Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

783: Wudatangkou Is The Mastermind Behind This! The Water Is Deep And Muddy

As the two of them analyzed, the more they analyzed, the more frightened they became, and they suddenly felt a chill in their backs.

Because, according to what the two of them said and thought, the nature of this matter is too serious. It can be said that it is not something that he, the commander of the Ninth Mountain Division, can decide.

The other party is coming for their Ninth Mountain Division. What is its specific purpose?

Is it just to cause casualties to their Ninth Mountain Division? To provoke greater conflicts between them and the local area and trigger a larger-scale war?

Are the forces behind this taking the opportunity to make money here? Or are they trying to do something else?

Obviously, besides Wudatangkou, who else can help this group of terrorists cause such great damage to the Ninth Mountain Division?

The entrance to the Five Great Halls naturally includes the Bald Eagle itself. Yes, the commander of the Ninth Mountain Division also includes their own side.

As a major general, he knew very well that some of the people on his side were not good people. It could be said that they were evil-minded and even worse than him.

To be precise, the person behind it cannot be said to be one person, but a community of interests. Why do they want to occupy this place? On the surface, they say it is to maintain peace, but they are all nice to say, and the words are better than the songs.

In fact, they are here to make money and resources.

They need to consume a huge amount of weapons and ammunition to fight here, and in their country, there are many large military industrial groups providing them behind the scenes to take their business. "Every ten days of consumption is a huge number.

At the same time, it also means that the military industrial group behind it earns a huge amount of money from here every day.

In fact, these military-industrial groups do not want them to end their mission here at all, but hope that they will continue to fight here, and the bigger the scale, the better, and the longer the fight, the better.

There is no way, this is the huge interests at work. In the face of huge interests, all moral ethics can be thrown aside, and no one will care at all.

The longer the fight lasts and the larger the scale of the fight, the more they can earn. Once they stop fighting and become stable, the military-industrial groups behind them will be very anxious.

Because there is peace here, they have no more money to make. If they don’t have money to make money, they can’t play much. No one will think that there is too much money.

After all, they are a capitalist country. For the sake of profit, they will do anything. As long as the interests are in place, even if they are asked to kill their own parents, they will do it.

Capital pursues profits, and only sees profits and nothing else. As long as there is money to be made, it will do anything.

As for how much killing has been caused here because of them, and how many people have been displaced and displaced because of them, I'm sorry, they don't care about this at all.

There were so many people, so if they died, they would just die. What's the big deal? Besides, it wasn't their family members who died.

As for the death of soldiers in the army, they don't care. If they die, they will die. They can only do superficial work. They don't need to take the blame anyway, so what's the big deal.

Thinking of this, the commander of the Ninth Mountain Division felt a chill in his back. If this was the case, the water in it was too deep, not only deep but also very turbid.

When things develop to this point, he, the commander of the Ninth Mountain Division, will definitely become the scapegoat. For the sake of profit, those people will abandon him without hesitation and push him out as a pawn to take the blame.

He, the commander of the Ninth Mountain Division, was afraid that his work would be over.

He feels very powerless now. Now, he no longer thinks that the problem is his command, because in the face of such a situation, it will be the same no matter who takes command.

Even if he leaves now and the next commander of the Ninth Mountain Division is replaced by a new one, he will not be the same when he comes to command.

When the shadow of Wu Datangkou appeared behind this matter, it was no longer their decision.

The Ninth Mountain Division is the most elite unit among the Bald Eagles. As the Rangers know, it is an old elite team with a heritage designation.

Among the entire Bald Eagle conventional combat force, there is no one stronger than the Rangers.

But he didn't expect that such a powerful and famous Ninth Mountain Division would be used as a pawn. This was something he didn't expect at all.

Once the situation here is reported to Washington, and Washington announces it to the country, the overwhelming public opinion will make him unable to even think about it for a while. It is too terrifying.

Of course, with the push of some forces behind the scenes, public opinion may eventually evolve into a trend of expanding the scale of the battle and seeking revenge.

There will definitely be some people in the country who say that peace is the priority, and continuing to fight will only cause more sacrifices. In the past, the voices of continuing to fight and peace may have been different.

But now, the voice of continued fighting will definitely crush the voice of peace.

When did the Bald Eagle Troops suffer such a big loss? If we just let it go and swallow this loss, who will take them seriously in the future?

If word spreads, cats and dogs will dare to poop on their heads. Yes, that's it.

If they can't get the situation back this time, those Xiaoxiao who were intimidated by them before will not take them seriously, and their prestige and intimidation will be gone.

Therefore, we must fight, and we must fight hard.

Anyone who says not to fight is making an enemy of everyone. This is the general trend and we must fight to the end.

As a bald eagle, you cannot suffer a loss, especially if you suffer such a big loss. The only one who has to suffer is others. The deterrent power of the bald eagle cannot be provoked.

Moreover, the younger brothers behind them will also be watching their reactions.

Their Bald Eagle is now the eldest brother, with many younger brothers behind him. On weekdays, he responds to every call, is that because the younger brothers are loyal to him?

Wrong, any loyalty is based on the deterrence of strength.

Because of their strength, those younger brothers can only listen to them obediently and hold their thighs. But once these younger brothers are made to feel that they are not capable, then these younger brothers' thoughts will change.

After all, everyone wants to sit in the position of eldest brother. Although some people are temporarily the younger brother, it does not mean that they will always want to be the younger brother.

Following him is just to hold on to his thighs and have a better chance of development. If there is a chance to rise to the top, he will definitely rebel as soon as possible without any hesitation.

At the entrance of the five halls, two of them were nominally younger brothers and followed him. In fact, they were completely intimidated by his strength and did not dare not to follow him.

But there are two more companions, the rabbit and the stuffed bear, which are extraordinary.

They all belong to the overlord level. Even they don't dare to bully them at will. In name, the five major halls are actually only Shangsanchang.

If someone with a rabbit or a bear was behind this, then the matter would require another analysis.

Thinking of this, Jeremy Raymond suddenly felt very overwhelmed and didn't want to continue thinking about it.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt numb and helpless, because even if he continued to analyze, it would be of little significance. No matter who was behind it, he, a little major general, could not stop it now.

Moreover, how the subsequent events develop is not something that he, a young major general, can decide.

Instead of analyzing those things that are there and not there, why not think carefully now about how to solve the following problems?

He is now facing a very huge trouble.

The Ninth Mountain Division suffered heavy casualties and the key to rescuing the prisoners who were supposed to be rescued.

As for why it was now at this time, so many people in the Ninth Mountain Division had died, and he still wanted to rescue the prisoners.

That's because there is nothing we can do. Think about it, all the previous actions were to rescue the prisoners, but now it's okay. So many people have died and they haven't been rescued yet.

What should we do? Is this how we report the situation? Say that even though so many people have died, we still haven’t been able to rescue them?

That's definitely not possible. He must be thinking of ways and reasons that can be explained a little bit.

If he can rescue the previously captured Rangers now, he will report directly to Washington when the time comes.

Because they wanted to save people at all costs, they fell into the trap of terrorists. Although they suffered heavy casualties, they succeeded in rescuing the people in the end.

In this case, it can be regarded as finding a reason for himself to explain the battle damage of so many people.

It can't be possible. So many people have died, but the prisoners haven't been rescued yet, so they are left empty-handed.

Therefore, we cannot just give up on this matter, we must save people.

"Mobilize all available air forces to conduct patrols over the valley, and ask the technical experts who came over to recalculate the specific data of the tranquilizer bomb. Once the calculation is completed, "drop the bomb directly."

"In addition, a battalion will be transferred there and armed helicopters will deliver it directly.

Jeremy Raymond once again issued a new order. This battalion was already the last battalion in his hands and did not participate in the previous operations.

If he had sent three battalions in before, I am afraid that all three battalions would be gone now. This battalion was the reserve volunteer force previously arranged.

Jeremy Raymond guessed that there should be people from the Ninth Mountain Division who were still alive in the valley. Although the number was not large, there must be some.

Once they discover an air fighter, they will definitely call for support as soon as possible. At that time, the air force can provide timely support and attack the terrorists. "Know the current location of the terrorists."

Even Jeremy Raymond had made the worst decision. If he still couldn't rescue the prisoners this time, he would just drop tranquilizer bombs regardless of the situation, without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Yes, Jeremy Ramon has been forced into desperation. Of course, this is also the last plan. It is really a last resort.

Jeremy Raymond knew that he had committed a major military taboo and continued to implement stupid tactics that added fuel to the fire.

But even if he understands now, he has no choice but to do this.

Because the rhythm of this war is beyond his control.

There is no other way but this.

"`]If we do this, we have no way out." On the side, the chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division said in a deep voice.

He knew very well what the order issued by Jeremy Raymond meant.

"We can only give it a try now. Do you think we have other opportunities now?" Jeremy Raymond said helplessly.

He is a major general, and as a commander, he continues to use such stupid tactics even though he knows that he is using them. Do you think he is willing?

There is no way, there is really no way at all.

Judging from the current situation, there are very few surviving officers and soldiers of the Ninth Mountain Division. If they give up now, the remaining people in the valley will definitely be wiped out by this group of terrorists.

When the time comes, this group of terrorists takes the prisoners and walks away in a big way, what will they do? There is really no reason for them to make a deal.

He is now in trouble. How he got there is not up to him. He even suspects that his deployment was planned by the people behind this group of terrorists.

"In this case, we are bound to suffer a lot of damage." The chief of staff of the Ninth Mountain Division said solemnly.

"There is no way, we are in a passive position now, if you don't want us two to be captured by the country after we go back,

If the people in the country demand a public execution (to win the favor of the king), this is the only way to go. "Jeremy Ramone said.

At this time, he gave the senior colonel a little warning, reminding him that they were in the same boat.

We have reached this point, don't think about being alone, that is impossible, no one can escape.

"I understand." The colonel nodded, his face looking very ugly.

Even if Jeremy Ramon didn't say it, he knew that he and Jeremy Ramon were on the same boat. The boat had reached this point, and now anyone who wanted to get off the boat had no chance.

The most important thing is that at this point, they really have nothing to do.

Not long after Jeremy Raymond gave the order, suddenly, the phone rang in the headquarters.

Jeremy Raymond immediately picked up the phone and said, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Sir, the troops stationed in E City suffered a large-scale attack by terrorists. They were surrounded and asked for support. An anxious voice came from the phone.

"What?" Hearing this, Jeremy Raymond was shocked and asked quickly: "How many terrorists are there?"

"According to reports from E City, there are at least two thousand people, and all of them are carrying heavy weapons."

"Two thousand people? All carrying heavy weapons?"

Hearing this, Jeremy Raymond was stunned on the spot, and the expression on his face was distorted.

Two thousand terrorists were carrying heavy firepower. How could E City resist them?

No wonder we need to call for support at this time.

"Sir, they are asking for support, asking for support." The staff officer's voice came from the phone.

Hearing this, Jeremy Raymond said angrily on the phone: "Where in the world will I mobilize manpower to support them?"

(Ask for everything. Ask for everything. Kneel down and thank me!!).

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