Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

869: Mirror A Cat And Draw A Tiger! The New Unit Is A Joke

Originally, everyone clicked on the recruitment video produced by the lieutenant colonel with great hope.

After all, when the combined camp was recruiting people, the video shot was quite domineering, and the video was even later used by many units as recruitment promotional videos.

Because the video shot by Li Ran was so classic that it was regarded as a typical promotional video by the Field Army officials.

With this foreshadowing of the Hehe Battalion, the brand name has been launched, so many people are still looking forward to this new unit that integrates Tiandian and unmanned systems.

But again, there are many lieutenant colonels, but there is only one Li Ran.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the rewards.

When they clicked on the video and saw the content, they watched it for a long time and were immediately disappointed.

What is this? What is this? The key is what does this video mean?

They watched it for a long time, but they didn't understand what the video was trying to express. It felt like they were watching a science fiction movie.

The scenes in the video were shot a little too sci-fi, a little too advanced.

In terms of content, you have to control it to a certain extent. It is too outdated and it is difficult to attract other people's interest and attention, but it is too science fiction and "it is of no use if people can't understand it" 123.

Just like now, people who clicked on the video didn't understand it for a long time, and they didn't understand what this new unit with integrated Tiandian and unmanned systems wanted to express?

At the end, when the text receipt information column appeared on the screen, everyone understood.

Oh! It turns out that this video is really for people, but the content of this video makes them feel really weird.

The content of the video made many people who were full of expectations suddenly disappointed, and their original expectations were instantly lowered.

For a time, the interest in the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit became less great.

In their opinion, how good can a unit that shoots weird video content be? They expressed great doubts about this.

Take a look at the video footage from the Synthetic Camp. How shocking and handsome is the content of the video? How clear is the meaning you want to express?

Take a look at what you are shooting now, what are they?

Therefore, everyone suddenly lost their expectations for the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit.

This is not the point of dissuading people. The real point of dissuading people is after the specific recruitment standards are released.

When everyone saw the income standards of this new unit, everyone was shocked.

Education requirements: Master's degree or above, bachelor's degree can be relaxed for special majors.

Major: electrification, unmanned intelligence

When everyone saw this admission standard, everyone couldn't help but started cursing. ;

"What the hell, the educational requirements are so high? Is this for income? Or is it just a joke?"

"This salary standard makes me laugh. Our unit doesn't have anyone with such a high degree of education.

"Yes, if you want to recruit talents with this kind of academic qualifications, you can go to the grassroots level and recruit them directly."

"I think this so-called new unit is far inferior to the synthetic brigade back then."

"Forget it, I won't go, I won't consider it, this position doesn't look good at first glance."

For a time, many people expressed great dissatisfaction.

In their view, the recruitment standards proposed by this new unit were too harsh, and it didn't feel like they were here to recruit people at all, but more like they were here to show off.

That's right, it's just for show. What this video wants to express is obviously to look down on them and laugh at their low academic qualifications.

What kind of bullshit is this new unit that integrates electronics and unmanned systems? With such recruitment standards, the army is completely in the wrong place. You should go to those colleges and universities to recruit talents.

Why, you look down on these rough guys, and deliberately want to let these rough guys know that they are out of touch with the times?

OK, your new unit is aloof. OK, your new unit (aich) likes to show off.

Even if we starve to death, we will not go to your so-called new unit.

In such a climate, the video of the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit produced by the lieutenant colonel immediately attracted all kinds of ridicule.

In all units, everyone ridiculed and disdained this new Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit.

Under such a trend, the reputation of this integrated demonstration unit without electricity or unmanned equipment was somewhat bad.

Not only that, there were many people reporting on that video on the intranet, anyway, all kinds of anonymous reporting.

Originally, the chief officers of each unit learned about this and knew that a new unit had appeared to recruit people. Just like when the Synthetic Camp was recruiting people before, they posted a video on the intranet, and they were a little worried.

You know, they have suffered losses. When the Synthetic Battalion recruited people, how many people were poached from their units and left.

Just by relying on that video, they poached many talents from various units, unable to retain them, and unable to control them at all.

Now a new unit came out and used this trick, making them gasp and panic.

Why, what do you think these grassroots units are? Are you treating them as cash machines?

If we are short of people and equipment, why should we poach people from them?

Don't be like this, this kind of behavior is really too much. Are these units like candles now, burning themselves to illuminate others?

Just when they were trying to come up with some ways to prevent and stop the possible poaching of people.

Who knew something like this happened again.

The recruitment video for this new Tiandian unmanned integrated unit is like a joke. Not only does it have no effect at all, but it has attracted so many people to complain and abuse.

For a moment, this result surprised all the unit chiefs and almost burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. This new unit is a clown."

"Yes, I was worried at first. I was worried that the previous things would happen again, but now it seems that I am completely over-worrying."

"It's so funny, so funny, I really want to laugh."

"Now I feel relieved. For a new unit, it's amazing that he can recruit talented people according to his recruitment standards."

Such a scene did not occur to the lieutenant colonel at all. The key point was that Qi Long told him that it would definitely work if he followed Li Ran's method.

But now, okay? How can it be okay? This is called dying before leaving the army. If this continues, the Tiandian unmanned integrated unit will become synonymous with the hot chicken unit.

His reputation would be completely ruined, and he would even become a joke among the entire field army.

If I don't think of a way to intervene, how can I complete this picture?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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