Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

781: Total Casualties! Fooled For The Third Time

Boom boom boom~

The ground was shaking. This shaking was not caused by the arrival of the flash flood, but because an armored vehicle was driving straight over, ignoring the fallen bald eagle soldiers on the ground.

"Don't come over, I'm on the ground."

Seeing that the armored vehicle was heading straight towards him without any intention of slowing down, the bald eagle soldier who fell to the ground yelled.

It's a pity that no one noticed his voice in the chaos.

To be precise, even if someone notices it, no one will care about him now. They will fly away when the disaster is approaching. At this time, you don't want to escape, but you want to save others?

Don't be kidding, anyone who tries to save people in this situation will end up dead.

At this time, the driver in the armored vehicle wanted to step on the accelerator directly into the fuel tank. Mad, this is so scary. This scene is so scary.

He was lucky. He had seen with his own eyes that the armored vehicle at the front had no ability to resist in the face of such a huge flash flood and was overturned directly.

Under such circumstances, if the armored vehicle is overturned, there is only one way, a dead end.

Once overturned by a flash flood, the armored vehicle can never get up again. Endless water will directly enter the armored vehicle and drown people.

Although he is the driver and driving an armored vehicle, he does not need to expend physical energy and does not have to worry about the risk of being trampled.

But that doesn't mean he can definitely escape in an armored vehicle. He must drive the vehicle to a safe distance as soon as possible.

Moreover, the visual space inside the armored vehicle is also limited. In addition, now, in the dark, he can't see clearly at all. He can only rely on the direction sense "three, three, seven" to determine the straight line he is walking.

As for what is in front, whether there is anyone or not is none of his business.

As a result, the bald eagle soldier who fell to the ground in front could only watch helplessly as Zhang Da's dozens of tons of armored vehicles crushed him directly.


At the moment of crushing him, the bald eagle soldier let out a scream of pain and then died immediately.

Being crushed by such a big guy from above, it felt like the whole body was exploding, and all the internal organs inside were squeezed out. It looked very miserable.

There was more than one Bald Eagle soldier on the ground who had just been crushed. In such a chaotic environment, more and more Bald Eagle soldiers fell to the ground and were trampled directly over.

Then I could only watch the armored vehicles behind me and run over them without giving a damn.



"Fuck, there's someone here, don't drive, stop."

"Damn bastard, there's someone in front of you, stop driving, stop."

Outside, the bald eagle soldiers who fell to the ground roared at the top of their lungs. Unfortunately, domestic drivers seemed to have never heard of them.

Under such high pressure, he could no longer hear what the people outside were saying.

Even if he heard it, he would not stop the car now. Just kidding, asking him to stop the car would be equivalent to asking him to die.

He didn't push you down when you fell to the ground. If you are to blame, you can only blame your own misfortune.

That was because he was the driver. If he were lying on the ground now, he had no doubt that others would roll over him with armored vehicles without hesitation.

Therefore, the car must not stop, no matter who is on the ground in front of it.

Even if the person lying on the ground in front of him was their division commander, he would just take the shot without missing a beat and crush him directly. He had nothing to say and no push.

In the valley.

The originally well-trained Bald Eagle soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division were now completely in disarray.

Although they have advanced weapons and equipment, at this time, the only ones who can save them are themselves.

Only by relying on them and carrying their legs could they run out of the valley.

Beyond that, no one can save them.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind right now, and that is to survive, no matter what means are used.

Now, for this group of bald eagle soldiers, they are not only facing the test of the threat of flash floods, but also a test of their humanity.

In the face of such a crisis, their humanity underwent a huge test. Obviously, the Bald Eagle soldiers of the 9th Mountain Division did not withstand such a test.

In the face of the threat of death, they have forgotten discipline, everything, and mutual help.

What everyone is thinking about is to seize the time and escape for their own lives. They have nothing to do with the life or death of others.

As long as they can survive, even if they are asked to kill other people with guns now, they are all willing.

But what they don't know is that the more they behave like this, the smaller the chance of escape for everyone. If they can withstand the test in the face of such a huge crisis, many people will not die.

Because, when cleaning the battlefield afterwards, it will be discovered that many soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division did not die in flash floods at all. It can be judged based on the wounds on each of their bodies.

Many soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division died in the huge panic caused by this flash flood and died in the stampede caused by this panic.

Most people fell to the ground because of the stampede. No one helped or pulled them up, so they were trampled to death by the people behind them.

There are also traces on some parts of the body, which are completely the traces of armored vehicles running directly from above.

Because if it is a drowned soldier, the surface of his body is basically intact, and professional doctors can judge it at a glance.

The corpses of many soldiers were mutilated and looked very miserable. They were obviously crushed to death by armored vehicles.

This is the innocent casualty caused by human nature failing to withstand the test.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on others. The blame can only be blamed on the Bald Eagle soldiers themselves for not being able to withstand the test. In such a crisis, all they could think about was escaping.

No one thought about spontaneously maintaining order in such a chaotic situation and retreating in an orderly and non-chaotic manner.

Although the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division have very advanced weapons and equipment, it is a pity that they are missing one of the most important things.

Without this most important thing, they will definitely fail at the most critical moment, without the possibility of creating miracles.

And this thing is unyielding will. Without this thing, even a bald eagle soldier with very advanced weapons and equipment is just a paper tiger.

The soldiers of Bald Eagle did not have such qualities in the past, and they have never had it until now, which is reasonable.

Of course, you can't laugh at the bald eagle soldiers endlessly just because of this.

Because, in this world, except for the field army, no army of any country can have such resilience and such will.

In that case, the only thought in a normal person's mind is to run, and everyone wants to survive, and they can't care about anything else.

It can be said that if soldiers from other countries came here, they would have the same result and fall into huge panic.

Of course, there is one country exception.

That is the field army of the Dragon Kingdom. The will of the field army is passed down from the ancestors and lasts forever.

Just imagine, if the field army faced such a situation, how would they respond?

Immediately, the superiors will come up with temporary solutions as quickly as possible. If there is really no way, the soldiers at the front will definitely give up the last chance to those behind them after they find that they have no time and opportunity to retreat. Comrades and brothers.

Even in the face of such a huge crisis, everyone will consider each other, thinking about surviving together and leaving the family together.

There will be no chaos or such out-of-control situations.

Under such circumstances, even if there will eventually be casualties, such casualties will be controlled within an acceptable range, and there will not be such outrageous casualties like the Bald Eagle soldiers.

There is only one field army like this in the world, and it is a force that cannot be replaced.

No other country's troops can match it.

Afterwards, in the chaos, the driver of the infantry fighting vehicle who ignored the lives of his companions and drove over him violently, although he survived by luck, was eventually judged as a "military officer".


Washington will definitely be held accountable afterwards. It is impossible to let such people go unpunished. The main thing is to give an explanation to the families of the soldiers who died in action.

This matter definitely needs someone to take the blame.

Moreover, this matter is so serious that more than one person needs to take the blame. One person is not capable of taking all the blame.0

Major Bald Eagle, who had temporarily retreated to a relatively safe area, was still thinking of giving a final performance and command.

In the end, he found that no one was paying attention to him at all, and the flash flood was still rushing towards him, so he gave up and asked someone to drive him away.

Now things are irreversible. In the face of such chaos, support has no meaning, and there is no rescue.

Because there is no way at all. Even if there is a way to rescue, there is no way to carry out rescue in such a chaotic situation.

Therefore, we can only save our lives first, and we can’t worry about the rest until the crisis is over.

Afterwards, according to statistics, the flash flood directly killed 80% of the officers and soldiers of the 9th Mountain Division in the valley, and many of the remaining 50% suffered from severe PTSD.

Psychological intervention and treatment are needed.

As for combat effectiveness, it is good if it can save one's life. There is no such thing as combat history.

As for the other 15% of bald eagles, half of them laid down their weapons and surrendered to the terrorists during their escape, only to be killed directly.

The remaining 10% ran to a position that was not affected by flash floods, and the positions that were not affected by flash floods were basically occupied by terrorists. Therefore, these 10% still had to fight with terrorists, and for a while they suffered heavy casualties.

Under such circumstances, it was only a matter of time before all the Bald Eagle soldiers died in battle.

Because they have no support or logistics, and the impact of flash floods has caused great psychological trauma to them.

Now they can only fight there with their last breath.

Of course, the remaining bald eagle soldiers now knew that there was little chance of survival and were prepared to die.

It's just that although I am ready to die, I still think that I will die anyway. If I can hold someone back before I die, one more is one, and it is also profitable.

Under the desperate counterattack of this group of bald eagle soldiers, this group of terrorists also suffered a lot of casualties.

After all, compared with the strength of this group of terrorists and the bald eagle, there is still a big gap.

If the flash flood hadn't frightened this group of Bald Eagle soldiers, this group of terrorists might not have been able to defeat these 10% soldiers of the 9th Mountain Division.

In the valley, as the huge flash flood rushed through, a water surface with a depth that was not shallow was directly formed in the valley.

On the water, the corpses of officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division were floating everywhere. It looked very scary.


These corpses are basically those of the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division, and their clothing is very uniform. Although there are some terrorists, they are only a minority.

In the valley, such a tragic situation made people feel like purgatory on earth for a while, and the scene was very scary. 5.0

If a timid person sees this scene, he may be so frightened that he pees his pants.

At this time, the headquarters of the Ninth Mountain Division.

When Jeremy Raymond, the division commander, received the specific situation on the front line, his whole body dropped to the ground and he was stunned on the spot.

How is it possible, how is this possible? Why does this situation happen? What is the reason?

In a short period of time, their battle situation was still very good for them, but in a short period of time, all the two battalions he deployed in the valley died, and almost everyone was killed.

Almost all dead.

The few people who were lucky enough to be left were all as if they had lost their souls.

What's even more outrageous is that according to intelligence, they seemed to have fallen into the trap of this group of terrorists, and they were fooled again and were tricked.

Otherwise, why would there be flash floods in such valleys?

Could it be that just because of that little amount of rain, a flash flood comparable to a tsunami could be caused? How is this possible? It is simply impossible. He is not a fool.

If it was really an accident, then he would feel better, but now, this is not an accident, this is a premeditated organization, this is a trap.

This is the third time that their Ninth Mountain Division has entered the trap dug by this group of terrorists.

Again and again, he really couldn't accept this result.

He doesn't know what to say now. When did a mere terrorist have such a strategy and combat effectiveness?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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