Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

968: Mind-Attacking Methods! The Training Team Is Desperate

Li Ran still kept Manzhi and spent the night with Division Z. Manzhi left Division Z and returned to the combined brigade the next day.

After all, Manzhi is an old superior who was promoted by himself, and he has been doing well in the position of commander of the synthetic brigade for such a long time.

Although, due to some reasons, it has become a bit bloated now, it can still be undone if you can wake up in time and recognize your mistakes.

After all, he did not let himself down, so Li Ran kept Manzhi to spend the night here in the Hesheng Brigade, which was regarded as his sincerity as an old leader.

Manzhi naturally felt this, and was moved and happy in his heart.

An old chief is an old chief. Although he sometimes likes to torment people and be harsh to others, in fact he is always kind to others and considers others.

Otherwise, as for the time you spent a lot of time beating him up like last time?

So when Manzhi left Division Z, he completely let go of the big stone in his heart. This time after forming the brigade, he no longer had to worry about anything and could continue to work freely.

At the same time, Manzhi was also thinking about whether to follow the old leader's behavior and initiate a physical training session for unit chief officers within the Hesheng Brigade.

Pull out all the officers above the captain of the synthetic brigade and conduct a physical training to improve everyone's physical fitness.

After all, these combat units have now begun in the military region. As the pioneer of the field army, the combined brigade will easily be eliminated if it does not keep pace with the times.

Thinking of this, Manzhi, who was on his way back, became more determined to implement training for unit chief officers.

He doesn't know yet whether it will have any effect, but it was initiated by the old chief Li Ran. The old chief's ideas are generally very feasible and there will definitely be surprises.

More than half a month later.

The unit chief officer training is coming to an end, and the major is responsible for conducting assessments for everyone.

The training for chief officers of each unit lasted for one month. The officers participating in the training ranged from company commanders to division commanders. During the training period, each person had no military rank or position.

The major is the person responsible for training them. Although Li Ran is the instructor of this training, he just comes to take a look, stare, and wind up everyone when he has nothing to do.

Let everyone know that since they have come to Z Division for this unit chief officer training, they should not think about any tricks. This training is not just about coping with things.

If someone wants to resist, Li Ran will naturally welcome him with both hands. After all, there is nothing to do all day long, which is quite boring.

Of course, these team members in the training camp didn't dare to have any extra thoughts. The two division commanders were punished and obeyed, so they still dared to have any thoughts.

On the last day of assessment, Li Ran was also there at this time.

After all, it was the last day. As an instructor in name only, I naturally wanted to come and take a look.

Everyone in the training team took assessment tests one by one, and the results were summarized in Li Ran's hands.

The assessment lasted until noon, and everyone's assessment results were also released.

Li Ran stood in front of everyone, looked at the results reported in his hand, nodded slightly, and said: "Yes, it's much better than I expected. Let's see, no matter how old he is, what his military rank is, what his position is, this person's potential is As long as you dig around, there will still be some. The training is over, but I hope you can be strict with yourself and don't relax after you go back. "The second training session is also on the way."


As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Originally, when everyone heard Li Ran say that they were quite satisfied with their assessment results, they breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they finally got through it.

One month, do you know how they got here this month?

Now that it's finally over, I can finally relax and treat myself when I go back.

But in the end, Li Ran told them that there would be a second training session later.

The first training camp was like this, and the second training camp didn't beat them to death.

For a time, people's original good mood suddenly disappeared, and everyone looked sad, feeling that there was no hope for the future.

"Take them back for dinner. After dinner, a car will come to take them back." Li Ran said to the major.


"Everyone has it, turn left, target the cafeteria, run and walk."

"One two one, one two one!"

At the major's command, everyone in the training team ran towards the canteen.

It's just that everyone is depressed now and their good mood is gone.


"I know you are leaving today. The cafeteria has specially prepared extra meals for you. Let's go after you are full." Li Ran said to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone's morale was not very high.

Everyone looked at the food on the plate and lost their appetite for a while.

"It's terrible, there will be a second training session in the future."

"I'm really convinced. I thought the hard days were over, but I didn't expect this was just the beginning.

"This is a rhythm that will kill me. My old bones really can't stand such torture."

"It seems that I can't slack off too much after I return. I still need to keep training and maintain my physical condition every day." "

"Oh, life is really hard these days."

One person couldn't help but whisper, feeling very helpless.

Here, the major sat next to Li Ran, came over and asked in a low voice: "Sir, when did we prepare for the second training session?"

Li Ran's announcement made the major also very confused.

Training camp, second phase? How come he doesn’t know about it at all? Is it the latest idea of ​​his teacher?

"There is no second phase. I deliberately deceived them so that they would not dare to relax too much after returning." Li Ran said lightly.

Hearing this, the major was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but give Li Ran a thumbs up.

My teacher's mind-attacking tactic is really cruel.

Just one sentence can make these people dare not relax too much after they go back.

Because once this person stops training, he will clearly feel his physical fitness lags behind when he trains again, and the surprise is very (good) obvious.

Only by ensuring a certain amount of training every day can your body be kept in a state of exercise, so that the next training session will not be so strenuous.

If their teachers hadn't said this, most of these people would still be the same after they go back. Sitting in the office and training? Non-existent skin.

They will just watch others and train others.

It's okay now. The words of my teachers are there, and these people don't dare to relax too much, including the two teachers.

"After dinner, get ready. After the car sends these people back, we will pick up the second batch of people for training. It's still the same as before. You will lead the training." Li Ran said to the major.


The major was feeling a little excited now. After all, this might be the only time in his life that he would be able to train someone with a higher military rank and position than him in an honest way.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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