Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

963: The Old Leader’S Z Division! The Pimple In Manzhi’S Heart

After finally successfully entering the Z Division station, Manzhi and Qi Long came in and chose to walk.

In fact, it was not Manzhi who asked for it, but Qi Long who took the initiative for Manzhi's sake.

He knew that this was Manzhi's first time here, so he would not walk on foot, so that Manzhi could have time to take a good look at Division Z, and let him see what Division Z was like under the management of an old leader like him.

In the garrison, the officers and soldiers of the Z Division passing by saw Manzhi, and they all cast very surprised looks.

They knew Manzhi well.

Whether he is an officer or a soldier, he knows Manzhi.

When it comes to the chief officers of other units, let alone division commanders and brigade commanders, even regiment commanders and battalion commanders, grassroots officers and soldiers generally don't know each other.

After all, there are few opportunities to interact with each other, and there are no opportunities to see each other on a daily basis.

But Manzhi was different. As the commander of the combined brigade, the slogan of capturing Manzhi alive and liberating Zhu He had already spread within the field army.

For officers and soldiers of any combat unit, it is a must-have course for them to know Manzhi and what Manzhi looks like.

This is also for the convenience of meeting Manzhi on the battlefield in the future, and knowing that Manzhi is the commander of a combined brigade rather than a soldier pretending to be a soldier.

Of course, this is just talk. After all, in a real battle, once the camouflage is applied to the face, it is basically impossible to find out who the opponent is.

After seeing Manzhi, the officers and soldiers in the Z Division station all looked wary.

The commander of the synthetic brigade is here, maybe this is a dangerous signal.

Manzhi also felt this, and felt helpless in his heart.

There is no way, the combined brigade has long been notorious and is a thorn in the eyes of various combat units. Naturally, he, the brigade commander, is also the target of others' attention.

In addition, the combined brigade has carried out many raids on various units to test the vigilance awareness of each unit, so the officers and soldiers of other combat units are all very alert to the people of the combined brigade.

"Brigadier Man, please try not to reveal your identity when you go to various units in the future. Seeing this, Qi Long couldn't help but sigh.

He now understands why there are so few Manzhi, and almost no other combat units come.

First, the training of the synthetic brigade is indeed very busy, the training rhythm is very tight, and Manzhi does not have time.

The second is that Manzhi now has a reputation within the field army. He is always being watched wherever he goes. Maybe one day in the future, officers and soldiers of some combat unit cannot bear to take advantage of Manzhi's lack of attention and directly attack him. Put a sack on him and give him a beating to vent his anger.

Now he even felt a little sympathetic towards Mizhi.

"Deputy Commander Qi, I can't help it. It's my duty. Who wants to be a rat crossing the street if I can be a heartthrob? For the sake of the progress of the field army, it's okay for me to feel a little wronged." Manzhi naturally knew what Qi Long was thinking. What did he want to express? He immediately said in a very dissatisfied tone.

Hearing this, the corners of Qi Long's mouth twitched.

As expected of the brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, he is very thick-skinned.

You said that you are responsible for your responsibilities. Why was it that when Mao Li Ran was the brigade commander of the synthetic brigade, he was not like this and was popular everywhere.

Excuses are obviously excuses.

You said you were wronged, why didn't you say you were happy with it?

The two came to the Z Division building, and the Chief of Staff of the Z Division quickly walked out after learning about it.

"Commander Man, it's a rare visitor. Welcome to Division Z."

The Chief of Staff of Division Z first saluted Qi Long and said hello. He and Qi Long have been partners for many years. They were equals before. Although Qi Long is now the deputy commander, they are friends in informal situations.

So after simply saying hello to Qi Long, he greeted Manzhi with a smile.

Manzhi is indeed a rare visitor to Z Division. It is the first time for the commander of the combined brigade to come to Z Division in person.

"Chief of Staff He, long time no see." Manzhi said with a smile.

Manzhi was actually very happy that the Chief of Staff of Z Division was so polite. It seemed that the old commander did not hold grudges or stay angry with him after he came back from the combined brigade last time.

"The teacher is in the office, you go ahead, I still have some things to deal with." He Yong said with a smile.

"Go and do your work." Manzhi said.

He Yong left first. He still had his own things to do. Now, Li Ran basically left the affairs of Master Z to him and the chief officials.

Nowadays, there are so many things to do every day that I am exhausted, but I am still tired.

Thinking of this, He Yong felt a little depressed. When Li Ran first came to Z Division as the commander, Li Ran handled all matters in the division by himself.

But Li Ran can always handle so many things quickly and efficiently, and there is no need to work overtime at all.

So much so that during the time Li Ran was the division commander, they were spoiled.

The work is basically shared by Li Ran. They are much less stressed and have much less workload.

When Li Ran started to work as a hands-off shopkeeper, a lot of work suddenly fell on them, which caught them off guard. They worked overtime until late at night and were exhausted.

They really envy Li Ran's work efficiency. Unfortunately, there is a big gap between people.

Inside the office.

Dong Dong Dong~

Manzhi took the lead and knocked on the door.

"`"Come in. "Li Ran's voice came out.

Qi Long didn't mind, so he opened the door and walked in.

He was full of ambition. After hesitating on the spot for a moment, he took a deep breath and walked in.

What happened in the Synthetic Brigade last time made Manzhi feel numb every time he thought about it, and he regretted it very much. How dare he think and act like that towards the old leader Li Ran at that time.

Now that he has finally woken up, Manzhi is like a student who has done something wrong in front of the teacher, always feeling a knot in his heart.

Now when I face the old leader Li Ran, I always feel weird.

Inside the office.

Li Ran has nothing to do (Qian Nuo) and is still playing on the computer. On the computer is a domestic militarized game developed by himself.

Nowadays, with the continuous development and optimization of subsequent technical personnel, the game has been better optimized than at the beginning, and the game content has been greatly supplemented.

There are also many game modes.

The main reason is that the main structure of the game written by Li Ran is there, which makes it very convenient for the subsequent technical department to improve and update.

It can be said that the foundation of this game has been laid very firmly, and there will not be any problems. Subsequent engineers only need to continue to build on this foundation and improve it.

It can be said that the code structure written by Li Ran is the most advanced and will never be outdated.

The most important point is that the parameter data in this game is completely restored one-to-one according to the real data parameters.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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