Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

094: Poor Performance! Request To Remove Li Ran From His Position As Instructor

Everyone was shocked, never expecting that Li Ran would dare to reprimand like this in front of the group leader.

The key to the reprimand was a second lieutenant. He was trained like a dog, but the second lieutenant showed no resistance at all.

A first-class soldier reprimanded a second lieutenant in this way, but the second lieutenant did not resist. Everyone knew the reason.

Obviously, before they came, everyone in the training team must have experienced very "terrible" things.

Otherwise, he would not be so obedient to a superior soldier instructor.

This superior soldier sure has some tricks up his sleeve!

As Li Ran's father, Li Jun's eyes were as wide as bells in shock. Is this still his son?

Reprimanding a second lieutenant in front of the colonel is so cool.

When he was a soldier, he could only be trained by others, but he could not train others. Li Ran's roar just now made him, an old man, a little scared.

"Instructor Li, is the training over now?" Lei Leifeng asked.

"Reporting to the leader, the armed swimming training has ended." Li Ran said.

"Then bring the team back and let me see your training results these days. Your father just happened to be here too and will give you half a day off.


"Everyone has it, target training ground, running and walking."

After finishing speaking, Li Ran said to the second lieutenant before: "You can go back to the team after playing."

"Yes!" said the ensign.

Of course, Li Ran did not disregard the safety of the team members. He led the team back and left two veterans who were proficient in swimming here to watch the second lieutenant practice the armed swimming again.

The two veterans were the people he asked to borrow from the Fourth Company, and they were responsible for guiding some people's swimming movements.

The training team had just finished the armed swimming training, and before they had time to take a breath and rest, under the leadership of Li Ran, they returned to the training ground in full gear.

The distance from the reservoir to the 290 training ground is not short.

Lei Leifeng and others returned by car.

At the same time, Lei Feng finally understood why the sniper training team consumed glucose so quickly.

Such high-intensity physical training may not be lower than that of special forces. No wonder physical fitness must be guaranteed during the training process.

Although he didn't know how advanced the training of the special forces was, he knew one thing. Even if the kings of soldiers selected from each company entered the special forces, they would be trained like dogs and they wouldn't be able to hold on at the beginning.

Although these people who were selected from various companies to participate in the sniper training team had good overall results, some did not meet the standards of the special forces.

Therefore, in daily training, high-intensity training requires nutritional protection.

The colonel figured it out. He originally planned to ask Li Ran if he drank glucose as water and used glucose for bathing, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

The soldiers in my regiment were trained in this way, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted. No one wanted to quit. Why?

We all know that opportunities are hard-won, we all know that the materials we use are precious, and we all want to be worthy of the materials we consume and seize this opportunity.

"Alas~" The colonel sighed inwardly. He had promised to do his best to guarantee it at the beginning, but now he had to stick to it.

Although the Fifth Border Defense Regiment is not a wealthy landowner and cannot afford to do this, but the current situation, we can only continue to live in tight trousers.

He only hopes that Li Ran can train effectively and train a group of special snipers.

In this case, the Fifth Border Defense Regiment will have a card in the military region, and the military region and other military regions will have a card.

When the commander saw that the Tibetan Military Region had taken the lead in the development of field armies, he would tilt the balance a little to them.

These days, you have to rely on yourself for everything, and self-reliance is the way to go.

The only thing that puzzles Lei Feng is that it is necessary to conduct such high-intensity physical training to train snipers? What is the significance of such training?

Lei Leifeng and others took the car to the training ground first to wait for Li Ran and others. After a while, Li Ran came back with the training team.

The colonel said that he wanted to test the training results of the training team this week, and it was obvious that he wanted to see the marksmanship.

Li Ran took everyone directly to the shooting range.

After getting the colonel's approval, Li Ran asked the team to start shooting.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Gunshots kept ringing out from the shooting range.


"Missed the target.


But the results of the shooting shocked everyone present, and the colonel's face turned dark immediately.

What the hell?

He was so moved by the training attitude of everyone in the training team before, but he was shown such a shooting result?

One or two missed the target?

what is this?

How come the more training he gets, the more he regresses? Wasn't it promised that he could train a group of new snipers for him? Are the new snipers just snipers who can't hit the target?

"Instructor Li, I need you to give me an explanation. Why did they all miss the target? Even if they were not unique sniper masters before, they would not all miss the target." Lei Feng asked coldly.

Similarly, Li Jun, who was watching from the sidelines, was shocked.

See, he knew something was wrong.

His son didn't know anything about sniping, so he still trained as an instructor? He couldn't stand the results of this week's training. This was simply nonsense.

The faces of everyone in the training team were also red. It was really embarrassing to achieve such results in front of the team leader.

Of course, this also has something to do with their poor condition.

But it would be outrageous to keep missing the target.

"Report to the captain, this is a normal phenomenon." Facing the colonel's question, Li Ran's face remained unchanged and he replied calmly.

"Normal?" The colonel was shocked.

Is this making him blind and treating him as a fool?

He said it was normal for the sniper to be unable to hit the target?

Is it possible that on the battlefield, the enemy will take the initiative to hit your bullets?

"Yes, captain, the current training time has only been a week. The physical fitness of the team members has not been fully adapted. In addition, their current condition is not good. After experiencing high-intensity training, their physical energy is severely exhausted and they are anaerobic. The control has not yet been mastered. The worse the results are now, the better they will be in a month." Li Ran said, very confident.

Why does he want the members of the training team to undergo high-intensity physical training!

These high-intensity physical trainings all have one thing in common: anaerobic training!

Whether a sniper can shoot accurately depends on whether he can have perfect control in an anaerobic state, which is a great test of the sniper's cardiopulmonary function.

Continuous training strengthens everyone's cardiopulmonary function.

In this way, after the training is completed, everyone's hands will be very stable.

In addition, the frog leap with arms stretched out using bricks is performed every day, which exercises everyone's arm strength.

With strong arm strength, strong cardiopulmonary function and high-intensity physical fitness, is it possible that such a person cannot shoot accurately with a sniper rifle?

As for the theoretical knowledge that snipers need to learn, they are very simple. Anyone who is not a fool can master the calculation methods.

These are only the first phase of training for the new sniper!

"I hope you can give me a satisfactory training result in one month." After hearing Li Ran's explanation, Lei Feng said in a deep voice.

Although his current results made him very disappointed and dissatisfied, the training had already begun. There was no way he could let Li Ran stop the training. After so much effort and so much material consumption, it was still a task assigned by the military region. No May end casually.

Furthermore, Li Ran is the author of sniper textbooks, so his professional ability goes without saying. Li Ran's confident look shows that everything is within his plan.

Therefore, Thunder Wind will not interfere too much unless there are special circumstances.

After Li Ran just explained it, the matter passed like this, and everyone else was stunned.

When did the group leader become so easy to talk to?

Is this too forgiving of Li Ran? With such results, is this an adequate explanation?

But Lei Feng had already said so, so it was hard for them to say anything more.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Li Ran said.

"Okay, your father is here to visit you. Let's take half a day off and talk to your father." Lei Lei Feng said.


Everyone in the training team beamed when they heard that they could take half a day off. This was really good news.

Who knows.

"Wu Yong." Li Ran called his name.


"Take them to stretch their arms and perform frog jumping training. It's the same old rule. I don't want to see you lively when eating. Do you understand what I mean?"


Time is precious in the first place, how could Li Ran give the training team half a day off.

As an instructor, he can do it because there is no need for training, but of course he can't as a training team. The tight string cannot suddenly loosen.

Just when Li Ran ordered Wu Yong to continue leading the training, Li Jun pulled Lei Feng aside and whispered.

"Captain Lei, although I know what I said may not be good, I still think it is necessary to tell you." Li Jun whispered.

"Boss Li, tell me what you have to say. I'm a soldier and I don't care about that." Seeing Li Jun's sneaky look, "Lei Lei Feng doesn't know what Li Jun wants to say to him.

"Although I don't know anything about sniping, I still think it's too much fun for this guy to be an instructor. You saw the results of the people he trained just now. They're really bad. I think this guy is just playing the piano randomly. How about you?" It's better to get rid of him as an instructor and find a professional person. This guy is not reliable at all. Don't miss the business.

Li Jun felt helpless. There were two reasons why he didn't want Li Ran to be an instructor.

The first point: He couldn't bear to look at Li Ran's poor training performance. Although he explained, he still didn't believe that Li Ran had the ability to be an instructor.

Second point: If Li Ran is addicted to being an instructor, he will really get some results by accident, let alone think about retiring from the army and going back to inherit the family business.

Therefore, Li Jun believes that it is very necessary to persuade Lei Leifeng, the regiment leader, to give up the position of instructor Li Ran while the training time is not very long and it can be saved.

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