Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

884: The Reason Is Clear! Major General, I Advise You Not To Go Too Far.

In front of Xu Shan, the commander of Division N and the superior of Liu Shuo and the two, Qi Long directly asked such a "crazy" question.

To be honest, if Xu Shan hadn't seen that Qi Long was the deputy commander of the group army and his direct superior, he would have wanted to curse him right now.

Don't do this, even if you are poaching people, don't do it like this.

The key is that you are still the deputy commander of H Army. Aren’t the talents of his N Division H Army’s talents? You are helping a new unit recruit people. What does this mean?

Of course, after all, Qi Long is the deputy commander of the army. If it goes too far, Xu Shan still can't say it out loud. To be precise, he doesn't dare to say it.

But you still have to express your opinions tactfully.

"Chief, these two are the backbone of our N Division, have you forgotten?" Xu Shan couldn't help but remind him.

You know, when Liu Shuo and his two wanted to go to the Synthetic Brigade, he and Qi Long, who came forward later, persuaded them.

Why, is it possible that Qi Long has forgotten this matter?

It took a lot of effort to persuade the two of them, but now you ask them why they didn't sign up for the new unit?

Do you still want to ask for this reason?

"I know that. I'm just curious. Since they are very interested in the new unit, why don't they sign up?" Qi Long said.

He naturally knows what Xu Shan 817 means now.

But now he is just getting to know Yuanying temporarily, and he has not said that he must bring the two of them there.

"Chief, the two of us are interested, but the threshold is too high. At least a master's degree is not enough for the two of us." Liu Shuo said depressedly.

He watched the promotional video twice and was very interested.

He originally wanted to sign up, but he was dumbfounded when he saw that the qualification required for recruitment was at least a master's degree.

Good guy, you have a master's degree. In the field army now, there are not many people who have a master's degree or the majors mentioned above.

Although the two of them are from key universities, they only have undergraduate degrees.

With such a threshold set here, how could the two of them sign up?

"Ah?" Hearing this, Qi Long was also stunned, as if he realized something, and asked quickly: "So, you two don't have a name because of the restriction of academic qualifications?"

"Yes." Liu Shuo nodded.

"Chief, in fact, not only the two of us, but also many people are interested, but the conditions are too high, and the academic qualifications limit us (aidf)." Song Yun, who was beside Liu Shuo, said depressedly.

The two of them never expected that one day, they would be restricted by their academic qualifications.

You know, even if the synthetic brigade recruits people, there are no academic restrictions.


After hearing what the two said, Qi Long breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to have discovered the reason why no one signed up.

It turned out to be this reason. He was restricted by his academic qualifications. How could he forget this?

The lieutenant colonel on the side only remembered after hearing these words, yes, how could he have forgotten this? No matter how good their promotional video is, the recruitment conditions are there, and the restriction of a master's degree is there. There are few people who meet the requirements, so it is normal for no one to sign up for a long time.

The conditions are so restrictive. People want to come no matter what, but they don’t have the academic qualifications. What should they do?

If you report it, it will be in vain, so you simply don't report it and can only stare.

After understanding the reason, Qi Long glanced at the lieutenant colonel, who also gave Qi Long a look back.

In any case, now the two of them finally understand what caused it.

It's just that they really didn't think of it before. The key is that they didn't think about it. This is really embarrassing.

"I understand. The main reason I came here this time is to understand the reason. Don't think too much about it. If you are interested in the follow-up, continue to pay attention." Qi Long said to the two of them.

In fact, Qi Long played a trick here, that is, he was not ready to give up on the two of them.

Because this recruitment standard was set by Gao Ran, Qi Long really couldn't change anything in terms of academic qualifications for a while.

However, the restrictions on academic qualifications will indeed greatly limit the threshold for people to register.

The most important thing is that there are too few people who meet such conditions.

I really want to sign up for a new unit, but the conditions are limited. What should I do if I can't meet the requirements?

But whether the conditions will be relaxed later depends on Li Ran's intention.

"Yes." Liu Shuo and Liu Shuo heard a different flavor from Qi Long's words.

From what Qi Long said, it seems that the academic qualification restrictions will be relaxed in the future.

In that case, the two of them would be willing to give it a try.

The two of them are still very interested in this new unit, quite interested.

Xu Shan on the side couldn't hear the hint in Qi Long's words, but he had nothing to do.

Although Qi Long hinted at it, he didn't make it completely clear. In this case, it would be hard for him to say anything.

I can only sigh in my heart, alas, the world is deteriorating, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be.

At first, he and Qi Long worked hard to persuade the two of them, but now, they change at any time, and their faces change so quickly that it is shocking.

The most important thing is that he said these words in front of his N division commander, which really didn't give him face.

But if a senior official crushes someone to death, what can he do?

"Teacher, do you have anything else to do when you come here?" Xu Shan couldn't help but say, but he actually meant to drive people away.

He doesn't want Qi Long to stay here for a second now. Otherwise, this would be too much.

"By the way, I am responsible for the establishment of the new unit. The new unit is related to the overall development of the field army. As a member of the field army combat unit, your N Division should provide some help. In terms of equipment, your N Division has the equipment that meets the requirements of the new unit. The unit will provide support." Qi Long said calmly to Xu Shan.

Now that the reason for coming to Division N this time is clear, Qi Long still thinks it is necessary to remind Division N.

In addition to personnel matters, there are also equipment matters, and the establishment of new units, all of which require them to figure out their own solutions.

Where does the equipment come from? It cannot appear out of thin air. It can only be coordinated from various units.

Qi Long's coordination now is different from that of Li Ran. When Li Ran founded the combined battalion, his military rank was only a major, but he is now a major general.

As the deputy commander of Army H, is it still necessary to coordinate equipment from these units within the group army?

Of course it's impossible. Just ask and it's over. There's no such thing as being so polite.

The specific implementation of the follow-up equipment must be handled by the lieutenant colonel. He just said hello in advance to give Xu Shan a psychological stability.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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