Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

081: Someone From The Training Department Is Here! Questions About Li Ran

Three-by-three system, pincer offensive...

Li Ran, who has mastered infantry tactics, laments the superiority of his predecessors. The true glory of infantry tactics will be in the light infantry era among his predecessors.

When it comes to which country in the world has the strongest light infantry, the Field Army would be second, but no one dares to say first.

The light infantry of the field army was the pinnacle of light infantry in the world at that time, and they were able to defeat armored groups with their flesh and blood.

In terms of tactics, who can compare with the accumulated heritage of an ancient civilization with a history of about five thousand years?

Later, it was just because of the trend of the general environment that the strong military strength needed to give way to economic development, which resulted in the development of the field army lagging behind that of the Bald Eagle.

If you are poor, you will use tactics to intersperse; if you are rich, you will be covered by firepower.

But when it comes to tactics, the field army has never been afraid of anyone.

In the blink of an eye, another week has passed, and Li Ran has been under the company for a month.

In just one month, Li Ran has established his position as the king in the reconnaissance company with his strength.

Due to Li Ran's extraordinary performance, it is not mandatory for Li Ran to participate in the physical training of the reconnaissance company. This means that if Li Ran has something to deal with in "963", such as writing an article or something, Then there is no need to participate in training.

As for the more professional training of some reconnaissance companies, Li Ran must participate in the training normally unless there are any special circumstances.

If such a privilege were given to others, they would probably die of joy.

After all, the training of the reconnaissance company is hard and being a soldier is tiring. If you have such free time, your life as a soldier will be much more enjoyable.

But Li Ran is different. Whenever he is not participating in physical training, Li Ran must be in the company library.

However, today's company library can no longer be called a library. To be precise, it can be called a library.

Since the last unannounced inspection by the head of the military region, after seeing Li Ran's strength, both civil and military, and a rare talent in the military region in a century, he immediately urged to complete the expansion task of the library of the reconnaissance company of the fifth border defense regiment as quickly as possible after returning.

No matter how hard it is to study hard, it is rare to produce such a soldier who wants to learn, loves to learn, and is effective in learning. If the library does not have enough books to read and affects the growth and progress of talents, then it is a sin.

A person who can write a paper report that is constructive to the development of the field army is very important to a military region and the field army.

The Tibetan Military Region is a deputy military region. Compared with the seven major military regions, there is a big gap.

Looking at the seven military regions, there are three army groups stationed in each military region, while there is no group army in the Tibetan Military Region. To put it bluntly, the strength is equivalent to the combat strength of a group army.

In front of the seven military regions, the Tibetan Military Region is the younger brother.

Although the head of the General Staff Headquarters always said that the major military regions should help each other, the big brother should take care of his younger brother.

But in fact, only the Tibetan Military Region knows the sufferings of the Tibetan Military Region. It cannot catch up with any good things, so it must rely on itself.

Therefore, this time we will first implement the new squad tactics training on a small scale in the military region, and at the same time train a group of tactical snipers to see the actual effect [if it is good, it will be fully promoted.

The major general is looking forward to this very much. In the past, the Tibetan Military Region would pick up what others left behind. Any novelties or innovations would come first in turn from the seven military regions. This time, they have to be at the forefront of the times.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

A general who doesn't want the military region to be the eldest brother is not a good general!

Having said that, during this period, Li Ran's life was very simple, either training, reading in the library, or eating and sleeping. Even the company commander Li Hu admired his excellent self-discipline.

After leading soldiers for so many years, I have never led recruits who are so strong and work so hard.

In the library, Li Ran is reading a book.

Suddenly, Wang Erniu found Li Ran in a hurry.

"Brother Ran, the company commander is looking for you."

"Company commander is looking for me? What's the matter?"

Seeing Wang Erniu looking in a hurry, Li Ziqi asked.

"I don't know, but the regiment leader is here. The lieutenant colonel from the special forces last time is also here, and he also brought a second lieutenant. There is also a leader who is a senior colonel. I have never seen him before." Wang Erniu said .

"I understand, go back now."

Wang Erniu's words surprised Li Ran. What happened?

In the conference room!

Lei Leifeng, leader of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, and Wang Yongchang, director of the training department, were talking to each other.

On the side, Li Hu and Yuan Peng looked at each other, with sparks of friction in their eyes.

Regarding the senior colonel from the training department and the second lieutenant brought by Yuan Penghe, Li Hu always felt that the newcomers were evil.

The senior colonel from the training department came here for Li Ran. It had only been more than a week since the last inspection by the military region chief, but why did he come again.

Last time it was the head of the military region and the colonel of the special forces. This time it was the senior colonel of the training department.

What makes Li Hu most dissatisfied is Yuan Peng. He lost so miserably against Li Ran last time, so how can he still have the nerve to come?

You also brought a second lieutenant here this time? What? Are you looking for a place? Or are you here to poach Li Ran again?

If this was really the case, Li Hu decided to cry, make trouble, and hang himself on the spot in front of the regiment leader. Now, are one or two poachers poached in front of the commander of the company?

He was not taken seriously as the commander of the reconnaissance company at all.

For a while, Li Hu imagined many scenes after Li Ran's arrival, and even simulated in his mind how he would fight back if he really came for Li Ran.


"Come in.

Li Ran made a report and walked in.

Li Ran's eyes swept over everyone present, and Li Ran was a little surprised. He didn't expect there were so many people.

"Li Ran, this is Minister Wang from the Training Department. Minister Wang called you here because he has something to ask you." Leader Lei Feng said to Li Ran with a gentle smile.

Looking at Li Ran in front of him, the colonel was shocked.

The last time the chief of staff of the military region came to inspect the reconnaissance company, he didn't even say hello to him in advance. He only learned about it after listening to Li Hu's report.

The colonel was shocked after learning that something happened to Li Ran after the military region chief arrived.

After being the commander of the regiment for so many years, this is the first time I see such an awesome private.


Fortunately, the final result was good. The private in his regiment was appreciated by the military region staff uniform.

"Minister Wang, okay!"

Li Ran immediately saluted and said hello again politely.

"I've heard of your name for a long time, and I had a different reaction when I saw you today." Wang Yongchang looked at Li Ran with a smile. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became. What a spirited young man and a talent. Such a talent is exactly what the training department needs. of.

"Thank you, Minister Wang, for the compliment."

"After the commander took back the training materials for the new sniper you wrote last time and asked our training department to discuss it, we decided to implement the training of the new sniper in the special forces first. However, the feedback from the training results after one week was not very good. You I am the author of this training material, so I would like to ask if you have any good opinions or if there is something wrong with the training method. The senior colonel said directly.

After Major General Li Ran took the prepared training materials from Li Ran last time, he immediately handed them over to the training department for people in the training department to discuss them and implement them as soon as possible.

Ultimately, the training department plans to place the training of new snipers on the Snow Leopard Special Forces.

There are two reasons for this. First, the Snow Leopard Special Forces have relatively high personal combat qualities, and their usual training intensity is high, so they can adapt as quickly as possible.

The second point is that the Snow Leopard Special Forces have performed many actual combat missions and have rich actual combat experience, so they can better test the training methods of new snipers.

Unexpectedly, the training department handed over the new sniper training materials to the Snow Leopard Special Forces, and problems arose after only one week of training.

The members of the Snow Leopard Special Forces all resisted this new set of sniper training materials, believing that the training objectives of the above textbooks were too taken for granted and impossible to achieve.

The most important thing is that no one in the special forces believes that a private has the ability to write a sniper textbook.

Although they knew that their squadron leader competed with this private and was killed instantly with one kick, it did not mean that this private was an expert at sniping.

2.0 Is this private a sniper? Have you ever touched a sniper rifle?

Can you write textbooks just by reading some books?

This is not just a joke, come on!

Seeing that the team members had mental problems and were not convinced, Yuan Peng knew that the training could not continue, so he reported the situation truthfully, and the colonel reported it to the training department.

No, after receiving feedback from the special forces, the head of the training department came in person. First he went to Lei Lei Feng, the leader of the fifth border defense regiment, and then to the reconnaissance company.

The new sniper textbook was written by Li Ran. Faced with the questions from the special forces members, let’s see what Li Ran said?

On Li Ran's side, after understanding the general situation, his expression remained unchanged and he was very calm and said calmly: "There is nothing wrong with the training materials I wrote and the above training effect cannot be achieved.

Then you have to find the reason within yourself. "

"Finally, I would like to advise some people: Don't blame the uneven road if you can't do it. Don't blame the unattractive earth if you can't poop. The special forces don't represent anything. "The special forces also represent the immortal border."

Li Ran's unceremonious voice sounded in the conference room.

For a moment, everyone else present was stunned...

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