Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1002 Targeting the Mid Laner 82


In the hospital, Su Yan found the ward. In the corridor outside, Su Tian's parents hung their heads, and the whole body was filled with low air pressure.

She hasn't seen them for a long time, and she doesn't know what to say. She definitely can't say the words "parents".

However, before she opened her mouth, Liu Cui had already seen her, her face suddenly became extremely ferocious, she stepped forward in two or three steps, raised her hand and slapped Su Yan on the face.

Qin Yuan came with Su Yan, but he was one step behind carrying his things, and it was too late to rush here.


His face turned as cold as ice for an instant, and he looked intently, but saw that Su Yan blocked Liu Cui's hand with her backhand, and the slap didn't even land on her face.

"You still dare to fight back?!" Liu Cui was about to burst into tears, her eyes were red, and she wanted to eat Su Yan's eyes, "What happened to Tian Tian! Did you hide well? Where is our house? I'm sorry for letting you hurt Tian Tian so cruelly!"

Su Yan smiled, and staggered back two steps.

Qin Yuan frowned, dropped what was in his hand, and supported her from behind.

"Is that what Tian Tian said to you? Is it all because of me?" Su Yan opened her lips, her face pale.

Liu Cui gritted her teeth, filled with hatred, "Otherwise? Although Tian Tian didn't get good grades, she was very well-behaved since she was a child! If you hadn't spoiled her, how could she have become what she is now? And those things on the Internet, right? You did it all?"


Qin Yuan shook his head, looked down at Su Yan and said with a low smile, "Sister, I finally understand why Su Tian didn't learn any of your strengths, but became dirty and vicious instead. Good bamboo shoots out of evil The probability of this is still a bit low after all~"

"You, brat, who are you? We're going to teach our daughter a lesson, when is it your turn to interrupt!" Su De stared, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do something.

Stopped in place by Qin Yuan's cold eyes, he held a half-smile in his eyes, and the hostility between his brows almost turned into substance.

"Bitch! Sure enough, it's not a good thing. You pretend to be pitiful, but you seduce men who are younger than you! You are really—ah!!"

Before the words finished, a big hand stretched out, grabbed Liu Cui's collar, and lifted her up.

The veins on Qin Yuan's arms popped up. He looked down at her condescendingly, and smiled sinisterly, "You try to be mean again? I never said that I don't beat women. How about I help you husband and wife, in this house How about the hospital booking an annual package, just to be with your daughter?"

"You, you—" Liu Cui trembled, frightened to death by this vicious boy.

Her feet were hanging in the air, and the family members of the nearby patients stayed away from them, as if they had an infectious disease.

These two days, they also heard more or less about Su Tian. Instead of feeling sorry for her, he felt that she deserved it.

Su Tian's matter, I can't suppress it even if I want to, it has already been reported in the local news.

Su Yan looked at the two and shook her head in disappointment, "I'll go in and see Su Tian, ​​you wait for me outside."

Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Okay, if you are in danger, call loudly, and I will go in immediately. Also, don't get too close to her—"

Liu Cui and Su De were half dead with anger. It was one thing for them to resent their daughter for not living up to expectations, but it was another for others to dislike her.

But when they wanted to rush into the ward to stop Su Yan from looking at Su Tian, ​​a strong arm would stick out and block them. Seeing Qin Yuan's tall figure and the strong muscles on his forearms, the couple fell in love.

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