Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

830: Huge Gap! Manzhi Just Wants To Be Quiet

At this time, Manzhi looked at the smiles on the faces of the chief of staff of Division Z, the chief committee member of Division Z, and the chief officers of Division Z, etc., and felt very confused and a little puzzled.

What's going on? Why are the commanders of units like Division Z smiling so happily? What do you mean?

Last time, we fought your Z Division, but your Z Division's men were defeated. Now we are tied with you this time, and you still have the nerve to laugh? Why are you laughing?

After the fight is like this, will the old commander not make trouble for you or give you a severe lesson after he returns? Will he still laugh?

Manzhi and others were very confused, and the chief officers of the Z Division were very surprised.

"Why don't you go in? Where is Mr. Li?" Manzhi said with a smile.

He was a little surprised now that the chief officers of the Z division unit all had such a good attitude, and they were so good.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to laugh now.

"The division commander will not attend this meeting. We are waiting for you to come and go in together." The chief of staff of the Z division explained with a smile.


After hearing this, Manzhi and others couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Good guy, it seems that my teacher is really angry this time. He is so angry that he did not even attend the summary meeting. He must have been stimulated.

It's no wonder that my teacher has won so many drills and has never lost, not even a draw.

This time we had a draw with their synthetic brigade, and it would definitely be hard to live up to in terms of face, and it was normal to be in a bad mood.

"Commander Li is in a bad mood?" Hearing this, Manzhi pulled the Chief of Staff of Division Z aside and asked tentatively.

Although they were in a good mood after a tie with Li Ran, they still felt a little bit sorry after learning that Li Ran, the teacher, was now in a bad mood.

Although it is said that green is better than blue, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, which is indeed a kind of progress.

But they can also see the former's loss and sadness in his heart.

"In a bad mood?" After hearing Manzhi's words, the Z Division Chief of Staff said in surprise: "I don't know, I haven't seen the division commander for a long time."

The Chief of Staff of Z Division was a little surprised. Why did Manzhi, the brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, care about the mood of their division commander?

And what he didn't understand was that Manzhi and others seemed very happy.

Why, are you proud of having a tie with their Z division? It's not like you have a tie with your own division commander.

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Manzhi was confused: "From the end of the exercise to now, you haven't seen Master Li?"

"No, our division commander did not participate in the command at all during this exercise. He left shortly after the exercise started and went to do his own thing. As for what he was doing, we don't know, and we haven't seen him yet. Others." explained the Chief of Staff of Division Z.


As soon as these words came out, Yishi was like a thunderbolt exploding in Manzhi's ears.

What? Did he hear it wrong? Or was he hallucinating?

The old leader did not take part in the command during this exercise? He left not long after the exercise started? What does that mean? What happened?

Then who is commanding Division Z? Their combined brigade and Division Z have been fighting for so long. Who are they fighting?

"You said Commander Li did not command Division Z for this exercise?" Manzhi asked again to confirm, unwilling to do so.

"That's right." said the Chief of Staff of Division Z: "Before the exercise started, the division commander said that the command authority for this exercise will be transferred to us, and we will be able to fight on our own."

"Then who was commanding Division Z before?" Manzhi asked again.

"The division commander has no command, and I, the chief of staff, the chief committee member, and the chief officers of each unit are all here." The chief of staff of Z Division said, very surprised.

The first few of this synthetic brigade? What's going on?

Do you look down on them so much? Is it possible for a division to stop fighting without its division commander?

He, the chief of staff, the Z division committee member, and other unit chief officers are all just for nothing?

After confirming again, Manzhi felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He was very disappointed and suffered a huge blow.

It turned out that in this exercise, the person they fought against was not the old leader Li Ran at all, but the unit chief officers of Division Z.

They had a tie with Division Z. They originally thought they had improved and grown. This time they had a tie with the old leader, and next time they would successfully defeat the old leader.

But now it seems that it was all wishful thinking on their part, they were just a joke, and the old chief didn't take any action at all.


Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, without the old leader taking any action, they and the Z Division only had a draw. This was the failure of their combined brigade.

Is the Z Division progressing too fast, or is their combined brigade progressing too slowly, or even making no progress at all?

Thinking of this, Manzhi felt extremely disappointed.

This feeling of loss is extremely strong, there is nothing I can do, the gap in my heart is too big.

"Brigade Commander Man, are you okay? Your face doesn't look good." At this time, the Z Division Chief of Staff noticed something was wrong with Man Zhi, because Man Zhi's face didn't look so good.

This made him a little surprised. It was strange. He was very good and happy before. Why is he like this now?

"I'm fine." Hearing this, Manzhi forced out an ugly smile.

For him, he just wants to be quiet now, it's too uncomfortable.

After the conversation with the Z Division Chief of Staff, Manzhi returned to the synthetic brigade leader Zhi.

After seeing Manzhi come back, many people immediately asked: "Brigadier, what's going on? Where is our old leader?"

"Yeah, you haven't seen our old chief at all. Why is the old chief in a bad mood?"

"Well, the old chief must be in a bad mood now. He must feel very humiliated after being tied with us."

"No way, the old chief's mental quality won't be so bad, right? Besides, aren't we trained by the old chief himself?"

Hearing the discussion in his ears, Manzhi's face turned red. These words were now a great irony for him.

If the exercise was really directed by the old chief, then he had no objection at all, but that's not the point.

They had a tie, not with the old chief, but with the chief officers of units like the Z Division.

So, they are so happy? They are so happy. What is there to be proud of?

The old chief didn't take action at all. If he had, they might not be able to draw in this exercise.

(Ask for everything. Ask for everything, kneel down and ask for all kinds of support!!).

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