Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

860: Depend On Yourself In Everything! The Kitchen Continues To Make Babies

After negotiating with Qi Long, Li Ran had nothing to do and left.

I know Qi Long very well and Li Ran is the kind of person who, if he doesn't do this job, he really doesn't know how to do it. If he agrees to do it, he will definitely do it well and do one thing well for you.

Definitely not the kind of person who promises things well with words but keeps the same thing secretly.

Not the kind of person who says one thing and does another.

Therefore, after persuading Qi Long to agree to assist in completing this task, Li Ran's work is almost completed.

All that's left is for Qi Long to implement the needed talents and equipment step by step. It's that simple.

Now I just need to wait patiently for the place to apply for from my superiors, and then go to the field to conduct an on-site inspection and give some suggestions on basic infrastructure.

As for why this time the address of the pilot unit was implemented in the capital, not the group army or even the military region.

That's because the Tiandian Unmanned Integrated Demonstration Unit itself is a demonstration unit representing modern technology, and it only needs to arrange special security guards around it.

The officers and soldiers in the unit do not need to endure training every day like the original combined brigade did.

To be precise, because the officers and soldiers in the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit are definitely technical talents, the kind with high education and high technology.

Even if a war breaks out, these people will not step onto the battlefield in person and pick up weapons to fight.

If it really comes to a time when these people need to take weapons and go to the battlefield to fight, it means that the final straw has been reached.

Although these people do not need to pick up weapons and go to the battlefield to fight, as long as they exert their professionalism, the lethality they can cause and the impact they can have on the war situation is huge.

Although the ultimate root of war is still on human beings, no matter how sophisticated weapons are, they will eventually be used up.

But at least before these high-precision weapons are used up, they must be allowed to exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is key to let those highly educated and high-tech professionals play their role.

The significance of Tiandian's unmanned integrated combat system is to maximize the lethality of those high-precision weapons.

Replace the casualties in war with various types of steel.

Therefore, the Tiandian unmanned integration demonstration unit has only one demand for personnel, and that is absolutely professional and technical talents.

Those who have no technical skills or academic qualifications are definitely not wanted.

This is not discrimination, but he cannot learn without professional technical support, and he cannot control those technical equipment at all.

Therefore, the demand for highly educated talents in the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit has reached an outrageous level.

To create a new unit, where can I get the required talents and equipment?

Do you expect your superiors to coordinate for you? Prepare people and equipment for you?

Are you kidding me? If everything is done for you, who wouldn’t complete this task? Why else would I need you?

Therefore, these talents and equipment all have to be figured out by themselves.

Whether you are coordinating, begging, borrowing, or deceiving.

As long as you can get these talents and equipment, you'll be fine.

Black cat or white cat, if it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

So this is the focus of Qi Long assisting Li Ran in completing this mission this time. Let Qi Long do the things that offend people. Anyway, Qi Long is also the deputy commander and major general of H Army. There is no way other units can embarrass Qi Long. , it will show some respect for Veyron.

After Li Ran's busy schedule, he went home from get off work.

How should I put it? After having a wife, my life has indeed become different. It has become regular. When I have nothing to do, I just want to go back from get off work early to hug my wife.

Sleeping without someone to warm your bed at night is completely different from life.

Of course, some people worry that after getting married, they will be controlled by the tigress at home, but Li Ran is not worried at all. Ai Xue is obedient to Li Ran, and her considerateness is like a little kitten, which makes others envious to death.

Li Ran's family status in the family is nothing to say.

In the family building.

"Come back so early?" Ai Xue asked in surprise when she saw Li Ran coming back.

"What? When it's time to get off work, why won't I come back?" Hearing this, Li Ran smiled.

"You are too punctual to get off work. No one else in the whole family building has finished get off work yet, so you are the only one who got off work first." Ai Xue explained with a smile.


Although Ai Xue had just arrived at the family building not long ago, the news that Ai Xue was the wife of Li Ran, a legendary officer in the field army, had already spread in the family building.

The family building of Division Z is naturally occupied by the families of the officers of Division Z. How can they not know who the wives of their superiors will be in the future?

Of course, this is not only because Ai Xue is the wife of Li Ran, the elder, but mainly because Li Ran is too famous and extraordinary.

Every time when unit chiefs like Division Z come back, they will more or less show off in front of their mothers-in-law or family members and tell stories about Division Commander Li Ran's awesomeness and legend.

Over time, their family members naturally became deeply impressed by Li Ran.


Because of Li Ran, I naturally had a deep impression on Ai Xue, Li Ran's family member.

"They have to work overtime. Your husband and I are very capable at work. I can finish what I need to do during work hours." Li Ran said with a smile.

"Then I'll cook, you wait a moment." Ai Xue said.

The main reason was that she didn't expect Li Ran to be so punctual after get off work, and Li Ran didn't tell her in advance, so she originally planned to cook later.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran came back on time, so she can cook now.

Of course, if you don’t want to cook, you can also go to the cafeteria to eat, or Li Ran can bring it to Ai Xue from the cafeteria.

But what do you think of the young couple? It is the first time for Ai Xue and Li Ran to officially live together for a long time, so there is definitely something new about each other.

In Ai Xue's opinion, eating in the canteen is more meaningful than cooking it yourself.

"If you don't want to cook next time, I'll have someone bring you food from the canteen." Li Ran said to Ai Xue who was busy in the kitchen.

"It's okay. When you get busy, you won't come back to eat every day." Ai Xue's voice came out.

In the kitchen, Ai Xue was constantly busy there. Li Ran had nothing to do and was just watching from the side.

To be honest, this is the first time I have seen Ai Xue cooking. I have to say that although Ai Xue is dressed casually and at home, she has a unique charm when cooking.

In addition, the two of them had just gotten married, so under this kind of stimulation, they...

(Please ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, thank you on your knees!!! Do it).

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