Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

782: The Ninth Mountain Division Exists In Name Only! The Power Behind The Scenes Is Amazing

Jeremy Raymond is in a state of doubting life at this time.

The combat effectiveness and tactical strategies displayed by this group of terrorists completely exceeded his expectations. In his opinion, this was no longer the normal military quality that a terrorist should possess.

How can any terrorist have such fighting power and strategy?

If terrorists all have such military qualities, how can their Bald Eagle troops do anything? If we encounter terrorists in the future, who would dare to carry out anti-terrorism missions?

Terrorists, to put it bluntly, are a motley crew, a group of motley crews that have not experienced professional military training and have at most a little organization, but no discipline.

In front of their regular army, this group of terrorists should normally be directly destroyed by them, but it should not be like this. Their majestic bald eagles, Ninth Mountain Division Rangers, and elite troops were beaten like this and suffered heavy casualties.

They had eliminated many other terrorists before, but they had never encountered one with such strength.

What? Is it possible that the terrorists in the past deliberately showed weakness in front of them?

It's really strange. If this group of terrorists had such fighting power, how could they easily occupy this place?

You know, after they occupied this place, although this group of terrorists planned some terrorist attacks for them, in their opinion, it was all just a trivial matter.

It is an opportunity for them to show their bald eagle image as the world's police and maintain order.

Therefore, they dealt with the terrorist actions planned by this group of terrorists without any effort at all and with ease.

Even the daily life of the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division is to rest, entertain, and relax in the base.

Because the local situation is completely under their control, there is no need to worry about anything else.

But now, the combat effectiveness displayed by this group of terrorists gave Jeremy Ramon an illusion.

Damn, this group of terrorists were just teasing them before, and they didn't show their true strength at all.

08 "Why? Why have we been fooled three times? We have fallen into the traps they set three times in a row. Why? Why did this group of terrorists suddenly become so powerful? When did they have the ability to deploy a trap of this scale? Already?" Jeremy Raymond roared in the command headquarters.

In Jeremy Raymond's opinion, this final flash flood was a trap that was planned in advance.

This group of terrorists had fought with them before and deliberately provoked them in order to lure the two battalions of the Ninth Mountain Division into a trapped position and trigger a flash flood.

The key point is that this is a flash flood, not an ordinary trap, or some kind of blasting that makes rocks roll down.

This is a flash flood.

This group of terrorists actually has the ability to deploy traps like flash floods. How much manpower and material resources it costs.

The more critical point is that to deploy such a trap, it is not enough to have manpower and material resources. Professional and technical personnel are required.

Because if something goes wrong, it is impossible for the flash flood to hit them completely like it has eyes.

Damn it, when did this group of terrorists have such professional qualities?

Inside the 9th Mountain Division headquarters!

All the officers present looked very ugly, because the current situation was undoubtedly a devastating blow to their Ninth Mountain Division.

In the valley, two entire battalions of rangers were basically wiped out, with corpses everywhere.

Coupled with the soldiers they lost in previous battles, the Ninth Mountain Division is now basically in name only.

You know, the two battalions sent to hunt down the terrorists this time were both elite battalions within the Ninth Mountain Division. As a result, both of their elite battalions were killed in this capture battle.

Such battle damage really broke history.

The previous commander of the Ninth Mountain Division simply failed to do a good job in advance intelligence and investigation work, which ultimately led to the death of more than a dozen people and ended up being retired.

And with their current battle damage, they will probably have to go to a military court, or even spend the rest of their lives in prison.

There are thousands of people, thousands of Ranger soldiers. Who can accept such a result?

They haven't dared to report the battle damage here to Washington yet, because they know that if they report it, Washington will probably send people to kill them.

"Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy. There must be other forces involved behind this group of terrorists. Otherwise, they would not be able to have such combat effectiveness just by relying on their strength." The chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division immediately said loudly.

It's not that he simply wants to evade responsibility, but that is definitely the case.

Even if they think with their toes, this group of terrorists cannot be so powerful.

This group of terrorists, a group of weak soldiers and generals, does not have standardized or organized weapons and equipment. The members of the terrorists are all miscellaneous soldiers and do not have strong military qualities at all.

As for the planning of tactical strategies, what tactical strategies can this group of terrorists have?

What other tactics could they use besides sneaking up on them at night or at other times when they are not paying attention, shooting for a while, and then running away?

The composition of this group of terrorists means that they will not have much potential and will not become a big success.

In previous fights, this group of terrorists had no ability to resist in the face of their counterattacks, and they would be defeated in a fight.

The current fighting power is astonishing, and other forces are definitely involved behind the scenes. No matter how you think about it, this is definitely the result.

"I know that there are definitely other forces behind this group of terrorists, but the answer we give to Washington cannot be just that we speculate that there are other forces behind it. We have to find a way to investigate clearly who are the forces behind this group of terrorists. Who, who is the person behind them? Who is going against us behind the scenes?" Jeremy Raymond said angrily.

They have been fighting this group of terrorists until now. No matter how slow he is, he can still find something wrong now.

Not only is something wrong, it's very wrong.

This group of terrorists received help from other forces behind the scenes. This group of terrorists are just pawns of this force.

At the beginning, he didn't react yet and thought it was just carelessness, but now, he sees everything clearly.

By associating all the things that happened before, you can find that the forces behind this group of terrorists played a game of chess.

A game played specifically against their Bald Eagle 9th Mountain Division.

First, they got false information from the so-called senior informant, which made them feel excited, thinking that they had a chance to kill the target leader this time.

Unexpectedly, they were fooled and they were ambushed. Although there were battle losses and some were captured, the casualties were actually quite controllable.

Just when they were about to abandon the captured personnel and directly call for air support to raze the manor to the ground and completely eliminate it in one fell swoop.

The video on the Internet was not exposed, and it immediately pushed them to the forefront. Driven by public opinion, they were regarded as the righteous party for the first time.

This scene made them, who had never received the support of public opinion, become obsessed for a while, thinking that this was a good opportunity to change their image in the hearts of the public.

Maybe from now on, we can be completely cleansed, become a righteous party, and gain support from public opinion.

It is because of this mentality that they once again entered another big network opened by the mastermind behind the scenes, and fell deeper step by step.

They thought they had negotiated cooperation with the target leader, but in fact this was all deliberately planned by the mastermind behind the scenes, allowing the target leader to pretend to negotiate cooperation with them. In fact, there was no sincerity in cooperation at all.

When they mobilized large forces to rescue and put on a show, the target leader turned against him and refused to admit his guilt, causing them huge casualties.

Stimulated by revenge, they took action again. This was the second time they took action and sent troops to pursue him all the way.

No wonder that in the previous urban street battles, the unidentified armed men who blocked them would rather self-destruct than surrender. From beginning to end, they did not say a word. No matter how they tried to persuade them to surrender, they received no response.

It turned out that they were worried about exposing their identities, so the final result of these people was to commit suicide and be blown to pieces by bombs, making it impossible for them to determine their true identities.

But they didn't think much about it at the time, they just thought they were dead soldiers trained by terrorists. Then after tracking the traces of this group of terrorists, in order to rescue the prisoners, he mobilized more manpower again.

No matter what the identity of the other party is, because they are already riding a tiger at this time.

Apart from rescuing the prisoners safely and eliminating this group of terrorists, there is no other way out.

In this way, they fell into a trap again. The people behind the terrorists had already arranged traps here and prepared a flash flood waiting for them.

In this way, in a short period of time, their Ninth Mountain Division encountered traps one after another, each one becoming more serious and causing more battle losses.

This is because this group of terrorists does not have air control and cannot call for air support.

If this group of terrorists had air superiority and could also call for fighter support, they might have suffered heavy losses from the very beginning when they were ambushed in the valley.

Although they were supported by the air, the terrorists faced them head-on and did not take any advantage. The battle damage was also very serious.

But in fact, they have been being led by the nose, and every step they take is planned and arranged by the other party in advance.

They were fooled without any alertness at all.

So now, the battle losses of the Ninth Mountain Division have exceeded the sky. He knows very well that once this battle damage situation is reported to Washington, Washington will be absolutely shocked.

If the people in the country knew about it, he would be finished.

Thousands of people died in the dignified Ninth Mountain Division. Did you launch a large-scale war?

Even when they occupied the country, thousands of people did not die.

As a result, thousands of people have died just by leading a team to arrest a group of terrorists. Thousands of people. How on earth can so many people die?

Is it possible that the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division stood still and allowed the terrorists to kill them by name during the 717 battle with the terrorists?

With so many people dead, how can they explain to the people at home?

Moreover, you still have air support, and you are beaten like this. Wouldn't it mean that the Bald Eagle has lost all its face?

If word of this spreads, who will be afraid of us in the future? Who will still be wary of our strength?

"Judging from the traps deployed by this group of terrorists, the people behind the scenes are very powerful. They are definitely not ordinary forces and organizations." Jeremy Raymond analyzed that he is now thinking about whether he has the ability to help this group of terrorists. What are the forces planning such an action?

Even though their opponents appear to be a group of terrorists, in fact, the real potential opponent is a very large force.

If he couldn't find out the forces behind it, he wouldn't be able to explain it to Washington.

He should

The commander of the Ninth Mountain Division has only been two or three years old. He has made a lot of money and plans to enjoy life after retiring.

He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison, and the domestic people may even ask Washington to shoot him.

Therefore, he must master something that can save his life.

"To provide such help to this group of terrorists, at least it should be a large arms dealer level force. Only then would they have such financial resources." A participant of the Ninth Mountain Division

The chief of staff analyzed.

"No, although arms dealers have financial resources, their goal is just to make money. At most, they will only sell weapons and equipment to them. It is impossible to help them plan a special attack on

our actions. "Jeremy Raymond said immediately.

When the war starts, the more intense it becomes, the more money many arms companies make.

Sometimes, in order to make money, these arms companies deliberately promote the war behind the scenes.

Because as long as there is a war, they will make money. If there is no war, they will still make shit money.

However, arms dealers only seek money and will only sell weapons and equipment at most. As for helping this group of terrorists provide tactical strategies and plans, it is not realistic at all.

"If it's not an arms dealer, then what could it be?" Suddenly, a very frightening thought came to the mind of the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division.

Hearing this, Jeremy Raymond looked at him and said seriously: "I think what you are thinking now may be the same as what I am thinking."


Hearing this, the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division couldn't help but take a breath of air.

If it rises to this level, the nature of the problem will be serious.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything. Thank you!!!).

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