Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

880: Wait! The Lieutenant Colonel Takes The Blame Again

"What's going on? Not a single person registered?"

In the office, after hearing the lieutenant colonel's report, Qi Long was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Yes, chief, the technicians and I spent a whole day and night in front of the computer, and not a single person registered." The lieutenant colonel said depressingly.

Seeing Qi Long's surprised look, the lieutenant colonel was actually a little dissatisfied.

Because if he hadn't listened to what Qi Long said about the scene during the initial publicity of the Synthetic Camp, he wouldn't have led his people to keep watch all night.

It's all bullshit to say that the peak registration period is in the middle of the night.

The Lieutenant Colonel is now extremely suspicious that Qi Long made up the incident to slap him.

"How is this possible? It doesn't make sense." Qi Long muttered to himself in confusion, completely incomprehensible.

He really didn't think about why no one signed up. This was completely unreasonable.

You know, even if the promotional effect of the video he shot will not be as good as that of the Hesheng Camp, it will not be able to attract even one person who signed up.

This method had already been used once by the Synthetic Battalion, so the effect was good. Weilong knew this.

The effect of repeating the old trick will definitely not be as good as the first time, but it won't be so bad.

Could it be that the negative impact caused by the Lieutenant Colonel's initial video shooting has not been completely eliminated?

Apart from this reason, Qi Long really couldn't think of any other reasons.

"Chief, are you sure that's what you said when the camp was promoted, and that the second half of the night is the focus?" the lieutenant colonel asked again.

The lieutenant colonel couldn't help but check again from Qi Long. He still felt that Qi Long was knocking him.

"Of course, I have witnessed the development of Henghe Camp step by step. I was a guest star in their promotional videos. I know the situation best." Qi Long affirmed after hearing this.

In fact, Qi Long did not tell the lieutenant colonel about one thing.

That is when the Synthetic Camp was first promoted, the peak registration period was indeed in the latter half of the night.

In order not to let others know, people from various units all signed up secretly. They had no choice but to do so. This is human nature.

But not everyone is like this. Some people signed up immediately after seeing the promotional video and learning about the synthetic camp, without waiting until the evening.

When the Synthetic Camp advertised for recruitment, there were always people signing up both during the day and at night, but there were a lot more people signing up at night than during the day.

Instead of like now, no one signed up during the day.

Originally, Qi Long thought that if there were no sign-ups during the day, it was because the effect of their publicity this time would definitely not be as explosive as that of the Synthetic Camp. The group was much smaller, so no one signed up during the day, and 80% of people would sign up at night.

Qi Long had expected such a situation.

Even Qi Long and the lieutenant colonel said that the peak period was in the middle of the night, but they didn't expect the number of applicants to explode, but it would definitely be better than having no one at all during the day.

But now, there is still no one. At this point, Qi Long really didn't expect it, and he couldn't figure out why it was like this.

"Chief, what's going on with us? Which link has the problem?" Seeing Qi Long say this, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but ask, he was very depressed.

How come the results are so good when others do it, but it doesn’t work when it comes to them?

Not to mention the lieutenant colonel's depression, Qi Long is also very depressed now.

He spent so much effort to go to the Zhuhe training ground and persuaded Manzhi to mobilize the synthetic brigade to cooperate with them in filming.

He spent so much money to shoot such a video, but it didn't work now, and he was depressed to death.

Even Qi Long couldn't help but want to go to each unit to conduct a questionnaire survey directly.

He wanted to ask the officials in various units why they didn't sign up? What was the reason?

Is it because your superiors are forcing you not to sign up? Or is the video not attractive enough? Or is it that the benefits of the new unit are not good enough?

You know, the welfare benefits of the new unit are quite good [the officers' personal and family problems have all been solved.

Special subsidies are even issued every month, and the treatment is definitely a level better than that of grassroots officers.

This is not impressive, Qi Long really didn't expect it.

"Don't worry, wait a moment. You have to know that we were not the first to use this method. The Synthetic Battalion used it once that year. It is normal that the results we used the second time were not as good as theirs. Qi Long said to the lieutenant colonel, give An explanation was given.

0…………Please give me flowers…………

"But no matter how bad the effect is, it won't mean that one person is left without help." The lieutenant colonel said helplessly.

"Then it's not all your fault. Who made the video you shot before so poor? It's very disappointing. Although the video has been re-shot, at least we have to give everyone time to change their minds. Wait a little longer. Don't worry. Someone will definitely sign up," Qi Long said.

The lieutenant colonel was almost angered to death by Qi Long's words.

Good guy, the blame was thrown directly on him again, and he was convinced.

As he talked, he blamed him for not getting it right the first time, and the bad effects of the video were still there.

Well, even if he didn't do it well the first time and caused a bad impact, it wouldn't last for so long.

According to this statement, if there is really no one to sign up by then, wouldn't it be entirely his responsibility?

If there is a problem, let him take the blame!

Of course, the lieutenant colonel would not dare to say these words to Qi Long. A senior official rank would kill anyone, and Qi Long was more than one rank older than him.

Now he can only continue to wait as Qi Long said.

"If there is really no one who signs up in the end, I have to go to each unit to do a questionnaire to find out the reason. I can't keep taking this blame." The lieutenant colonel said secretly, making up his mind.

That's right, the lieutenant colonel has already thought about it. If this task cannot be completed by then, in order to give himself justice, he must do a questionnaire to ask whether it is his fault?

Is it because the first video he made was not effective, so it has been affected until now.

He must give himself a clean slate, otherwise, he will have to carry the blame forever.

So, after the lieutenant colonel left Qi Long, he went back to take a nap.

The lieutenant colonel is now thinking about it. He is stuck in front of the computer to make calls. It's time to sleep and eat. Don't be miserable on yourself.

If someone does sign up, even if the system applauds, they will still find a way to contact them to sign up.

No one signed up, even if he stayed in front of the computer for 24 hours, it would be in vain.

So you still have to relax your mentality, otherwise there will be no other benefits besides making yourself uncomfortable.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank!!! Fan).

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