Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

831: The Combined Brigade Is Proud To Defeat The Old Leader!

Listening to the words of the chief officers of these units in his brigade, Manzhi now only feels that these words are very harsh.

Originally, he was really happy. He really thought that their strength had improved a lot and that they could be on a par with the old leader Li Ran.

But now I discovered that it was not the case at all. There was no tie at all. They just had a tie with the chief officers of units such as the Z Division.

To put it bluntly, Manzhi didn't take the chief officers of units like Z Division seriously at all.

who is he?

The second brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, the commander of the professional blue army, was trained by Ji Ran.

The purpose of the professional blue army is to teach the entire army to fight, so from the starting point, they are the masters of the chief officers of these units in the field army.

As a result, the master and apprentice are now tied, which makes Manzhi feel very shameless. Although the "140" Division Z is the first heavy armored division of the field army, it is invincible only with the blessing of the division commander Li Ran. The division commander Li Ran has no command, and Manzhi really doesn't take it seriously.

What happened to the elites? The ones I synthesized with the brigade were the elites.

But now, they are on a par with these apprentices in their eyes, and feel very shameless.

"Let's go to the meeting first." Manzhi said in a deep voice, completely losing the excitement and confidence he had at the beginning.

Such changes made the commanders of the units of the synthetic brigade stunned.

They all saw that their brigade commander seemed to be in a bad mood now. What was going on?

I saw my brigade commander talking to the Chief of Staff of Division Z before. Why did he feel so bad after talking? What happened?

After Manzhi finished speaking, he sighed helplessly and took the lead in buying.

Looking at Manzhi's somewhat lonely figure, the others were very surprised.

"What happened, Brigadier? What happened?"

"I don't know. He was fine before, but he became like this after talking to the Chief of Staff of Division Z for a few words."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. Could it be related to the old chief?"

"Old chief? I haven't seen the old chief at all until now.

"Forget it, we don't have time to discuss this now, let's go to the meeting first."

The chief officers of each unit of the synthetic brigade went to the exercise summary meeting with doubts in their hearts.

In the conference room, all the big guys from the directing department were present.

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Military Region, the chief of staff, and the commander of Army H.

Seeing that the meeting was about to begin, the chief officers of the units of the combined brigade still did not see Li Ran, and everyone became even more depressed.

What do you mean? The old leader is so powerful now? He doesn’t even attend the exercise summary meeting?

Yes, that's right, they can understand that it's normal to feel bad after being beaten by them, but it's not like they won't participate in the summary meeting.

Is the old chief a little bit unable to afford to lose?

When the commanders of the units of the combined brigade were confused, the next second, the chief of staff of the Beijing Military Region said something that made them all confused.

In this exercise confrontation, Z Division Commander Li Ran did not give any command!

As soon as these words came out, the commanders of the units in Division Z were very calm. Manzhi also knew about it and was mentally prepared. However, the commanders of the units in the combined brigade were stunned for a moment and were completely unprepared.

What's going on? Are you still commanding Division Z? Then who have they been fighting before?

It's impossible. They worked so hard to get a tie with Division Z this time. Tell me, in this exercise, the commander of Division Z is not the old chief?

If it weren't for the old commander, how could the division have such combat effectiveness and make it so difficult for them to fight?

But soon, they had to believe this fact.

The Chief of Staff of the Beijing Military Region began to read out the data produced by both sides in the exercise. The data can most intuitively reflect the performance of the troops of both sides in the exercise.

Because the data cannot be falsified, the quality of the results can be clearly seen by looking at the data.

As for the details of the exercises between the two sides, the commander of the Northern Military Region and others did not worry at all. After the summary meeting, they left it to the Z Division and the Combined Brigade to figure it out on their own.

However, the results achieved by the Z Division this time did surprise the commander of the Northern Military Region and others.

Originally, they thought that if Li Ran did not command the Z Division during this exercise, the Z Division would be leaderless and might be badly beaten by the combined brigade.

But now after the exercise, I found that it was not the case at all.

Even though Li Ran had no command or participated in any command, the cooperation between the units of Division Z was still very close.

The combat effectiveness is surprising and commendable.

The synthetic brigade also performed well in this exercise. Moreover, after completing the replacement of a batch of the latest equipment, the synthetic brigade ran in very quickly, and its combat effectiveness has not been reduced.


This is very good. When the combined brigade becomes more proficient in running in these new equipment, the combat effectiveness will increase again.

Generally speaking, both sides performed very well in the exercise this time, and there were remarkable points in their performance.

Soon, the summary meeting ended.

The officers and soldiers of the Z Division were naturally very happy. This time, without the command of the division commander Li Ran, they could draw a tie with the Combined Brigade.

Next time, if they work hard, they can defeat the combined brigade.

Doesn’t this self-confidence come all at once?

The Synthetic Brigade was completely different from the beginning. Everyone was very lost and sad.

After working on it for a long time, I was so excited.

They thought it was a tie with the old leader Li Ran, but in fact they were just a tie with people like Division Z.

The old chief had no involvement in the command of this exercise at all.

Before, they were completely enjoying themselves and engaging in self-sexuality.

Without the command of the old leader, they actually fought to a draw with Division Z, which made them feel very humiliated.

"Damn it, we actually tied with 1.2."

"I'm helpless. I didn't expect that during this exercise, the old chief didn't take action at all."

"Master Z is incredible now. He was able to fight us like this without the help of the old leader."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it at all, and I didn't dare to think about it at all."

Ai Xue on the side felt helpless for a moment when she heard everyone talking like this.

Indeed, Li Ran, the founder of the Synthetic Brigade, has had a great influence on the Synthetic Brigade. The goal in the hearts of everyone in the Synthetic Brigade has always been to be proud of being able to defeat Li Ran once.

I originally thought that this time it was a success and that a tie in the hands of Li Ran was something to be proud of, but I didn't expect that Li Ran didn't direct at all.

Such a huge gap is indeed a bit shocking.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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