Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

093: Armed Swimming! Training People In Front Of The Colonel

A group of people came from the fifth border defense regiment station to the fourth company.

After learning about the arrival of the regiment leader, Liu Yu, the commander of the fourth company, came out in person.

But when he saw an unfamiliar face sitting next to Lei Lei Feng, he did not let the patrol officers of the Fourth Company let him go immediately. Instead, he asked them to continue the inspection, in full accordance with the previous inspection standards.

Check everything on and off the car carefully.

Liu Yu even chatted with Lei Lei Feng, chatting about everything.

Li Jun was confused when he saw this scene. What's going on?

Are all the company commanders of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment so awesome? When the commander arrives, he must check carefully and not let him go for a while.

The group leader is still in the car, and now we’re talking? Why don’t we let people in first?

"Okay, no need to talk too much. This is Li Ran's father, Boss Li Jun. He is an entrepreneur and a veteran. I'm here to inspect the training work of the sniper training team. He collected and delivered the materials. "Yes." Lei Leifeng said with a smile, thus dispelling Liu Yu's doubts.

"I'm sorry, Boss Li, it's my responsibility." Liu Yu explained.

Li Jun smiled and nodded, but he was still confused and didn't understand the specific meaning.

"He saw a strange face sitting in my car and was worried that I might have been hijacked by you, so he didn't let us in for a while. Instead, he chatted with me first." Lei Leifeng explained this way, and Li Only then did Jun understand.

"It turns out that it is like this. It is indeed a border defense force. The inspection is strict and meticulous." Li Jun said with emotion.

When he was a soldier in the interior, he had never encountered anything like this.

Sure enough, when I was serving as a soldier in the interior, I heard someone say that the situation here in the border defense force was completely different from that in the interior. Today I really experienced it personally.

Patrol officers from the Fourth Company put the vehicle inside.

Lei Leifeng and others came to the sniper training team station, but found that the training ground was empty.

"Where are they?" Lei Leifeng asked.

"Captain, instructor Li took them to the direction of the reservoir. He should be training them to swim across the river," Liu Yu said.

Don't ask Liu Yu why he knew this. During this period, Liu Yu was paying attention to the movements of the training team when he had nothing to do.

In the afternoon, Li Ran also asked someone to find him and asked him to borrow some veterans who were proficient in swimming.

Heading towards the reservoir again, it was obvious that they were not taking this group of training team members to take a bath, but were training armed swimmers.

Armed swimming is a classic training subject for the reconnaissance company.

"Captain, how about I send someone to inform them and ask them to come back now?" Liu Yu asked.

"No, let's take a look directly."

Two Warrior off-road vehicles took everyone towards the reservoir.

In the car, Lei Leifeng wanted to learn about the use of glucose by the training team from Liu Yu.

"Do you know why the glucose consumption of the training team is so high? They consume more glucose in a week than the entire team in a month. Do they drink glucose as water? Or use it to take a bath! [?" Lei Feng asked directly road.

"Captain, you really can't blame Instructor Li for this. Fortunately, the glucose supply has always been sufficient. Otherwise, the training team would have been beaten down long ago." Liu Yu explained: "Everyone has their own time in the morning and afternoon." One bottle of glucose is used to replenish physical energy during training, but now it seems that the number has been increased to four bottles a day."

"Do you really drink glucose as water?" Lei Feng was shocked: "How much training volume does it take to use glucose to replenish physical energy? Don't they have enough food every day?"

"It's not that it's not enough, it's that the training team's physical energy is almost exhausted. I also mentioned this to Instructor Li. He said that time is tight and we should try to reduce the rest time as much as possible."

"How much training can they have? Is it more training than the reserve squad leader?"

"The training amount of the reserve squad leader is nothing here. Leader, you can see it for yourself later.

Hearing what Liu Yu said, Lei Leifeng became more and more curious.

Li Hu, who was sitting aside, was also very shocked when he heard this. The amount of training was greater than that of the reserve squad leader? Can that person be able to bear it?

When he was a soldier, he had witnessed the training of a top soldier in his class as a reserve squad leader. The amount of training was simply terrifying.

A top soldier who was excellent in all aspects was exhausted by the training as a reserve squad leader and looked like a loser.

It turned out that my son was training as an instructor, and the training intensity was even higher than this. He must have been fooling around.

Besides, isn't it said that it is sniper training? How come it is physical training?

Next to the reservoir!

Lei Lei Feng and his party arrived here. As soon as they got off the car, they saw Li Ran sitting on a small boat on the wide lake, and the members of the training team were all fully armed and swimming in the water.

Standing on the shore, you can still hear Li Ran's roar.

"Hurry up, hurry up. Do you want to take the enemy's bullets at this speed?"

"Hurry up, haven't you eaten? Did you drink the glucose in vain?"

"Look at your current virtues. Dogs can swim faster than you in water."

Regarding this, Lei Lei Feng and others didn't have much feeling.

As a soldier, especially as an instructor and trainer, it is normal to say these words to be irritating.

Li Jun heard something different in his ears. It was the first time for him to see his son like this, and at the same time, he also had some psychological shadow over these words.

When they were soldiers, the company and squad leaders also trained them in this way, and they were also so unceremonious.

Although Li Jun doubted whether his son had the ability to be an instructor, he still sighed inwardly when he saw this scene. The momentum was impressive.

"Captain, do you want someone to call them?" Liu Yu asked.

"No, let's wait until their training is over." Lei Lei Feng waved his hand.

Everyone just watched like this, but soon, an unexpected scene happened.

One of the team members swimming at the back was severely exhausted due to physical exhaustion. He choked after being drowned in a few mouthfuls of water. Then, his hands and feet began to squirt.

Suddenly, the situation became very critical.

In addition, no one was wearing life jackets at all, so it was very dangerous to continue like this.

"Oops, that kid is not strong enough and is going to drown."

"He didn't have a life jacket on, so we had to go down and rescue him right away."

Everyone on the shore was very panicked, and some people were even planning to go into the water to rescue people.

"Don't be impatient yet." Lei Lei Feng stopped him.

Because he discovered that Li Ran also discovered this situation, but just stared and did not take any action, without any panic on his face.

Not even the other two people on the boat did anything.

There is only one possibility in this situation, that is, Li Ran gave the order in advance, and you have to wait for him to speak if you want to save people.

For people who are exhausted and about to drown, time is very precious. A large amount of water enters the mouth directly and is likely to choke into the lungs.

Seeing that the struggling people were getting weaker and weaker, in the end even Thunder Wind could no longer stand it.

This guy hasn't ordered a rescue [is he planning to watch the team members he trained drown?

"Captain, it's too late if we don't save people." Liu Yu said anxiously.

Just when Lei Feng couldn't help but agree to go into the water to save people, Li Ran was moved.

Directly from the boat, he jumped into the water, and then quickly swam to the drowning person like a flexible fish, grabbed him, and then swam towards the boat.

In the end, he was thrown directly on the boat. The time from entering the water to rescuing people did not exceed two seconds.

The speed was so fast that everyone around was stunned.

After the man was rescued, Li Ran pressed directly to force the water out of his stomach. The drowning man soon woke up and seemed to have no major problem.

"`"Everyone, go ashore and rest. "Li Ran ordered.

The team members swam to the shore one after another, and then they discovered Lei Feng and others beside them.

Li Ran had actually discovered it a long time ago, but did not interrupt the training unless Lei Feng took the initiative to give the order.

"stand at attention."

Li Ran trotted to Lei Feng, ignoring Li Jun beside him, and said loudly: "Report to Comrade Leader, the sniper training team is conducting armed swimming training, please give your instructions.

"Take a break."


Li Ran gave the command to take a break.

Li Jun on the side saw Li Ran like this, and a special feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

My son has indeed grown up, and I can see in him the qualities that a qualified soldier should have, which is discipline.

Thunder Wind walked up to the team member who had just drowned, looked at him and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Report to the leader, I'm fine."

"You drowned just now, are you scared?"


"Then why didn't you scream for help?"

"The instructor said (hao Zhao) that if this was on a real battlefield, even if I drowned, I would not be able to make a sound, because it is very likely that I would be exposed by calling for help, putting my comrades in danger."

"very good."

Thunder Wind nodded in appreciation.

He really didn't expect that the drowned man in front of him was still a second lieutenant officer, and ten second lieutenant officers were actually trained to be obedient by Li Ran's ten superiors.

This will definitely not work without some means, and it will definitely not be suppressed.


At this time, Li Ran suddenly spoke out to everyone.

speak. "


"Captain, can I have a few words with him?"

"Go ahead.

After getting Lei Feng's permission, Li Ran walked to the second lieutenant, as if he had expected something, and the second lieutenant was already prepared to face death.

Sure enough, the next second, Li Ran's roar sounded.

"Are you a pig? Did you eat your lunch in vain? Did you drink glucose in vain? Have you forgotten all the swimming skills I taught you? What did I tell you? Don't panic when you are exhausted. Don't panic. Look at what you just did. Show, are you panic? After a while, you can try it again and see if you heard clearly.

"Listen clearly." the lieutenant said loudly.

Everyone present was stunned by the scene of Li Ran reprimanding the second lieutenant in public.

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