Making A Pokémon Game At The Start: Streamers Go Crazy!

Chapter 665 Decide on Your Own Initiative!

He said to them, "Guys, I've only told you a few people about this."

"I also hope that you will leak this matter by the end of the term." "

"If you are questioned by Wang Yan, then you will say that you don't know who told you. 35

"Or if you investigate it yourself, don't give me away."

These film developers also nodded, they still have these professional ethics.

Just looking at Ding Sanshi and Ma Xueteng, after complimenting him, he left here one after another.

But now Ding Sanshi said: "Aren't you afraid of Wang Yan's blame when you do this?"

But what is Ma Xieteng afraid of now?

He also asked Wang Yan before, and this matter was also agreed by Wang Yan.

That's how he would do it.

If Wang Yan didn't agree, even if he gave him ten guts, he would never be able to expose the address of Wang Yan's home like this.

He looked at Ding Sanshi and said seriously: "Wang Yan already knows about this~々.

"I also called Wang Yan before and asked him about it on the phone.

"I will only say it if he allows me to do so."

"But why do you and I want some money, let's distribute it equally."

"Also count Wang Yan as one."

After speaking, he also looked at Ding Sanshi in front of him and showed a series of eyes.

Ding Sanshi also gave him a thumbs up, which is quite okay.

If he himself had not thought clearly of such a reason, he would not have received this benefit fee.

Now Wang Yan is also waiting quietly here.

The arrival of those movie developers.

He also heard Ma Xiuteng say it before.

However, at this time, a security guard also called Wang Yan's home.

After Wang Yan saw that the call was connected, he said to the security guard: "What's wrong?"

The security guard asked Wang Yan seriously: "Now there are some people who want to go to your home to find you."

"Shall I let them in?"

"As long as you open your mouth, then I will know what you are thinking."

"If you don't let go of my side, you will decide for yourself."

Wang Yan also smiled, it seems that the security guard in front of him is also quite interesting.

It is estimated that it was these security guards who had been rectified by themselves before that made them so reassuring and sensible.

Wang Yan also said seriously: "Then you will give them the phone." ”

"I also want to hear why they came to me.

The security guard also handed the phone directly to the filmmakers.

And they said to Wang Yan, "We're looking for you now."

"I definitely want to talk to you about the Pocket Wizard movie, is it convenient for you now?" 5

"The big movie of your "Pokemon Pitch Black Phantom Network Version" is also extremely popular.

"It also gave us a glimpse of some business opportunities (of Lee Lee's)."

We are also opening the skylight to say bright words, and I hope you can let us meet and talk in person.

Wang Yan's eyes widened.

I never expected these people to be so cautious in their words and actions, and directly told the reason for the matter.

He also smiled, and the person who looked at the phone said, "Then you can come directly to my house." 99

"Shouldn't you know where my home is?"

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