Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

885: The Senior Colonel Is So Angry! The Major General Is Cunning And Cunning

The lieutenant colonel on the side was shocked when he saw Qi Long say such words directly in front of Xu Shan, the commander of N Division.

Good guy, when you say this, you almost don’t say it directly. You prepare the equipment for me, and I will send someone to get it directly when the time comes.

Isn't this a little too much, too blatant?

As expected of the deputy commander and former commander of the N Division, his words are tough.

Sure enough, after hearing Qi Long's straightforward words, Xu Shan's face suddenly turned ugly and he really wanted to curse.

This is too much, considering that they were all commanders of the main battle division of H Army at the beginning and knew each other.

It's just that you, Qi Long, took advantage of your junior brother and was promoted to the deputy commander of Army H earlier. Now you are a little too disrespectful to old friends like them.

"Old Qi, don't go too far."

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Xu Shan couldn't help but speak in front of everyone.

As soon as these words came out, the lieutenant colonel and others suddenly looked shocked.

Good guy, this is a rhythm that makes Xu Shan anxious. He directly calls Qi Long, the deputy commander, Lao Qi. If Qi Long is really investigated, Xu Shan can be charged with having no superiors and subordinates, being unorganized and without control. discipline.

But Xu Shan couldn't bear it anymore. If he didn't bring this, he would just come to his N Division and blatantly want to poach people. Now he asked them to prepare their equipment.

Why, when did N Division become your Qi Long's logistics warehouse?

Even if the military commander came to their N Division, it would be impossible for him to order his N Division on such a matter.

After hearing Xu Shan's words, Qi Long was not angry. He looked at Xu Shan and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Why are you so anxious?"

"Hmph." Hearing this, Xu Shan snorted coldly and said dissatisfied: "Old Qi, don't think that because you are the deputy commander of Army H and my superior, you can act unscrupulously in front of me.

Don't go overboard. "

Xu Shan is now willing to take risks. Even if Qi Long pursues him for not having the concept of superiors and subordinates, he doesn't care.

The worst case scenario would be to take him directly to the military region headquarters, and he would insist on filing a complaint.

If you don't bring such a bully, it would be too much of a bully.

"Old Xu, didn't you misunderstand something? Why did I go too far?" Qi Long asked with a smile.

In terms of address, Xu Shan was also called Lao Xu. They were all old acquaintances when they called each other this way.

Of course, what Qi Long meant by calling him this was to tell Xu Shan that he would not make a fuss about the so-called superior-subordinate relationship, which was meaningless.

Xu Shan naturally heard it, but he would not accept Qi Long's favor now.

"You came to me to ask for people, and now you want equipment. Even if you are poaching for a new unit, you won't do this. There are so many units in the field army, so don't focus on your own unit." Xu Shan said dissatisfied.

He knew very well what Qi Long was planning now, which was to recruit people and equipment for the new unit.

But if you don't dig people and equipment like this, and only target your own units, then what kind of hero would you be?

"Why did I attack you? I just asked you to cooperate, and I didn't ask you how much you wanted." Qi Long said amusedly.

"Is there any difference between this and asking me directly?" Xu Shan said dissatisfied: "If you have the ability, go to Division Z and ask Commander Li for people and equipment. Do you think he will give them to you?"

As soon as these words came out, Qi Long was stunned and a little embarrassed.

Indeed, this time to dig out people and equipment, he really didn't dare to go directly to Division Z to start.

Who doesn't know that Li Ran, the commander of Division Z, that is, his junior brother, is a tough guy who doesn't pull any punches. He has no problem poaching people and equipment from other units. If anyone dares to challenge him, Li Ran will fall out with him at any time.

The key is that with Li Ran's current status and status, who dares to attack Li Ran.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm just here to do a simple investigation. Besides, for the personnel and equipment needed by the new unit this time, do you think your N Division is enough? I can tell you clearly, it's far from it. , I am responsible for this matter, and I will definitely not just stare at you, but if I don't let you cooperate, how can I ask other group armies and other military regions to ask for equipment?" Qi Long explained seriously.

In fact, what Qi Long said was wrong. Although the new unit of Tiandian unmanned integration is a new unit, everything has to start from scratch.

However, the current scale is only one battalion, so in fact, the Northern Military Region is fully able to provide the required personnel and equipment.

There are three group armies, and the key personnel and equipment in each group army are almost the same.

0......Please give me flowers......

Saying this to Xu Shan now is just to stabilize Xu Shan's mood.

Sure enough, after hearing Qi Long's words, Xu Shan's expression softened.

"Are you telling the truth?" Xu Shan asked.

He understood the meaning of Qi Long's words, that is, if his own unit did not cooperate with him, he would not be able to talk to other units.

Of course, in the end, there must be more people and equipment from other units, so they will be willing to do so.

"Nonsense, of course it's true. I'm the deputy commander. If I'm cruel to you, what will the commander and chief of staff think of me? Don't you think I'm cheating on you?" Qi Long said angrily.

"Okay, then I will believe you this time." Xu Shan said.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. I have to go to other units. Just remember one sentence. We are all old friends. How could I cheat you." Qi Long said with a smile.

After saying that, Qi Long took the lieutenant colonel and left.

On the way to M Division, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but said to Qi Long: "Chief, what did you just tell Mr. Xu? Are they true or false?"

The lieutenant colonel was stunned. The conversation between Qi Long and Xu Shan did not avoid them, and it was an eye-opener for them.

"This is called a delaying tactic." Qi Long said calmly: "The creation of a new unit requires the contribution of each unit. If they don't give more, how can I speak to other units?"


Knowing that Qi Long's words were just to deceive Xu Shan, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but take a breath of air and were all shocked.

Good guy, the truth is false, the truth is true, the truth is false.

He never expected that the former commander of Division Z would become so cunning now.

In order to verify whether the reason why no one signed up was due to academic restrictions, Qi Long took the lieutenant colonel to Division M again.

Because there are several people on Master M's side whom Qi Long values.

As the deputy commander of the group army, it is also a very important job to pay close attention to the fresh blood of the group army.

On Division M's side, they were also shocked that Qi Long, the deputy commander, came with his men without saying hello.

I originally thought that Qi Long was here to conduct a surprise inspection. After learning the purpose of his visit, the commander of Division M also looked very unhappy.

(I beg for all kinds of things, I beg for everything, I will kneel down and thank you for a long time).

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