Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1003 Targeting the Mid Laner 83

Su Tian noticed the sound from the door.

She moved her body, causing bursts of pain.

The woman who walked in from the door was fair-skinned and had black hair. Dressing is always the type that makes people look comfortable and clean, walking in a leisurely manner, with a straight back.

It was a calm look that she would never learn.

Su Tian pursed her lips, and said in a strange voice, "What are you doing here? Did you come to see my joke?" Her voice was hoarse, like broken porcelain.

"Joke? Whoops—"

Su Yan chuckled with unknown meaning, she tilted her head, and closed the door of the ward with her backhand.

Because of Su Tian's special situation, he lived in a single ward. She closed the door, and walked slowly to Su Tian's hospital bed, "I am a joker, I have watched it a lot, what do you think is worth seeing?"

She lowered her eyes, and blinked her curled eyelashes, casting a bewitching arc of light under her eyelids.

Long black hair, snow-white skin.

In the ward where the light is not bright, it looks like a ghost or an elf.

"You—you really came to laugh at me!" Su Tian was furious, she tore off the needle, grabbed the water glass on the bedside table and threw it at Su Yan.

Su Yan dodged indifferently, only to hear a "bang", the water glass hit the wall and shattered, and the water flowed all over the floor.

Liu Cui and Su De wanted to rush in when they heard the sound, but were dragged back easily by Qin Yuan's collar.

"Sit here obediently. If my sister doesn't speak, no one can go in."

Qin Yuan lowered his head, pointed to the ward with a smile on his face, and spoke lightly.

Liu Cui became angry from embarrassment, "You listen to her like this, what good does she do you? You are her dog!!"

Such humiliating words stunned the family members watching outside. They had personally witnessed Qin Yuan's toughness. If he got annoyed, the two of them might really have to be hospitalized to enjoy the annual package.

After Liu Cui finished speaking, she was also a little scared, and couldn't help shrinking her neck.

Qin Yuan licked his lips, his eyes couldn't see the light, "I am willing to be my sister's dog. It's just your mouth, you'd better clean it up for me, otherwise I don't mind taking you to the toilet to wash your mouth well !"

"You, you dare to mess around? This is a hospital!"

Qin Yuan glanced at her disdainfully, which made her scream in fright. Immediately withdrawing his gaze in boredom, he lazily leaned against the wall, bending one leg in boredom.

These two people are a bit too cowardly, it's really boring.

In the ward.

Su Tian looked at Su Yan, who was dressed neatly, and felt more and more embarrassed. She gritted her teeth and stared at Su Yan, "Get out, I don't welcome you here! Anyway, I never regarded you as my sister since I was a child, so get out!"

"So this is ah--"

Su Yan sighed softly and spoke in a low voice.

The light and soft tone resounded in the ward, blending into the tense surrounding air, as if something had changed.

"But, I've always regarded you as my younger sister." Su Yan smiled, she bent down suddenly, and gently stretched out her fingers to pin Su Tian's messy forehead hair behind her ears, with a bit of sadness in her smile, "You said you were short of pocket money, so I gave you all the money I saved from work. You said you owed money, and I was afraid that you would be entangled by those evil forces and ruin your life. For the first time in this life You opened your mouth to borrow money from others, but you turned around and spent it all, and then threatened me with death."

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