Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

972: I Feel Itchy! He Is The Last Hope

At this time, a group of technical experts from the military industry gathered around the big guy, the White Swan Bomber.

Everyone looked at the big guy in front of them, and all their eyes were drooling. It was called greedy.

Yes, at this time, this big guy was like a peerless beauty waiting for them to enjoy, but they couldn't take off the clothes of this peerless beauty now.

They had done enough foreplay, but at this last moment, they couldn't go any further.

This suffocated them to death.

Who can resist this, who can bear it?

"Oh, I looked forward to the stars and the moon to bring it here, but now I have no choice but to look at it, but I can't move.

"Yeah, it's really depressing. I'm so depressed now. I'm really greedy when I see it."

"I'm so greedy, I really can't stand it."

"I thought we guys could figure it out, but it's still embarrassing."

"When will Consultant Li arrive? I don't want to wait any longer."

Everyone was talking about 08, and they were extremely greedy for the White Swan bomber in front of them.

As soon as the last sentence came out, everyone present focused their attention on one person. This person was the director of the military factory, Wu He, the third major colonel.

"Director, what was the response when you contacted Division Z? Is Consultant Li coming?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Now their last hope is all on Li Ran. If Li Ran can't do it, the project of analyzing the White Swan bomber may be stalled.

When they figure out all the above technologies, they can start.

"I called, and the reply from Division Z is that Commander Li is already on the way. There's no point in rushing." Wu Hesan said dissatisfied: "Flying also takes time, and you can't teleport to the airport all at once. This way.

"Oh, director, Consultant Li is our last trump card. If we can't handle it even with him, we really have nothing to do." Someone couldn't help but say.

At this moment, they were looking forward to it and feeling anxious at the same time.

I hope that after Li Ran arrives, he can help them analyze this big guy clearly.

What's worrying is that if Li Ran can't do it, then they really have nothing to do.

"Okay, it's not like you haven't seen Consultant Li's technical strength before. I believe that Consultant Li can solve our current problems." Wu Hesan said.

He is still very confident in Li Ran. After all, it was also at that critical and difficult time. In the end, Li Ran stepped forward and helped them overcome the difficulties.

"In terms of technical strength, I naturally trust Consultant Li. The Tiger 9 tank was designed and developed by Consultant Li, and the Pangu operation and command platform was also written by him.

But this is a bomber, completely different from before, can Advisor Li do it?" At this time, someone suddenly asked.

Although he said this, he still expressed his doubts about Li Ran.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on him.

This person is also a technical expert in the military factory, but it was not long after he was hired into the military factory. He only knows that the Tiger 9 and Pangu command and combat platforms were developed and written by Li Ran.

But he has never seen it personally, and he also knows how difficult the problem they are facing now is.

But many people placed their hopes on the commander of Division Z, which made him a little suspicious.

How can a division commander of a main battle division have such strength in the technical field?

Both civil and military? This is a bit too exaggerated.

"I said Mr. Tang, don't be unconvinced. Consultant Li has such strength. I have witnessed Mr. Li's ability with my own eyes." As soon as these words came out, someone immediately retorted.

"Yes, you can't blame Tang Gong entirely. Who made him come late and miss the time when Consultant Li created a miracle." Someone else said.

"Tang Gong, when you see Mr. Li's strength, you will know what a true genius is. You claim to be a genius, but compared to Mr. Li, I'm afraid you are still far behind.

Tang Hai is the youngest among the technical giants, but his technical strength is also very good. He is currently the youngest academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

No, it can't be said that he is the youngest. To be precise, the Dragon Academy of Sciences has always wanted to give Li Ran an academician title.

But Li Ran is unwilling. If Li Ran is willing, Tang Hai will not be the youngest.

Tang Hai is in his thirties and nearly forty years old. Among the people in the Dragon Academy, he is very young and outstanding.

But compared to Li Ran, in everyone's mind it's not even the slightest bit worse.

In their hearts, so far, they have never found anyone who can compare with Li Ran.

Li Ran is a technical god in the hearts of these technical experts.

"Liu Gong, I know that I am not very qualified, and I also know Mr. Li's past achievements, but if you say this, it is a bit exaggerated. This problem cannot be overcome by so many of us gathered together. , even the Long Academy of Sciences can’t figure it out. Is it really possible to put all your hopes on Mr. Li? His head alone can be bigger than the heads of all of us put together. Smarter? Know more?" Tang Hai retorted with some disbelief.

Geniuses are all proud, and geniuses always think that they are the strongest. They will not surrender to anyone until they are actually defeated or conquered 027.

So now that he hears others praising Li Ran like this, and even describing Li Ran as an omnipotent technical master, he is a little unconvinced.

The competitive thoughts came up instantly.

"Tang Gong, we know that you are a genius, but geniuses are also divided into grades. Although you are now the youngest academician in the Longke Academy, that is because Consultant Li was not willing to take the title of academician of the Longke Academy. If you don't believe it, , you can go back and ask your teacher, he knows more than you." Facing Tang Gong's words, someone immediately said.

They had long looked down upon Tang Ha, a arrogant and arrogant young man.

If it weren't for the fact that people in the arsenal had nothing to do this time, they wouldn't have removed people from the Dragon Academy.

Everyone is a master in their respective fields, and they all want face from each other.

If you can't solve your own problems and ask others to help, then there is no shame in speaking out.

"Liu Gong, since you are so confident in Mr. Li, I really want to take a look at whether this Consultant Li will live up to your expectations, Liu Gong." Tang Hai said with a smile.

"Okay, just say a few words, okay, just wait until the people arrive." Seeing that the atmosphere was almost calm, Wu Hesan said.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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