Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

756: The Situation Is Reversed! Operation Blackhand In Progress

At this time, the Ranger team, whose search operation had gone smoothly, was blocked on the floor, and a fierce battle broke out.

Judging from the firepower, there are a lot of militants in this room, and the firepower is very fierce.

Still in such a small space, it would be difficult to carry out actions.

The militants here are desperate. They know that Bald Eagle's troops have found this place, and there is no possibility for them to escape today.

The fate of falling into the hands of a bald eagle is also very miserable.

If you want to survive, there is only one possibility, which is to kill the Bald Eagle soldiers and rush out. This is the only hope.

In the face of the huge desire to survive, the militants burst out with very strong fighting power, all using a desperate fighting style.

On the Bald Eagle side, every soldier cherishes his life. No one wants to die here, so the fight is a bit constrained, and the casualties are increasing.

The Ranger teams who were searching other places also came to support, but due to limited space, they could only drag the injured people over for the time being.

"Report, we have encountered a strong counterattack, requesting reinforcements."

The leader of the Ranger team reported the situation.

In a short period of time, several of their brothers had died in battle, and the militants inside resisted fiercely, making this a bit difficult to crack.

They really wish there were tanks here and started bombarding this floor directly. That would be much easier.

"Support is on the way. You continue to launch attacks and be sure to bring back the target leader." Jeremy Raymond said.

Although the Ranger team has suffered casualties now, and the casualties are still increasing, as long as the target leader can be captured "two-seven-seven", all the casualties will be worth it.

Besides, when performing a mission, casualties are inevitable. How could there not be casualties?

Again, as long as the target person can be captured, these casualties will not affect him.

The more fierce the militants inside resist, the more it means that the target leader is inside.

After hearing the order, the Ranger team had no choice but to grit their teeth and continue to attack inside.

"We finally caught this cunning guy. Now we are just making unnecessary resistance, which is meaningless at all." Jeremy Raymond said confidently.

"Yes, if we can capture him, it will be a great achievement. We will make a lot of money this time." The chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division next to him laughed and said with great pride.

You know, this time in order to obtain the information provided by the informant, they applied for US$60 million in activity funds.

The informant has 30 million, they have 30 million. Of course, the 30 million for the informant is only temporarily placed there.

When they capture the target, they will deal with the informant and get back the 30 million.

The locals are really stupid. They don't even know how much they are worth. How can a local pariah deserve thirty million US dollars? How dare he? Who gave him the courage?

Although the Ranger team's attack is not going well now, it doesn't matter. After all, everyone inside is a trapped beast, and it will be a matter of time before they can't hold it back.

The people inside have no way to escape, but there are follow-up reinforcements coming from their side.

At that time, not only will they be able to capture the target leader, but they will also be able to enjoy 60 million US dollars on their own. They will really make a lot of money.

But what everyone in the Ninth Mountain didn't know was that in this operation, it seemed that they had the upper hand, but in fact they had entered an ambush.

Operation Blackhand, codenamed, is already underway.

From the moment these rangers stepped into the manor, it meant that they were already corpses.

These Ranger teams thought they were fighting local militants, but little did they know that they had entered an ambush circle deployed by an elite team.

Da da da~

Fierce gunshots kept ringing.

Bang bang bang∼

Explosions kept happening.

In fact, Bald Eagle's Rangers team had already cleared out the armed elements in the manor, and the people they were fighting now were not the local armed elements, but the elite team that came to carry out the Black Hand operation.

As soon as the professional takes action, he will know whether it is there or not.

Long before the arrival of the Rangers, the elite team had already been ambushing the manor, entering the basement and secret rooms of the manor, patiently waiting for the bald eagle to take the bait.

Yes, the informant is fake, and the information provided by the informant is also fake. Everything is just to make the bald eagle come here.

In the manor, surveillance cameras are installed in some very hidden places, which can monitor every move of the Ranger team on the ground.

This manor is the manor of the target leader. The basement and secret room below have also been poured with cement. They are very strong. Even under the bombardment of many missiles before, they did not cause any damage.

There were many anti-infantry mines placed in the manor, and many Ranger teams undoubtedly triggered the anti-infantry mines and were killed by the mines.

After all, the members of the Ranger team never imagined that militants would install this thing in their own manor.

It is even more unimaginable that they appear to be hunters, but are actually the prey of an elite team.

"The prey takes the bait and releases the gas bomb."

In the basement, the lieutenant colonel leading the team looked at the surveillance screen and gave an order.


Inside the building, the elite team had already deployed gas bombs in the corridor, waiting for the Ranger team to take the bait.

Often the most effective means of killing are very simple and unpretentious.

Just like now, after the team member pressed a switch, steel plates fell down from the corridor window, blocking the window.

Immediately afterwards, strong anger began to emanate from the holes on the ceiling and walls, and in a short period of time, the entire floor was enveloped.

Seeing this scene, the Rangers were dumbfounded.


Many people immediately cursed, never expecting that there was poisonous gas in this building. What kind of building was this? It had been completely transformed into a battle tower.

It's obviously prepared for them. No serious person would install something that releases poisonous gas in their own building.

"Gas bombs." Someone kept shouting, and they quickly covered their mouths and noses.

They came out to carry out this operation without any equipment such as masks. The key point was that no one would have thought that the battle would continue like this. Now, they are obviously stuck with these militants.

"Retreat, get out."

The sergeant major of the team kept shouting.

"I can't get out, the windows and doors are sealed with steel plates." Someone said desperately.

The windows and doors that they had broken open before were now sealed with steel plates, making it impossible to get out for a while.

In the corridor, everything became dark.

In this building now, at least two platoons of rangers are sealed here. Even covering their mouths and noses is of no use. They can't stop breathing forever.

As the gambling gas continued to enter the nose, soon, the Ranger members began to fall one by one, and many people foamed at the mouth and died on the spot.

This building has been renovated. When was it renovated?

Don't underestimate all the preparations made for Operation Corrosion. Every step and every plan was carefully arranged by Li Ran and constantly deduced. He made multiple preparation plans.

Naturally, the preparations made are complete. Renovating a mere building is not too simple or troublesome at all.

If there is no complete preparation, it is impossible to rashly let the elite team take action.

After all, there are only forty people in the team, and Bald Eagle has logistics and support, armored vehicles and tanks on the ground, and helicopter gunships in the air. If you let the elite team and ambush the rangers without complete preparation, it will be the same as death. No difference.

The most important thing is that it makes no sense!

It makes no sense at all.

The purpose of making complete preparations is to cause maximum casualties to the Rangers at a smaller cost, so that a gap can be opened and the Bald Eagle can be substituted into the corrosion plan.

Outside the building.

The sudden change shocked the Rangers outside. They saw steel plates suddenly falling down and sealing the windows and floors of the building, which made them feel something was wrong.

The screams that kept coming from inside let them know that something was definitely happening out of control.

"Blow this place up, quickly, quickly."

The rangers outside immediately arranged their manpower and planned to use explosives to blow open the steel plate, at least to create a gap, otherwise everyone inside would be dead.

Just one second.


With a gunshot, a Ranger's head exploded and he fell to the ground.

There is an elite team lurking inside the building, and naturally there is an elite team lurking outside the building.

On a high building five hundred meters away from the manor, an elite team of snipers was ambushed here.

The steel plates in the corridor that sealed the windows and doors were a signal for him, the sniper, to start calling the Rangers outside the building so that these Rangers could not provide support to the members inside the building... .


Another gunshot rang out, and another Ranger fell to the ground.

"the second."

The sniper of the elite team thought silently in his heart, and then pulled the trigger again.

The third one fell, and in a short period of time, three Rangers fell into his hands.

"There are snipers."

The Rangers outside the building finally realized something was wrong at this time. People kept falling down. They only heard the sound of bullets piercing the air, but no gunshots were heard.

Obviously, there is a sniper in the dark, and a silencer is installed on the sniper rifle, which is why it looks like this.

"Dodge, sniper."

At this time, the Rangers outside the building quickly began to hide in the corner, not daring to come out one by one, and even the rescue operations inside the building stopped.

There is no way, there is no rescue at all. They don't know the location of the secret sniper. Once he shows up, he will be headshot. Who dares to try?

However, the sniper member of the elite team had long expected that this would happen. The position he chose was very tricky. Basically, there were very few blind spots for his sniping.

Even in some blind spots, he has special preparations.

This sniper was personally trained by Li Ran and was deeply influenced by Li Ran. Although he could not achieve the perverted strength of Li Ran, in terms of sniper strength, he ranked among the top among millions of people in the field army. Ten is no problem.

Yes, this is the strength of the snipers trained by Li Ran!


The sniper member once again pulled the trigger expressionlessly, and another surprise member fell.

Bombs were installed in some corners. The Rangers were lucky not to trigger them, but the team members could help them trigger them.

For example, there are three rangers hiding in a blind spot. They are very confident that snipers will never find them in this position.

Just the next second, there was a bang~

Beside them, two pre-deployed bombs exploded directly, and the next second, the three rangers directly GG.

"Call support, call support."

For a time, all the Ranger teams in the manor, both inside and outside the building, were beaten unconscious. Each one of them was beaten so hard that they screamed and called for support.


As the scene progressed, it completely changed from the unilateral massacre of the militants before, and now they were being massacred mercilessly.

They didn't even know who they were fighting against.

They do not believe that the local militants have such strength. This is simply impossible.

Within the city.

The ground troops transferred from the nearby city were also attacked at this time, and the scene there was not nearly as brutal as the situation in the manor.

Bang bang bang∼

Huge 4.1 explosions continued. On the advance route of the armored forces, the ambush elite team deployed a large number of mines and explosives.

With this amount of explosives, even armored vehicles were directly overturned, and several Rangers were directly crushed into pulp by the armored vehicles.

Da da da~

The fierce gun battle also continued, and powerful firepower was fired at them from the nearby floors, knocking them out immediately.

No one expected that they would encounter an ambush.

They never dreamed that they were here to capture the target person, but they were ambushed. What was going on?

In a short period of time, the situation reversed instantly. The Ranger teams dispatched this time were all attacked by powerful firepower. They were beaten so hard that they could not lift their heads for a while. This scene was so shocking.

The answer left Jeremy Ramone stunned.

Inside the 9th Mountain Division headquarters.

"Why? Why is this? Who can tell me what happened? Who are these people?" | Jeremy Raymond yelled angrily.

No one expected that the situation would develop to this point. It was chaotic. Everything was in chaos. It was completely beyond his expectation and control.

The rangers under him were beaten like this and suffered heavy injuries.

The rangers in the manor were ambushed, and even the ground armor troops rushing over there were also ambushed, resulting in casualties.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Jeremy Raymond is, he knows that it was not an accident. It was obviously premeditated.

This is a trap, a trap, and the other party is coming for them.

(Ask for everything. Ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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