Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

962: Satisfied Reflection! There Is A Day Outside The Sky

Qi Long was now speechless by the two sentries from Division Z. He didn't know what to say for a while.

He was still careless. He was careless about how strong the war awareness among the officers and soldiers of Z Division was now being trained by Li Ran.

If he were a sentry from another combat unit, not to mention anything else, just because he had a military rank and was a familiar face, he would have been released without saying a word, and he wouldn't even check his credentials.

But it's different here in Master Z. No matter who you are, your ID must be verified before you can enter.

Now because of the presence of Manzhi, the Z Division sentry immediately imagined that this would be a raid by the combined brigade.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this at all.

Thinking of this, Qi Long was helpless. The most important thing was that it was useless even if he explained it. After explaining it, the sentry had his own ideas and understanding.

They thought he was being held hostage, and even hinted at telling him not to worry, they already knew and would ensure his safety.

You know the devil!

"Deputy Commander Qi, don't explain. When their superiors come, they will all understand. It's normal. This is too normal." 08 Manzhi said with a smile.

He was not surprised or disgusted by this scene, on the contrary, he was very familiar with it.

It was this smell that was so familiar, and the same was true for the sentries in his synthetic brigade.

The sentry is actually a very critical and important part of a combat unit. A smart sentry with a strong sense of war can block many potential threats outside the unit.

This kind of sentinel quality is actually needed by any combat unit.

"Commander Man, do you feel like you are back in your combined brigade here?" Qi Long asked with a smile.

"This feeling is too familiar. To tell you the truth, even if I, the brigade commander, go back every time, the sentries will still have to verify my identity when they see me." Man Zhiming said with a smile.

Nowadays, technology is becoming more and more advanced. As a combat force, the combined brigade is always training and preparing for war. Once the war starts, it will be pulled to the front line.

All brigade officers and soldiers from top to bottom must have a very strong sense of war.

With the development of modern technology, it is actually very easy to disguise a person's face. With the blessing of high technology, the art of disguise is no longer so science fiction.

If the sentry is careless and lacks awareness of alertness, he will easily be deceived by the disguised enemy.

After hearing what Manzhi said, Weilong also smiled.

After all, it was Li Ran who taught and led the troops. This is completely normal and very normal.

After a while, someone came from Division Z. It was a major who came out with a team. But in this team, everyone was fully armed and ready.

In fact, there are many secret sentries deployed at the entrance of the Z Division station.

Now the guns of these secret sentries are actually aimed at them. Once they make any rash move, these secret sentries will take action.

"What's going on?" the major came to the door and replied.

The reporting sentry came to the major to report, and looked at Qi Long from time to time.

After hearing what the sentry said, the major nodded and led the team over.

"Hello, chief!" The major stepped forward and saluted first.

Upon hearing this, Qi Long returned the courtesy.

"Chief, what are you doing?" the major asked. While saying this, his eyes were always looking here.

The rest of the team they brought were also carefully inspecting the car from top to bottom.

"Come to see your division commander. Brigadier Man happened to be here with me. Your sentry probably misunderstood something, so I reported it to you. Don't overthink it. It's nothing, and there is no action." Qi Long explained to the major. Ichiban.

After hearing what Qi Long said, the major smiled and nodded, but he still maintained his vigilance.

Finally, after careful inspection and inquiry, even the inquiry contained many temptations.

Let's test whether Qi Long, the deputy commander, is really not being held hostage.

After some confirmation, Qi Long and Manzhi were let in.

However, after letting the two people in, the major reported to the division headquarters and informed them of the matter.

When Qi Long and Manzhi came here, they must let their teacher know in advance.

the other side.

Division Headquarters, Division Commander's Office.

"I understand, let them come over. These two sentries have done a very good job in this matter and have a strong awareness of vigilance. I think your battalion's awareness of vigilance can be fully studied and you can use them as a benchmark for discussion..." After speaking, Li Ran hung up the phone.

"I didn't expect it to come so fast. Manzhi is here too." Li Ran smiled and murmured to himself.

He now knows what happened at the door.

The two sentries must have misunderstood something because of Manzhi's arrival. They were worried that it would be a sudden sneak attack by the combined brigade. They were on high alert, which was good.

What is called applying what one has learned? This is what is called applying what one has learned.

What is the purpose of training war awareness in peacetime? Isn’t it just so that at critical times, these people can think and analyze by themselves, which is very good.

No, the division commander Li Ran directly gave the major advice.

These two sentries are from the major camp. Next time there is a case study discussion in this area in the major camp, they can be used as a benchmark for discussion so that everyone can learn from it.

The two sentinels performed very well today.

Especially in front of Manzhi, the commander of the combined brigade, the performance of the two sentry 383 soldiers did not embarrass the Z Division, and even impressed Manzhi, the commander of the combined brigade.

After all, Z Division is different from the Combined Brigade. The Combined Brigade has a high level of alertness. This is because Li Ran has been focusing on training in this area since the establishment of the unit.

Let the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade have this kind of awareness from the beginning. In order to train like this, they have to go through a lot of trouble.

But the officers and soldiers of the Z Division, the division commander Li Ran, was parachuted in directly. In a short period of time, he was able to train the officers and soldiers of the Z Division to this extent, which is enough to show Li Ran's methods.

Judging from the performance of the two sentries just now, the performance of the two sentries of the Z Division was not inferior to the sentries of the Combined Brigade, which made Manzhi admire him.

Sure enough, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are mountains beyond the mountains. He has basically stayed in the combined brigade for such a long time, and has very little on-the-ground understanding of other combat units.

He has always been immersed in the glory of the Combined Brigade's invincibility in the hands of the old leader Li Ran, but now it seems that all combat units are actually making progress.

If he continues to be blind and arrogant, sooner or later, the Synthetic Brigade will become the target of abuse.

Take Z Division as an example. It is really exaggerated for a heavy equipment division to have such characteristics.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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