Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

967: Manzhi Panicked! Strange Thoughts Of Officers And Soldiers Of Z Division

At this time, Manzhi still didn't know that everyone in the training team had a high fighting spirit because of his arrival.

I would rather be tired and grunting like a military dog, but I don't want to be embarrassed in front of Manzhi.

In front of the combined brigade, all units are unanimous in their response to the outside world. This is the consensus reached within each combat unit since the combined brigade started shameless tactics.

"Huh? I didn't expect that the teacher's arrival would actually be effective. Everyone is really motivated."

The major found that the performance of everyone in the training team was much better than before, and he was a little surprised.

The current changes can only be attributed to the arrival of Li Ran.

The people in these training teams were probably worried that Li Ran would be dissatisfied in the future, so they all gritted their teeth and trained hard.

After Qi Long watched the training of the training team live, he took Takano and left Division Z.

Manzhi stayed here, and for the time being he wanted to hang around Division Z, at least have dinner here, or rest for a night before leaving tomorrow.

In the cafeteria.

After the news spread that Commander Manzhi of the Hesheng Brigade was eating in the canteen, there were suddenly a lot of people in the canteen at 08 tonight, especially a lot of people.

All the officers and staff of Z Division were in the canteen, and they didn't leave for a while. Their eyes fell on Manzhi from time to time, and they whispered in private.

Many people are very curious about Manzhi.

As far as they knew, Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, basically stayed at the Zhuhe exercise ground in the past, managing the training of the synthetic brigade all day long, and had never been to every combat unit.

This also made officers from various units joke from time to time, thinking that if they wanted to behead Manzhi, the best chance would be to have the opportunity to behead Manzhi during the reading ceremony.

Because Manzhi is usually on high alert when he is in the Synthetic Brigade.

The combined brigade can launch sudden combat operations against other units. In the same years, other units have also launched sudden combat operations against the combined brigade.

It just has never been successful.

The synthetic brigade's alertness from top to bottom is quite high.

Once, a certain special forces unit did not believe in this evil and wanted to carry out a decapitation operation against the combined brigade. That time, this special forces unit finally managed to enter the gate of the combined brigade after spending half of the team.

The remaining people are still thinking about finding Manzhi and giving him a configuration.

In that case, even if all their special forces were wiped out, it would still be worth it. At least they had accomplished something that so many combat units had never achieved before, beheading Manzhi, the commander of the combined brigade.

It's a pity that the remaining half of the troops searched for a long time at the synthetic brigade station, and even almost searched the synthetic brigade headquarters building, but they couldn't find Manzhi.

Only when he was finally captured did he find out that Manzhi's dormitory was not in the brigade headquarters building at all, but somewhere else.

Most people can't find it at all, and they don't know it at all.

Even if it is discovered, without some means or internal support, it is impossible to see Manzhi's face.

Manzhi's frenzied way of working and resting made many units feel desperate after learning about it.

Damn it, as the chief officer of a synthetic brigade, you are still so cautious when you are in your own unit. You are too cautious. You really don't give them any chance.

Therefore, the current officers and staff of Division Z are all ready to make a move and do not want to miss this opportunity.

Now beheading Manzhi, there are so many of them here, and they can be pinched with both hands.

Some people even couldn't sit still and secretly approached the division chief of staff to express their thoughts.

Li Ran and Manzhi were sitting together. It was difficult for them to report and they didn't dare to show anything for fear of alerting the enemy.

If the chief of staff gives the order and approves it, they can take action.

No, a lieutenant colonel came to the Z division chief of staff pretending to be nonchalant.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the lieutenant colonel acting like a thief, the colonel couldn't help but ask.

"Chief of Staff, this is a good time, do you want this?" the lieutenant colonel said to the senior colonel, while making a direct gesture to the senior colonel.

"What good time? What do you mean? What do you want to do?" Hearing this, the colonel looked confused.

He didn't understand at all what the Lieutenant Colonel's behavior meant?

The meal was not delicious, so I came to him to talk about a good time, and made a strange gesture. What is this?

"What a great opportunity to win Manzhi," the lieutenant colonel said.

Upon hearing this, the lieutenant colonel's face suddenly froze, and he was stunned.

Then he said angrily to the lieutenant colonel: "You are crazy. Why did you take down a synthetic brigade commander for nothing?"

"Chief of Staff, this is not my idea alone, it is the idea of ​​the brothers. You see, Manzhi never goes out alone and always stays in the synthetic brigade. Now is a good opportunity to behead someone. All brothers do it. We are ready, as long as you give the order, we will rush forward to capture Manzhi and behead him directly." The lieutenant colonel said, even a little excited in his words.

Beheading the chief of staff of the combined brigade was a feat they all dreamed of achieving, not just them, but even anyone in any military region wanted to achieve.

If they beheaded Manzhi here, if word spread, countless officers and soldiers in combat units would admire them and applaud them.

"You are not mistaken. Brigadier Man came to our Z Division as a guest. He came to see the division commander, the old leader. It was not a combat operation. He had nothing to do to behead others.

are you crazy. "The colonel said angrily.

Now he really wanted to open the lieutenant colonel's head and see what was in his head.

Good guy, I just want to be a guest here, and I just want to behead them. Why, everyone is obsessed with them?

"Okay, it's just that brothers feel that this opportunity is too rare. Besides, although it is not a sudden move, the synthetic brigade does not say hello every time it makes a sudden move." The lieutenant colonel said, very reluctant to leave.

In their view, they should behead Manzhi first and then recruit troops without hesitation. Even if the superiors knew about it, what could they say.

"Go back and eat, be honest with me, don't hold on to such unrealistic fantasies all day long." Yin Xiao criticized.


Seeing the attitude of his chief of staff, the lieutenant colonel had no choice but to give up.

After the lieutenant colonel returned, everyone learned that the chief of staff did not approve the beheading operation, and everyone immediately beat their feet and chests, as if they had huge regrets.

The cafeteria is only that big. Manzhi also heard the conversation between the two just now.

But after Manzhi heard this, he started to sweat all over his back. He was indeed a little panicked before.

Do the officers in these combat units think so much about him now?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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