Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

859: Let’S Do It! By The Way, Train New People

After finally convincing Li Ran to hand over this task to him, Qi Long was very happy, and he was extremely happy.

It even seemed like I could see him honoring his ancestors and establishing supreme honor.

But now seeing the job Li Ran had arranged for him, Qi Long was stunned for a while.

That's right, the document is written very clearly. It can be said that it is quite clear. What should be done and how much time it will take are all written clearly and clearly. It is so considerate.

But what dissatisfied Qi Long was why Mao had to do so much work by himself?

If he can do all these crucial tasks by himself, what else will Li Ran do? To be precise, what else does Li Ran need?

"Brother, what's wrong? Is there a problem? Isn't it clear what I wrote above?" Li Ran said with a smile in response to Qi Long's question.


As soon as these words came out, Qi Long couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Good guy, he called him a good guy. He was a little confused now, how could Li Ran say such unnecessary words in such a plain tone.

Of course, fortunately, he also understood Li Ran to a certain extent. Otherwise, he would never believe that the person in front of him who could say such unnecessary words in a plain tone could be a monster in the field army.

"It's clear, I have a question. I've done all the work, what do you do?" Qi Long couldn't help but ask 583.

He was confused. This task was not assigned to him by his superiors. If he finished all the work, what would Li Ran do?

Anyway, in Qi Long's opinion, if he finished these things, Li Ran would have no work to do.

"Of course I am leading the overall direction and not going wrong." Faced with Qi Long's question, Li Ran said seriously: "The pilot unit starts from scratch, and all details and directions need to be focused on. My task is also very heavy. "

Hearing Li Ran's words, Qi Long smiled disdainfully in his heart, I believe you, you brat is very bad.

A mouth that can turn anything alive into dead, it would be strange to believe you.

Qi Long now sees that Li Ran completely treats him as a free labor force and lets him do all the errands.

What makes Qi Long the most helpless is that Li Ran still looks confident and speaks seriously. This is what makes him most helpless.

Good guy, he did all the dirty work, and it looks like Li Ran paid more than he did.

"No, no, there are too many things to do. I can't handle this on my own. You have to share some of it with me." Qi Long said quickly and began to discuss terms and conditions with Li Ran.

Although on this task, Qi Long has already made up his mind to complete this task.

But Qi Long planned to break up with Li Ran over the unreasonable distribution of tasks.

"Brother, you want me to share some of this little work with you?" When Li Ran heard this, he looked at Qi Long with feigned surprise and said, "Is this still the heavy-armored division commander who is known as the desperate Saburo in my impression? ?The senior I knew back then could do anything, endure any hardships, and would only complain about less work, never complain about too much work. Why has it become like this now? Could it be that after becoming the deputy army, senior brother? Has your fighting spirit been exhausted?"

Speaking of this, Li Ran sighed deliberately and said: "Oh, sure enough, this person can't live too comfortably. If he is too comfortable, something will happen easily. It's my fault too. If I had known, I wouldn't have introduced you to my wife. Now I have a child." Now that you have become a father, you have lost all your energy. Senior brother, I can’t help you.

"Okay, okay, stop. What you are talking about is getting further and further away." Qi Long quickly stopped, he couldn't listen anymore.

If Li Ran continues, at that time, it was a crime for him to get married and have children (aibd).

"I just want to ask, can you help me reduce my workload?" Qi Long asked directly.

He didn't plan to continue chattering with Li Ran because he knew that nagging would do him no good and would only get him involved.

"Senior brother, I have already planned everything. If I change it now, it will disrupt all my plans." Hearing this, Li Ran said lightly.

Just kidding, if you plan to run errands by yourself, do you still need to find someone to help?

Although when the combined battalion was formed, and even when he helped to establish the non-commissioned officer school, it was Li Ran who did the errands himself.

But at that time, what rank and rank was Li Ran? What rank and rank is Li Ran now?

As a major general and division commander, it would be very shameless if I had to do these things by myself.

"You stinky boy, you are really incompetent. There is no room for negotiation at all?" Upon hearing this, Qi Long was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

He was helpless. Li Ran was really stubborn. No matter what he said, Li Ran just didn't want to give in.

"Senior brother, I'm not telling you, tasks are dead and people are alive. I only arranged tasks for you, and I didn't say you couldn't find others to assist you." Li Ran said.

"You mean I can find someone else to do these jobs?" Upon hearing this, Qi Long's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked quickly.

"As long as you have people you think are suitable, of course." Li Ran said.

"Since you still have some conscience, that's fine, it's settled." Qi Long finally smiled.

With Li Ran's words, he can let go and fix it.

He originally had this idea, but when he thought about whether there would be a relevant level of confidentiality for this task, he did not dare to think of arranging other people.

But now that Li Ran has said so, it won't be a big problem.

"Brother, I'll be waiting for your good news." Li Ran said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Qi Long was full of confidence.

He is now the deputy commander of Army H. It is not a matter of course for a general at the level of major general to personally complete these tasks.

Although the tasks assigned to him by Li Ran included poaching people and equipment, but he personally came forward, what unit would dare not to do so?

Besides, is that called digging? That’s called coordination.

In addition, Qi Long also has a candidate in mind to help him run errands. From division commander to deputy commander, Qi Long has been in the army for so many years and has discovered many outstanding rising stars.

It's just that although these rising stars are excellent, they are not as good as Li Ran. They are still far apart from each other, and they are not on the same level at all.

"Let's use this opportunity to train new people." Qi Long thought to himself.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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