754: Let The Black Hawk Fall! Defeat The Rangers

Inside the 9th Mountain Division headquarters.

A transaction is taking place.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Are you crazy? You are asking for 30 million US dollars for this clue. Why don't you go and grab it? Where did you get the courage? Am I too friendly to you? ?”

Bald Eagle Major General, Major General Jeremy Raymond, the commander of the 9th Mountain Division, said dissatisfied.

Due to his excitement, the saliva from the major general's mouth flew everywhere, directly onto the face of the informant he was looking for.

"What I said and the price are not exaggerated. You know better than me who he is and how important he is to you. I am taking a big risk by providing you with this clue. If you don't succeed, I will be the unlucky one." Yes, the value he can bring to you is much more than the thirty million dollars I want." The informant wiped the saliva from the major general's face.

Tianfen said calmly.

"Do you have anything to prove that he is what we are looking for?" Hearing this, Major General Bald Eagle said again.

Upon hearing this, the informant took out a photo and handed it over.

The chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division next to the major general took the photo, looked at it, nodded and said, "It's him."

After seeing that the target was correct, Major General Bald Eagle slowly showed a smile and said to the informant: "Sit down, let's continue chatting.

Once the target is determined and it is the person they have been looking for, the problem becomes simple now.

They just negotiate a price with the person in front of them, get the person's specific location, and then they go out and capture the target.

But this matter is also related to the major general's personal interests, so the price must be negotiated well.

The less he gives out, the more he can get.

After hearing Jeremy Raymond's words, the informant sneered in his heart, everything was as he expected.

"Let's do this, ten million dollars." Jeremy Raymond said again and offered a price.

"No, thirty million U.S. dollars, not even a penny less." The informant shook his head and said firmly: "I said, he is worth far more than thirty million U.S. dollars. If you think this price is too expensive, then I It is completely possible to do this deal with other people. I believe in your strength, so I came to you to discuss this business first. The price I gave is also a friendly price. If you think it is too expensive, forget it. I Not force. "The informant said, with a very firm attitude. Even if the $30 million is reduced by one penny, the business will not be done.

"593 Made, you really dare to ask for it."

Seeing the informant's attitude, Jeremy Raymond cursed in his heart as he was killed with thirty million dollars.

To be honest, Jeremy Raymond was very excited when he received the news and learned the specific location of the target.

He knew too well how valuable the target was to them. They had been stationed here for a long time. They had always wanted to solve this target, but the other party was too cunning.

This is the opponent's territory again, and they have been tricked around. I have obtained information from other people several times before, but every time I went there, I came up short.

This time, since the person in front of me dares to ask for this price, it means that he is serious and confident.

"My friend, what you said is true. In terms of strength, who can compare with us? Just based on what you said, thirty million US dollars is thirty million US dollars, and you will not miss a penny. "Jeremy Ramon changed his face, and then said: "But you know the rules. I'm applying for 60 million, and you can issue an invoice and handle the accounts."

"Don't worry, I understand."

In this way, the price of this business was finalized. Jeremy Raymond applied for 60 million US dollars, and then took the account from the informant. After the deal was completed, it was 75%.

"We can give you money, but if you play tricks and provide wrong information, you also know what will happen." The chief of staff next to Jeremy Raymond said coldly

One of the two plays the red face, and the other plays the bad face, so that the suppressive power of the momentum can be maximized.

"Of course, who dares to deceive you." After hearing this, the informant immediately said.

This attitude satisfied the senior colonel.

Yes, business is business, but as bald eagles, they want these people to have a sense of awe in their hearts and not dare to make mistakes or play any tricks in front of them.

Just like that, the price was agreed upon, and Jeremy Raymond immediately applied to his superiors.

Soon, the application for operational funds was in place, and Jeremy Raymond asked someone to transfer $60 million to the informant. Thirty million of it was his, but the $30 million needed to be transferred. Only your hands are clean.

Otherwise, if he stays directly, he will be the one to blame from now on.

The transfer was completed here, and the informant also conveyed the specific location of the target that the bald eagle (aiaa) wanted, and both parties paid the money and delivered the goods.

"Goodbye and good luck to you!"

After leaving these words, the informant left.

After the informant left, before Jeremy Raymond could speak, the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division said: "I will have people keep an eye on him immediately. Once we succeed, we will get the money back."

"If we do it beautifully, don't let others say that we have no business integrity, so no one will do business with us in the future." Jeremy Raymond said.

"Don't worry, if you want to blame him, blame him for being too greedy. Is he worthy of thirty million US dollars?" the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division sneered.

That's right, Jeremy Raymond has decided that once the target is successfully obtained, he will get back the 60 million US dollars.

The untouchable they found there is not worthy of having 30 million US dollars, not worthy.

After completing the task and getting back the 60 million U.S. dollars, he can definitely find someone to take away the 60 million U.S. dollars.

At that time, he could have both honor and wealth, which was a great blessing.

Just like this, there was a sudden emergency gathering in the Ninth Mountain.

Over here, in the combat conference room.

After getting complete information from the informant, Jeremy Raymond immediately held a combat meeting, and all the captains of the various Ranger squads participating in the operation were present.

On the tactical board, the floor plan of the building where the target is located is drawn.

Jeremy Raymond was the first to tell his tactical arrangements.

"This is the information we have at the moment. We are sure that he is in this manor. Remember, we must capture him alive. Don't kill him unless it is absolutely necessary.

"The mechanized infantry battalion in Nanding City will take the initiative to coordinate Humvees and armored vehicles to cooperate with your operations. At that time, the identity of the surrounding personnel will be screened.

"The Black Hawk helicopter will take you to the sky above the manor, parachute in, and capture the target."

"According to intelligence, there are a total of four buildings in this manor, all of which are controlled by the target's militants. The number of people is initially estimated to be around 80, and they possess heavy weapons such as RPGs."

While Jeremy Ramon was talking, the big screen next to him was constantly showing pictures taken by military satellites.

Although the picture is a bit blurry, you can clearly see a general firepower department situation in the manor where the bid was submitted.

Here, Jeremy Raymond stated the general combat idea and provided specific directions. The remaining captains of the Ranger squads participating in the operation also clearly understood the responsibilities of their respective squads in this operation. specific responsibilities.

After the combat meeting, each team leader returned to his team to discuss the specific details of the operation internally.

Within a certain team.

"Everyone, for this operation, we are responsible for arresting, airborne at Point 1, and clearing the outer area. Once we succeed, we will establish fixed firepower points as soon as possible to cover the advance of the ground armored troops."

"Team B is in charge of the airborne landing position at Point 2, occupying the rooftop position, building a heavy machine gun position, and conducting fire suppression and cover."

"Team C is in charge of Airborne Point 3. According to intelligence, the target is likely to be hiding in this building, so be careful."

"Is it clear?"


(Hoo-ah: is a common slang term in the Bald Eagle Army, mainly used by infantry, airborne troops, rangers and special forces to mean obeying orders, hearing them, understanding

Hello, thank you, it can also be used to ask questions. )

"Very good. Once we successfully capture the target, the ground armored troops will use armored vehicles to escort the target to Aidu. The mission code is: Revenge. You have ten minutes to prepare weapons and equipment."




After the specific combat plan was discussed, the Ranger team participating in the mission immediately went to prepare weapons and ammunition.

In the logistics area, numerous bullets, night vision goggles, and rifles are all placed on the table for the participating team members to choose their equipment.

Here, the Rangers participating in the operation can equip themselves with as much ammunition as they want, as long as you can handle it.

"I came here just to participate in actual combat. I learned all the skills just for today. I finally got what I wanted." A newcomer who just came to report said with a very excited tone and a very fanatical expression.

Among the soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division, some came here just to hang out and get back safely.

But there are many militants here. Militants naturally hope to have actual combat actions, just like now.

"Harlem, are you okay?"

At this time, a sergeant major noticed that a private in the team was sweating profusely and asked immediately.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little nervous. This is my first mission." said the private.

"Don't worry, it's okay. We'll be back soon. Remember, the most important thing is to shoot in the direction where everyone is shooting." The sergeant major joked.

"I see."

That's right, in everyone's eyes, this mission is just a simple arrest operation, no big deal.

For some Ranger soldiers who have performed many missions, they are already familiar with the road. They only need to follow the large troops and it is done. It is not difficult.

?It’s no fun to stay in this place where birds don’t poop every day. This time I just went out and could do some exercise.

When the time came, war songs rang out in the ninth mountain camp.

This is a habit within the Ninth Mountain Division. Whenever there is an important operation, an exciting war song will be sounded before the team members set off. This can make the blood of the soldiers boil, make them excited, and ensure combat effectiveness.

In the square outside, there are several Black Hawk helicopters and Little Bird helicopters parked.

Boom boom boom~

The propellers of each plane are already turning at high speed, and the crew is conducting basic inspections before takeoff.


After giving the order, each team ran towards the plane and started boarding.

After everyone got on the armed helicopter, Major General Jeremy Raymond, commander of the Ninth Mountain Division, came out and came to each plane and saw off the team members inside the plane. ?

"Good luck, boys, and remember, don't give up on any of your brothers." Jeremy Raymond said.

But after saying that, the sergeant major in the team looked a little unhappy.

"What's wrong?" The team members on the side saw the clue and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that he never told us before

Live like this. " said the sergeant major.

"Fuck!" Hearing this, the team member cursed angrily.

Obviously, they felt very unhappy and uncomfortable with Jeremy Raymond's abnormal behavior.

This is a bad sign for them who are about to take action.

Boom boom boom~

The Black Hawk helicopter and the Little Bird helicopter took off directly into the air and flew towards the outer level of the camp.

A total of twelve helicopters directly airlifted a company of troops. They are expected to arrive at the target city in thirty minutes and carry out the task of capturing the target.

At the moment when the large force was officially taking action, the headquarters of the Ninth Mountain Division also entered a combat state.

The team's operations will be transmitted to the headquarters in real time. This operation is very critical. Jeremy Raymond, the commander of the 9th Mountain Division, will observe the entire process.

"It must go well." Jeremy Raymond was praying in his heart.

He knew very well that if this mission was successful, it would be a huge benefit to him.

After completing the mission, after returning to the country from here, the rank of major general will definitely become a lieutenant general!

Similarly, the colonels around Jeremy Raymond are also praying that the mission can be successfully completed.

The mission was accomplished, and he, the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division, had also made great contributions. At least he could be promoted from a senior colonel to a major general.

Over the city.

As a large helicopter formation appeared in the sky, the atmosphere in the city instantly became tense.

In the city, locals saw helicopters and soldiers sitting on helicopters, and they knew very clearly that these were Bald Eagle soldiers.

Whenever the Bald Eagle soldiers start conducting large-scale operations like this, it means that things are not simple.

In the past, they only patrolled the city in Humvees and armored vehicles, but this time even helicopters were dispatched. This scene was rare.


(Please ask for everything, ask for everything. Thank you!!!).

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