Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

092: Prodigal Behavior! Li Jun Came With Supplies

After hearing what the director of the logistics department in his regiment said, Lei Leifeng couldn't believe it.

Glucose is a relatively precious material, and the amount allocated to each company is fixed. A company does not use much per month, but if calculated by a regiment, it is not a small amount per month.

There are only thirty people in the sniper training team. How can they use more in one week than one regiment in one month?

"Director Cao, it's impossible."

"Captain, here is the material allocation list. If you don't believe me, just read it yourself.

After looking at the material allocation table and seeing the clear material allocation data on it, Lei Feng was dumbfounded.

It's actually true!

Let’s not talk about vegetables, fruits, and meat. Li Ran had applied before, and he agreed. Moreover, the group will pay for an additional batch of supplies from outside in the future.

But what’s going on with this huge amount of glucose consumption?

Is it possible that the people in the sniper training team drank glucose as water?

How could it be possible to consume so much glucose in just one week if it were not drank as water?

This is too much, even if the new sniper training team is a very significant attempt for the Fifth Border Defense Regiment and even the entire military region.

But it can’t be made like this!

The military region does not allocate additional supplies to the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, so it is entirely up to the Fifth Border Defense Regiment to find a way.

There is no way. This has been a tradition of the military region for more than 20 years. If you are stationed in this remote place, you will have to figure out your own solution if there are any difficulties.

Just talking about the additional supplies purchased for the sniper training team, it was all paid for by the team themselves. Where did the money come from?

From the head of the regiment to the following, the officer leaders tightened their belts and collected as much as they could from their own pockets, so much so that Lei Feng now smoked sparingly and was reluctant to throw away the cigarettes until they reached the end.

All the married cadres in the regiment were often complained by their wives.

When you are a poor soldier, your monthly allowance is only a small amount. Even if you are here, your allowance is a little higher, but it is only a little bit higher, so you all voluntarily donated it to buy supplies.

The result was not bad, the sniper training team's behavior was completely to exploit the wealth of the landlords and drink glucose as water.

"Captain, it's not that I'm stingy. If I don't take care of this, my life will really be unbearable. Although I am the director of the Logistics Department, I can't make glucose come out by relying on my strength." Cao Pei vomited bitterly. waterways.

"I know, I will go to the training team to see it myself." Thunder Wind thought for a while and said.

He had to go there to investigate in person. He wanted to see how so much glucose was used?

Do the people in the sniper training team drink glucose as water? Or do they use glucose for bathing?

Don’t you know how many kilograms there are in your own dumpling? Can you withstand making it like this? You don’t know how to save at all.

Lei Leifeng plans to go to the sniper training team for an on-site inspection later.

At this time.

The phone on the table rang.

"I'm Lei Feng, what's the matter?"

"Captain, the supplies purchased by Li Ran's father have been delivered, and he is at the gate of the station.

"I understand, let's get over it."

"Just in time, we can go there together later and take the supplies with us." Lei Leifeng thought to himself.

The entrance of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

Li Jun looked at the sentry at the door holding a steel gun and was envious. When he was a soldier, he was still semi-automatic, but now he has an 81 bar. He is really handsome.

One thing that impressed Li Jun deeply was that the security of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment was really tight. After he arrived, everything including the supply truck was carefully inspected by the theater.

"Please wait for a moment, our regimental leader will be here soon." After learning about the situation, the Lieutenant Colonel of the Integrity Department personally came out to greet him in a grand manner.

"I'm not in a hurry." Li Jun smiled.

Not long after, Lei Lei Feng came to the door and expressed a warm welcome to Li Jun's arrival.

After some simple greetings, Lei Lei Feng asked people to begin counting the supplies delivered by Li Jun, and at the same time expressed his gratitude again.

"Boss Li, thank you very much for everything you have done for the Fifth Border Defense Regiment." Lei Lei Feng expressed gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that Li Ran's father was a veteran and now a successful entrepreneur, so he directly called him Boss Ji.

"Captain Lei, you are too polite. I will not fade away after being discharged. Without the help of the army, I would not be where I am today." Li Jun said with a smile.

This help does not refer to any substantial help from the army to Li Jun, but to Li Jun's learning and growth in the army.

A person who has served in the military can always face any difficulties with unyielding will.

It was so hard when Li Jun started his own business from scratch, but he was able to endure it with the willpower honed in the army.

Veterans will never fade after being discharged from the army, and those who have served in the military know this well.

After the people from the logistics office of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment finished counting the supplies, Cao Peixin, director of the logistics department, came to Lei Leifeng with the supply list and hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"Captain, the number of supplies is wrong."

"It's impossible. Check it carefully again. There can't be less."

The leader is not less, but more, twice as many. "

If they didn't insist on giving it, Li Jun wouldn't ask for anything, but he didn't expect that the amount of supplies sent was twice as much.

After Lei Leifeng heard this, he looked at Li Jun in surprise.

"Boss Li, what are you doing?"

"Captain Lei, I don't want money in the first place. I'm donating it for free. You don't agree and insist on giving it. If I don't accept it, you won't allow me to give it away. That's okay. If you want to give it, just give it to me. I'll buy some more." Every time Li Ran writes a letter, he will emphasize that it is not easy to be a soldier here, it is very hard, and it is a little effort." Li Jun said cheerfully.

Hearing this, the people of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment standing nearby looked moved and felt moved in their hearts.

"Boss Li, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you." After saying that, Lei Leifeng immediately saluted Li Jun.

Everyone else also saluted Li Jun and expressed their gratitude.

Li Jun immediately stood at attention and saluted as well.

Soldiers don't know how to use sweet words or glib words. The most sincere and direct way to express gratitude is to salute!

This time Li Jun came here not only to deliver the purchased materials, but also to visit Ji Ran.

"Captain Lei, I have sent the supplies. If there is nothing else, I would like to go to the reconnaissance company to visit my son. It is not easy to come all the way." Li Jun said.

When they got here, they rushed to the headquarters of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, and they didn't have a chance to go to the reconnaissance company.

"Boss Li, Li Ran is not in the reconnaissance company now. He is currently on a training mission. I am planning to go over there. You can go with us. We can also transport supplies by the way." Lei Lei Feng said with a smile.

"What? Carrying out a training mission?" Li Jun was stunned when he heard this.

After counting some of the supplies for the fourth company and the sniper training team, and loading them into the trucks, the group set off.

Li Jun was invited and sat in the same car as Lei Lei Feng.

Obviously, Li Jun was very excited. After all, when he was a soldier, he did not have this opportunity to sit in a car with the regiment leader.

"Captain Lei, can I ask what kind of training mission Li Ran is performing? He has just joined the company. I heard that he was promoted to private in advance, as an exception. The army's promotion regulations seem to stipulate that recruits must join the company for one year. You have to be promoted to the rank of private, right? Has it changed now?"

After finishing speaking, Li Jun added: "I know that the army has confidentiality regulations. If you can't tell me, you don't need to answer me.

Li Jun had a lot of questions in his mind. Before coming, he received the letter written by Li Ran. When he learned that Li Ran said that he had been promoted to the rank of private, Li Jun was shocked.

It only took Li Ran a few months from joining the army to the lower company. How could he be promoted to a first-class private so quickly?

It takes one year for a new recruit to be promoted to Private 067, which is how he got there back then.

He is also very clear about the promotion regulations of the army. Could it be that the regulations have been changed in the past few years since he retired?

"Boss Li, Comrade Li Ran performed very well in the army. You should know that he received a third-class meritorious service, right?" Lei Leifeng asked with a smile.

"I know, he said that he wrote an article and achieved meritorious service, but he didn't say what the specific content was."

"It is true that it takes one year for a new recruit to be promoted to an upper class soldier, but Comrade Li Ran has performed very well in the army, and this time he served as a training instructor for the regiment's snipers. Our regiment committee discussed it from many aspects and unanimously agreed We decided to give him an early promotion." Lei Leifeng said while avoiding the important matter.

I can’t say the specific content, but it’s okay to give a general outline.

"What? He serves as a sniper training instructor? Can this guy serve as a sniper training instructor?" Li Jun was confused again.

Li Jun was very curious about what Li Ran had done in the army. He wrote an article and achieved a third-class meritorious service. Then he was promoted to a first-class soldier, and now he serves as a sniper training instructor.

Based on what he knew about his son, how could Ji Ran be qualified to be an instructor?

"Captain Lei, could it be that my actions have caused you to misunderstand something? You must treat everyone equally. You must not make mistakes in principle. You must not make this mistake."

"Li Jun said quickly, trying to be as subtle as possible without saying clearly that Li Ran could not be given backdoors or special treatment because of his actions.

Li Jun's words did not make Lei Leifeng angry, but made Lei Leifeng amused.

People who have served in the military speak straightforwardly. Even if they are a big boss, they still speak so straightforwardly.

"Boss Li, you are overthinking it. Everything is strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations, and there is no special treatment for him." Lei Lei Feng said with a smile: "You don't seem to know much about Comrade Li Ran's military qualities. I'll wait for you." You’ll know once you go there.

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