He looked at these people in front of him, and he also said seriously: "Everyone, since you have such courage."

"Then I won't take any detours."

"For the Pokemon Dark Phantom Network movie?39

"But what's the use of you looking for me, my side is only cooperating with Wang Yan."

You should also know that the game of Pokemon is in the hands of Wang Yan from beginning to end.

After saying this, Ma Xiuteng also looked at these people in front of him and shook his head.

He also looked at Ding Sanshi.

Now the two of them also sneered at each other.

But these film developers also widened their eyes one by one.

Before 03, they thought that they must have come here to make a request with Ma Xueteng and Ding Sanshi in front of them.

But what they didn't expect was that these two people dared to directly and righteously broadcast the matter.

They also shook their heads one after another and said, "Since you all know, can you tell us?"

"Where is Wang Yan's home?"

"We know these things too."

"If you have the heart and are unable to make such a decision, then we will definitely persuade Wang Yan."

Once you succeed, you will also be given some benefits.

But Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi are worse than these benefits, they are bad for fame.

How fame and connections come from can only be obtained by Wang Yan leading them.

If Ma Xiuteng hadn't called Wang Yan just now, he had Wang Yan's permission.

He would never be able to bring these people to Wang Yan's villa area.

But now Ma Xieteng is also ready to pit it, these film developers.

He coughed lightly at them and said, "Guys, you want to know Wang Yan's home." 5

"Shouldn't you pay some favor fees?"

"I told you at such a great risk." "

"But if there is no benefit on my own side, then why should I be good to you?35

After saying this, Ma Xiuteng also looked at these people with a playful gaze.

It is also a command waiting for them.

Today, as long as they dare to speak out, dare to give these benefits.

Then Ma Xiuteng dared to tell Wang Yan's home address to these people in front of him.

Their film developers are also extremely embarrassed.

It seems that as long as there is money, there is nothing that cannot be done.

They had thought that the CEOs of these two companies were people who regarded money as dung.

But today's first sight is not like that.

They also directly took out a wad of money and threw it on the faces of Ma Xiuteng and Ding Sanshi.

So he said to them, "Are these two enough?" If that's not enough, send a card number. 550”

"We'll also make a transfer to your card." 35

"But now this is a deposit, and you can also tell me where Wang Yan's home address is."

After Ma Xieteng and Ding Sanshi saw this amount of money, they also shook their heads.

This money is still not in their eyes.

But Ma also knows that these film developers can't be pressed.

He also took out some wallpaper directly from his hands.

It was also here that he wrote and painted, and wrote Wang Yan's home address.

There was also a house number in his villa area, and he handed it to these people in front of him.

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