Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

971: Technology Shakes People! Only Li Ran Took Action

In the factory, the bombers parked at this time are all famous White Swan bombers.

Rumor has it that any so-called protest against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is nothing more than a fanning of its wings.

This simple sentence is enough to prove its own deterrent and terrifying strength.

If you really want to trace back the manufacturing source of the White Swan bomber, it can be traced back to the World War II period. At that time, Big Brother Furry Bear made it himself, which is enough to show the strong industrial strength of Big Brother Furry Bear at that time.

Later, due to some opportunities, we were able to buy a few White Swan bombers here. Unfortunately, due to the secret troubles of Yingjiang, we did not buy them in the end, and this opportunity was ruined.

Big Brother Bear, who later screamed about the misfortune, finally discovered the power of the White Swan bomber, preserved it well, and "continuously developed and maintained it over the years."

Even with Big Brother Mao Xiong’s current industrial strength, he currently does not have the ability to re-develop and manufacture a new White Swan bomber.

The bombers in hand are all leftover inventory from that year.

This has to be said that during World War II, Big Brother Mao Xiong's industrial strength was really strong at its peak, and its technical strength completely exploded.

So much so that in modern times, no one can imitate and re-develop such a fighter jet.

Moreover, Mao Xiong has been treating the remaining things like a treasure. If he hadn't been so attracted to Li Ran this time, otherwise he wouldn't have relied on this to change the season and go to Mao to teach for three years.

In fact, Mao Xiong also knew that in the last joint military exercise, even if Mao Xiong was unwilling, he had to admit that their current military strength was far behind that of Rabbit.

Rabbit still calls him Big Brother for the sake of politeness and friendship.

In addition, the two of them now have a common enemy, Ying Jiang, so there are only advantages and no disadvantages to some cooperation between the two parties.

But the problem is that Mao Xiong doesn't know how long the two sides can cooperate if this trend continues.

So while the relationship is still good now, it is crucial for Rabbit to learn something here.

And for a talented commanding officer like Li Ran, the strategic significance of Mao Xiong is too important and the attraction is too great.

For this reason, they would rather exchange such precious bombers.

At this time, as Mao Xiong's bombers arrived here, after the military factory received them, they naturally began to conduct research.

If we can fully understand this behemoth, then we will have enough reference to independently develop a new generation of bombers later.

In terms of performance, it will only be better than the bomber.

In that case, the strategic significance of the new generation bomber itself will be extremely terrifying.

It's just that the White Swan bomber is naturally not so easy to study thoroughly. Otherwise, with the military strength of Mao Xiong, it would be impossible for it not to be developed and remade for so many years. Instead, it can only make some improvements on the original basis. .

Mao Xiong just thought that they were not good enough. Even if he got his little brother Rabbit, it would be impossible for him to succeed in a while, which was one of the reasons why he was finally willing to trade it.

After the arrival of this big guy, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the military factory.

A group of military industry giants in related fields gathered here, wanting to study a thing or two and pry into the technical secrets.

They had heard about the legendary White Swan bomber for a long time, and today they finally had the opportunity to see it with their own eyes from a quiet distance.

This feeling made everyone very excited.

But having said that, there are so many outstanding technical personnel at Big Brother Mao Xiong who have not studied it clearly for so many years, although domestic technological development has been greatly improved.

In recent years, Li Ran has often used the name of Dawalixi abroad to send good things.

Domestic technology has developed almost explosively, but the foundation was too weak before, and there was not enough time for development.

Not everyone has a brain and learning ability like Li Ran. In a short period of time, he can become as perverted as cheating.

The time given to these technicians is actually limited, and it is impossible to expect them to digest everything in such a short period of time.

It can only be said that some projects that were previously unthinkable are now being initiated, and some technical problems that were previously troublesome have also been solved.

If we want them to become an existence that can easily solve any technical problems now, it is still impossible.

They can only study some problems bit by bit and overcome them bit by bit day by day...

Originally, everyone was full of confidence, thinking that they could study the secret of the furry bear and the White Swan bomber without leaving their underwear, and completely understand it.

But this big guy has been here for a month, and they are still at a loss and encountering problems.

Now, everyone is having a headache. They can't overcome the problem for a while, and they have been hit hard.

Originally, they had become more confident during this time, but they didn't expect that now, they are still far behind the most advanced technology.

There is no way, if your confidence is frustrated, you still have to find a way to solve the problem.

For this reason, these technical experts in the military factory have been swaying people from the outside during this period, even from within the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

This big thing is indeed a secret, but it is not for them now. There is no need to worry about leaking it. They haven't figured it out yet, so how can it be leaked?

Now the only reason to shake people is to study the secrets clearly, so as long as some security forces are needed to ensure the safety of this big guy and not be maliciously destroyed, that's it.

None of these technical experts have friends, teachers, etc., so everyone can more or less win over some people.

Unexpectedly, after they shook everyone over, everyone gathered together to study for a long time, but they were still at a loss, not even some ideas.

Someone proposed a method, but in the end there was no technology to overcome 3.1.

Research has been hindered to such a great extent, which makes many people feel depressed and frustrated.

At this moment, someone finally thought of someone, that is Li Ran, the technical consultant of their military factory.

When the man said Li Ran's name, many people's eyes suddenly lit up and they slapped their thighs, which was a sign of annoyance.

Yes, why did they forget about Li Ran? He is a super freshman.

He once served as a designer, developed the latest main battle tank, and even led the programming to write a new combat command platform.

Those lucky people who worked with Li Ran were all impressed by Li Ran's profound technical strength.

For this reason, they can only place their last hope on Li Ran.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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