Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

755: Capture Mission! The Eagle Sauce Is Bad But Not Good

Over the city, Eagle's armed helicopter flew over the heads of local city residents.

Within the city, walls were in ruins, and some buildings were even in ruins.

Obviously, this city has experienced a war, and the city was devastated due to the ravages of the war.

In the city, the local Afghan people saw armed helicopters flying overhead. They knew that if the bald eagles were dispatching such a large array, it was obvious that there would be a war soon.

Obviously, these people were not surprised by this scene. Everyone was walking on the street like a zombie, with no look in their eyes.

People living here have no hope for the future.

The only thing I look forward to every day is to live, and it’s good to be alive.

Everyone was filled with disgust towards Eagle Sauce, because the arrival of the bald eagle made them full of war this time. It was obviously their own business, but it was an outsider's turn to interfere and meddle in their own business.

Unfortunately, they have nothing to do~.

Boom boom boom~

In the sky, the helicopter's Oyster propeller rotated at high speed and made a roaring sound.

On the ground, the ground troops of the Ninth Mountain Division, who came from a nearby city for support, have also arrived and are operating in the city.

"Communication test, communication test."

"Received, good signal."

The ground forces and the air forces should establish a good communication connection so that they can have smooth communication in the subsequent operations.

The two sides successfully established communication. At the headquarters, the commander of the 9th Mountain Division Jeremy Raymond directly ordered: "The operation has officially begun."


Following Jeremy Raymond's order, ground and air forces immediately began to take action.

Due to the large scale of this operation, ground forces and air forces cooperate with each other, so it is definitely not possible to keep a low profile.

I can’t keep a low profile at all!

They fought vigorously this time on purpose, just to show the local Albanians how powerful their bald eagles were.

Let some local Afghans and "terrorists" who are on the side of the target leader understand that there will be no good outcome if you go against them.

Under their powerful strength, everything is powerless and can only be destroyed by them.

This was a blatant arrest.

Above the target boss's manor.

When a helicopter of this size appeared overhead, an alarm sounded in the manor.

The militants under the leader immediately launched an attack.

They discovered at a glance that the people coming were the Bald Eagle troops. They were too familiar with the combat uniforms of the Bald Eagle troops, and the smell of Bald Eagles filled the air.

Da da da~


The weapons in the hands of these militants are all AK47s, which are the best weapons sold on the black market. They are cheap, durable, and powerful.

These people directly held AK47 and shot at the aircraft in the sky.

At the same time, some people carried RPGs and fired them at the armed helicopters in the sky.

The tail of the bomb struck the Black Hawk and Little Bird aircraft with tongues of flame.


Inside the aircraft, the fire control device was constantly sounding alarms.

"Nine o'clock, RPG, avoidance."

The co-pilot's observer saw the rockets coming towards him and yelled quickly.

The driver immediately controlled the lever and made tactical evasive maneuvers.

Just like that, a rocket grazed directly from the tail end and almost hit it.

This group of militants has not received professional military training, and although they have weapons, they are relatively backward, especially weapons like RPG.

Unlike the avant-garde missile, which has a precision guidance function, if you want to hit the aircraft without guidance, you can only make a sneak attack.

If launched from the front, the Bald Eagle pilot can completely avoid it. The RPG rocket does not fly very fast in the air and can be caught by the naked eye.

They were almost attacked by armed men on the ground. The bald eagle was not someone to be trifled with, and his temper got angry.

A Black Hawk fired several air-to-surface missiles at the militants on the ground.


Boom boom boom~

Several air-to-ground missiles directly hit the militants on the ground, causing explosions in all directions.

The few militants were directly bombarded. The defenses made of some sandbags in the manor had no defense capabilities at all when faced with the bombardment of such air-to-ground missiles, and were directly blown away.

Da da da~

In the cabin, the Gatling heavy machine gun mounted on the Black Hawk, under the control of the heavy machine gunner, directly fired at the manor.

This is a Gatling heavy machine gun, a monster that can pour out thousands of bullets in just a few minutes, and it is extremely powerful.

Under the powerful firepower of the Bald Eagle, the militants on the ground had almost no backhand power and were massacred mercilessly.

There is no way, the two sides are completely different in terms of numbers, firepower, and personal military qualities. It would be strange to be able to defeat them.

In mid-air, the Gatling heavy machine gun fired mercilessly at the manor, directly forming a crossfire, basically attacking every blind spot in the manor.

Under such powerful firepower, the walls of the manor itself could not even withstand such powerful firepower, and were filled with bullet holes.

"It's cleared and you can land."

The armed helicopters have basically cleared away the militants in the manor, and there is no longer any threat to Black Hawk and the bird.

At this time, the Ranger team on the mission began to rappel.

"Hurry up."

"Move quickly.


The rangers began to rappel down from the plane one by one. Each team followed the pre-planned plan. After landing, they quickly occupied key commanding heights and established sentries and fire support points.

As the vanguard, they will first complete the arrest of the target person. The ground troops have not yet arrived, if no accidents occur in their plan.

After they successfully captured the target leader, the ground armored troops would arrive outside the manor at that time, and it would not take too long.

As for why the Bald Eagle did not act together with the air force and the ground force to invade the manor, it was because the Bald Eagle was very confident and did not think it was necessary.

The arrival time of the ground troops is definitely slower than that of the air troops, and in addition to cooperating with them in escorting the target leader away, the ground troops also need to screen the surrounding people on the way at other times.

Prevent the target leader from escaping in the chaos.

For the capture mission, these few Ranger teams sent are completely enough.

The so-called leader and his armed forces are just a group of soldiers and generals, and they are completely ignored.

The reason why the target boss can jump for so long is not because they are afraid of the boss, but because they have never been able to accurately find the location of the target boss before.

Now that the location is determined, the target leader will never be allowed to escape again.

This time, no matter what, the target leader will be captured and taken back.

You can say that the eagle sauce is bad, but you cannot say that the eagle pickles are bad!

After the Ranger team participating in the capture mission descended from the plane, each team began to act exactly as planned. The members of each team cooperated very closely with each other during the action.

Assault for assault, support for fire support, and alert for alert.

The tacit understanding among the team members is very high. The members of each team have a very clear mind and know what they should do and where they should aim.

With the tacit cooperation of the Ranger team, the armed forces in the manor were defeated and had no choice but to flee.

In this way, each Ranger team successfully entered the building.

Bang bang bang⋅

Several flash bombs were thrown in, and the Ranger team chose to attack directly and forcefully. ?

Inside the building, several militants who fled into the building were immediately frightened by the flash bombs and even had tinnitus.

Different from the flash bombs in the game, the flash bombs in reality can not only blind people's eyes for a moment, but also cause huge explosions that can make people dizzy at close range.

Da da da~

After the flash bomb exploded, the Ranger team quickly rushed in.

Da da da~

It was just a sudden attack on a few militants who were so shocked that they couldn't open their eyes, and easily killed them.

On the first and second floors, the Ranger team searched and cleaned each floor in an orderly and orderly manner. The main reason was that they were searching for the target person, and so far they have not found any.

on the radio.

Each Ranger squad was debriefing.

"The search on the first floor has been completed and the target person was not found."

"Three militants were killed on the second floor, but no target was found."

"The third floor is cleared."

0......Please give me flowers......

It can be said that the Ranger team is now starting a carpet-like search on every floor of this manor, leaving no corner untouched.

As long as the target leader is really here, he will definitely not be able to escape, and they will definitely be able to find him.

Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must dig out the target person.

At the same time, inside the Ninth Mountain Division headquarters.

The investigation status of the frontline Ranger team is all transmitted to the headquarters in real time, and the floor plan of each building in the manor is played on the large screen in the headquarters.

Among them, the flashing light spots on the plan represent the location of the cavalry squad.

As the Ranger team continues to search, every time an area is cleared and searched, there will be a special mark on the screen.

But at this time, there are fewer and fewer areas on the screen that have not been searched by the Ranger team, which means that there are fewer and fewer places for the target to hide.

But to put it another way, it proves that the chances of finding the target boss are getting smaller and smaller.

Isn't the target leader here? They failed again this time?

For a while, this idea came to the minds of the Bald Eagle officers in the headquarters.

If it really came to nothing, it would be a shame to have spent so much money.

"We haven't found the target yet. Isn't the target here? That damn informant lied to us?" the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division couldn't help but say.

Hearing this, Jeremy Raymond's face turned darker.

He was full of confidence and hope for this operation. For this reason, when he applied for funds from Wharton, Weishu Dianping guaranteed that he would be able to catch his bid this time.

You know, there were many people at Wharton who had objections to his application for such a large amount of funds this time, but those pressures were resisted by the people behind him.

But if they don't succeed this time, Walton will have no way to explain.

The people behind him will also be very passive in their right to speak because of himself.

"Look again, if the target is not here this time, I promise to let that damn informant know how stupid it is to deceive me.

Jeremy Raymond said viciously.

The key is that he has now sent the money to the informant. It can be said that the transaction between the two parties is already in progress and will not end easily.

The reason why Jeremy Raymond trusted the informant so much this time was because the informant offered a very high price. If he dared to offer such a high price with confidence, it showed that the information was very authentic.

If it was just a matter of cheating money, he would not dare to offer such a high price because he would not have the confidence.

at this time.

Ranger team here.

Inside the floor, there was a thud and a huge explosion.

The next second, da da da~

Fierce gunfire rang out, and a large amount of firepower poured out from the inside and outside of the room. This ferocious attack directly caused battle damage to the Ranger team.

?The two Rangers were beaten into pieces in an instant. Even though they were wearing body armor, the bullets passed through their heads and the helmets could not stop them at all.

The huge explosion also seriously injured the three rangers next to them.

The sudden attack prevented the Ranger team from reacting at all. In just a few moments, five members of the team suffered casualties. The scene was very tragic.

"Call for support, call for support, we are under heavy firepower."

The sergeant major of the team immediately called for support on the radio, and the team members around him immediately fired into the house and dragged the fallen team members out.

Hearing on the radio that a team was under fierce attack and needed support, the other two Ranger teams immediately rushed here.

Within the headquarters.

After seeing the unexpected situation that the Rangers suddenly encountered, Jeremy Raymond's face suddenly showed joy and he was very excited.

If he hadn't been concerned about the inappropriateness of the occasion, his laughter would be too much and would make others think that he didn't care about the life and death of the soldiers. He even wanted to laugh out loud now.

He is not afraid that a fierce battle will not occur; he is afraid that it will not occur.

Because once it appears, it means that the target is here. If it doesn't appear, it will be really mysterious.

Obviously, what the Rangers were searching for was the target's hiding place.

"I found you." Jeremy Raymond said coldly with a deliberately gloomy face.

In fact, Jeremy Raymond is already smiling in his heart.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank me!!! Son).

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