Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

870: Qi Long Wants To Take Action Himself! !

The lieutenant colonel found Qi Long with a look of grievance. The grievance was terrible and he was very depressed.

"Chief, tell me this method won't work. I'm almost becoming the laughing stock of the whole army now, and it has no effect at all." The lieutenant colonel said aggrievedly, which is really depressing.

After hearing this, not to mention the lieutenant colonel's depression, Qi Long was also speechless now.

"It's not that this method doesn't work, it's that you didn't understand it well, right?" Qi Long said angrily: "Look at what your video looks like, and then look at the video from when the Henghe camp was recruiting people. There are differences between the two. Is it comparable? I don’t understand what you want to express in this video, it’s not attractive at all.”

Qi Long was half angry to death now, after watching the propaganda video made by the lieutenant colonel.

This promotional video was made. Qi Long watched it for a long time, but he didn't understand what it meant.

Compared with the video Li Ran made originally, it is far different, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

He knew that the lieutenant colonel's behavior was almost being made a laughing stock in the entire army. After seeing the video, he almost died of anger.

What is this and what? What the hell is this video made of.

Of course, Qi Long also admitted that in terms of talent, there was no comparison between the lieutenant colonel he valued and Li Ran. After all, there was no second Li Ran in the entire field army.

But you should be able to copy the gourd and draw the scoop. I have told you the methods, so you have to at least put some thought into it.

The key point is that you can’t even make a video, who can you talk to to explain this?

Do you still have the nerve to come to him?

"Chief, I don't know what the specific concept of key sky, electricity and unmanned integration is. You only told me that it is high and high, high and mountainous. I can only do it based on these three words. I don't know. There's a way." The lieutenant colonel said aggrievedly.

It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he really has no choice.

When Qi Long gave him this task, and when he was making this video, he certainly knew that he had to do the right thing and capture what he wanted to express in order to be effective.

But the problem is that he doesn't know what this so-called Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit means.

Asked Qi Long, Qi Long only told him three words, "tall and superior", which means advanced, with equipment that is more advanced than the synthetic brigade.

There was no way, he didn't know what this advanced concept was, so he could only borrow some scenes from science fiction movies.

At this point, he looked to the science fiction movies from Bald Eagle to learn from it. There were no outstanding science fiction movies in China at all.


After hearing what the lieutenant colonel said, Qi Long was speechless for a moment.

There does seem to be some truth in saying this, but the question is, can you blame him?

Can you tell people the specific details of the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit? How is it possible? This is all confidential.

"These are confidential things, I can't tell you yet." Qi Long explained.

"I can sign the confidentiality agreement." The lieutenant colonel added.

To be honest, he was a little unwilling. Asking himself, although he could not compare with Li Ran in talent, there was only one Li Ran in the entire field army.

But the problem is, he is confident that he will not do badly.

But now, his behavior this time will make him the laughing stock of the field army. If this matter cannot be properly resolved, it will become a knot in his heart, a big knot in his heart.

Even if he fails to complete this task, he will not be willing to do so.

Yes, no matter what, he must complete this task.

"You think it's as simple as signing a confidentiality agreement. Your level is not high enough." Qi Long said angrily.

Of course, this is not what Qi Long said specifically. If the confidentiality regulations are really signed and the lieutenant colonel is allowed to join the creation of the Tiandian unmanned integrated demonstration unit later, that is also possible.

As for the demonstration unit, even if there are secrets, they are not so strict.

In that case, why create a demonstration unit? Why look for others to do it? No one can believe it, so what's the point?

If no one believes it, wouldn’t it be enough if you could do all the work by yourself?

Qi Long said these were just excuses, mainly because he was not particularly clear about the integration of Tiandian and unmanned systems.

To be clear, there is a very clear concept. Apart from Li Ran, there is absolutely no other person to come out.

But the lieutenant colonel is his subordinate. If he said this, he would be shameless?

He is a major general and deputy commander of Army H. How could he do such a shameless thing in front of his subordinates?


"Chief, if that's the case, why don't you just make this video for me to see, and I'll give you a hand?" said the lieutenant colonel.

Since Qi Long said that he was not of high enough rank to watch, it would be easy for you, the major general, to do it yourself.

After you make the video, isn't it okay for him to do the rest of the chores?

Hearing this, Qi Long was stunned for a moment and then hesitated.

"Chief, you probably don't know how to make this video." The lieutenant colonel looked at Qi Long and said with some doubts.

Yes, the lieutenant colonel was a little suspicious of Qi Long now. Qi Long criticized him for doing the same thing, but he didn't expect that he was not good at it either.

"Fart, can I do it? I am the main person in charge of this task. If I can't do it, who can?" Seeing that the lieutenant colonel was suspicious, Qi Long said with dissatisfaction.


Just kidding, if he was looked down upon by his subordinates, he would be a fool.

Therefore, Qi Long immediately made a decision.

Isn't it just to make a video? What a big deal. I think when Li Ran shot the promotional video for the Synthetic Camp, he, the commander of Division Z, was also involved.

And you have participated in the entire process. Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

Therefore, he will definitely be able to complete this task.

"Chief..." After hearing Qi Long's words, the lieutenant colonel was about to continue saying something, but was directly interrupted by Qi Long.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let me personally demonstrate to you how to do this video. Watch carefully, "I will only shoot once." Qi Long said in a very pretentious manner.

"Chief, it's up to you." The lieutenant colonel's eyes lit up, and his face suddenly looked full of admiration.

Sure enough, it has to be you, Chief, and you have to take action at the critical moment.

"Little things." Facing the lieutenant colonel's admiring gaze, Qi Long felt extremely proud.

Now that he had decided to shoot this video, Qi Long just went ahead and started shooting.

Of course, shooting is simple, the key is to make good preparations, personnel and equipment.

Videos are most authentic when they are shot throughout. What’s the point of editing other people’s clips?

So Qi Long thought of the Synthetic Brigade.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and ask for all kinds of support!! Mountain).

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