Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

082: Let Your Strength Speak For Itself! Teach The Second Lieutenant How To Behave

Li Ran's words were rude and loud, echoing in the conference room.

Everyone else present was stunned by Li Ran's words.

Especially Wang Yongchang and Lei Leifeng, they didn't expect that a private soldier would dare to say such words in front of them. They were really brave.

Wang Yongchang was shocked. What a private. No wonder the military region chief of staff said after he came back that this private was very interesting. When he saw him today, he was indeed different.

Lei Lei Feng finally understood why Li Ran was not afraid at all when facing the Chief of Staff of the Military Region.

Look at what he said now, how strong his temper is. The special forces unit just questioned the training materials he compiled, but in front of him, the director of the training department and others, he publicly retorted and directly retorted, speaking directly and without politeness.

Who can't do it? Don't blame the uneven road. If you can't poop, blame the earth for being unattractive!

What he said does not give the special forces any face.

However, Lei Leifeng was very happy when he said it. He said it well. Special forces and other things should not show off their talents every year to poach the top leaders of his fifth border defense regiment. If not, he would go to the superior commander to apply for an order.

A soldier in your regiment has become successful and compiled a new sniper textbook. If you don't support it, forget it. If you still question the result, you deserve to be criticized.

The happiest person right now is Li Hu. Seeing the faces of the special forces members turned blue and purple after Li Ran's words, he just wanted to laugh.

It's really refreshing. Your special forces usually don't do anything, and act like the best in the world. Now that you've encountered a tough situation, you know how powerful you are.

As the squadron leader of the special forces, this was the first time that Yuan Peng was ridiculed and despised in front of someone like this. However, the private in front of him was not simple, and his strength was terrifying. He was still Li Ran's defeated general. For a moment, what he said was true. Can't refute.

But the second lieutenant who came with Yuan Peng couldn't bear it anymore. He was a sniper of the Snow Leopard Special Forces. He had experienced many actual combats and was a sniper with rich combat experience.

He was one of the doubters about the so-called new sniper training materials, and he was very skeptical.

The words spoken by the private in front of him were not only talking about their Snow Leopard Special Forces, they were also talking about him.

"Private, watch your words." The second lieutenant spoke, his voice cold.

I have long wanted to see the private who defeated their squadron leader. When I saw him today, he was indeed very temperamental.

"Li Ran, don't get me wrong. Is the training effect standard you set in the training materials too high?" Yuan Peng said to lighten the atmosphere.

He has read the new sniper training textbook written by Li Ran. There is nothing wrong with the overall training method, but the requirements for the results after training are scary. To put it simply, it is an ordinary training method. If you want to achieve Extraordinary training effect, how is this possible?"

"The training standards required in the sniper textbook are all based on examples. Others can achieve it, but you can't. This is a personal problem, not a problem of the training outline." Li Ran said calmly, his attitude did not waver at all.

The meaning is very straightforward. There are no problems with the sniper teaching materials I compiled. If you think there are problems, it is because you are not strong enough.

It's not that Li Ran is blindly arrogant, but that Li Ran does have this confidence.

Training soldiers is not just about rigidly following what is written in the training syllabus, it also requires using your brain.

"Private, what you said is so simple and makes sense. How about we compete?" The second lieutenant changed the topic and directly wanted to have a sniper competition with Li Ran.

He would like to see if this private's words are clear and logical, and if he insists on his own point of view, what is his own strength?

Although this private defeated the squadron leader in combat, combat and sniping are two different things.

"Okay, I have no objection.

Instead of defending here, there is no better way than to speak with strength.

Moreover, Li Ran felt very clearly that the second lieutenant was here for him from the beginning.

Li Ran and the second lieutenant decided on a sniper competition in a few words, which surprised Lei Feng and Wang Yongchang.

"Two chiefs, why don't we let them compete first?" Yuan Peng looked at the two and asked.

The matter has come to this, no matter how much nonsense is said, it is useless. A competition can solve many problems. The most important thing is that Yuan Peng also wants to see Li Ran's sniping ability.

Logically speaking, if Li Ran can write such a sniper training material, he should be able to snipe himself, and it is impossible to just talk on paper.

If Li Ran was just talking on paper, even if he admired Li Ran very much, he would not choose to believe the sniper textbook written by Li Ran.

Fighting and sniping are completely different things, one code is the same.

"Captain Lei, what do you think?" Wang Yongchang asked politely.

After all, this is the place where the Fifth Border Defense Regiment belongs, and he brought Yuan Peng and the two here.

"Captain Li, you are Li Ran's company commander. Do you think there is a problem?" Lei Leifeng did not answer directly, but asked Li Hu.

"Report to the leader, there is no problem." Li Hu said immediately.

When competing with Li Ran in sniping, Li Hu really didn't panic. He knew that Tan Yong, the sniper of the third squad, was crushed by Li Ran's sniper attack.

Li Ran used an 85 sniper rifle to hit a balloon 1,200 meters away. What is strength? This is strength.

"Then let's go to the shooting range."

On the shooting range.

In addition to Li Hu and others, there are also people from the reconnaissance company.

Li Ran competes again, this time with members of the special forces. How can such a big event as a sniper competition be kept secret?

When the people in the reconnaissance company saw Li Ran going to the shooting range with a sniper rifle, they knew something was going on, so they all gathered around to watch the fun.

"Brother Ran is so fierce. One week ago he competed in combat with the lieutenant colonel of the special forces, and a week later he competed in sniping with the second lieutenant of the special forces."

"This second lieutenant of the special forces is definitely no match for Brother Ran. Brother Ran can hit a target 1,200 meters away with one shot."

"Brother Ran will definitely win. Judging from Brother Ran's expression, he is still so calm."

Although everyone in the reconnaissance company had only seen Li Ran shoot a sniper rifle once, Li Ran was very confident in his strength.

After all, that’s the guy who hit the 1,200-meter target with one shot using an 85 sniper!

Hearing the discussions around him, Cheng Ming, the second lieutenant officer who is the ace sniper of the Snow Leopard Commando, sneered inwardly. Is it difficult for a group of guys who have never seen it before to shoot 1,200 meters with 85?

Isn’t it just that to reach a certain distance, we need to calculate the impact of various factors on the bullet trajectory?

Is this difficult? As a second lieutenant officer, he had studied in a military academy and had read some sniper theory textbooks, but these were just pediatrics to him.

"You first or me first?" Cheng Ming asked.

"You are a guest, you go first." Li Ran said.

"Then I'm not polite." Cheng Ming was also polite. After taking the 85 sniper from Wu Yong's hand, he couldn't help but sigh: "85 sniper, I haven't shot it in many years.

Wu Yong felt a little heartbroken when he saw his beloved sniper rifle in the hands of a stranger. After hearing this, he couldn't help but ask: "If you don't shoot 85 snipers, what will you shoot?"

Hearing this, Cheng Ming raised the corner of his mouth and said proudly: "We have all played the 88 sniper, and the 85 sniper has been eliminated long ago."

To a certain extent, Cheng Ming still prefers the 85 sniper rifle. The bullet has a larger caliber and a longer range. Because the bullet is heavier, it is less affected by external factors.

But the recoil is huge.

The 88 sniper rifle has a maximum range of 800 meters, a caliber of only 5.8mm, and relatively small recoil.

"Set me a 1,200-meter moving target," Cheng Ming said.

He wants the 850 to show everyone what real sniper strength is. Hitting a 1,200-meter fixed target with an 85 is not considered awesome, but hitting a moving target is considered awesome.

In actual combat, your sniper target cannot remain still.

Sure enough, Cheng Ming's words caused quite a stir in the reconnaissance company.

"Let me go, 1200 meters, or a moving target, can I hit it?"

"It's crazy. The bullet has already gone somewhere. It all depends on luck."

"Is this the legendary master's move?"

Hearing the exclamations from the side, Cheng Ming felt proud. If he were an 88 sniper, he really wouldn't have the courage to shoot a 1,200-meter moving target.

But this was the 85 sniper, with a maximum effective range of 1,000 meters, and the bullets were much more stable than the 85 sniper, so he was somewhat confident.

As soon as these words came out, even Li Hu's expression changed. It had to be said that the snipers of the special forces were really ruthless. They came up to a 1,200-meter moving target. Even the two snipers from their third squad could not match this level.

Yuan Peng nodded secretly, he was still very relieved about Cheng Ming's sniping ability.

Cheng Ming is the team's ace sniper. He has performed many missions, and every time he hits the enemy with one shot, he never misses.

"Guarantee, 1200 meters, moving target." Li Hu asked the guarantee personnel to make arrangements.

Soon, at 1,200 meters, a balloon was fixed on a chest ring target, moving slowly at a constant speed.

Cheng Ming held an 85mm sniper, lay down on the ground and started aiming, adjusting his breathing, calculating density, wind speed, rest angle, etc.

Under the gaze of everyone, Cheng Ming pulled the trigger.


A shot was fired, the balloon exploded, and the target was successfully hit.

This shot made the reconnaissance company and others stunned and stunned.

Are the snipers of the special forces so strong?

(Asking for all kinds of data support, asking for everything, and asking for customization!).

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