Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1009 For the mid laner (end)

Qin Yuan's brows were dyed with an irreversible anger, and he slapped one of them with a hissing smile.

"Let me state it, Su Yan is my person, in this life, even if I'm a ghost! Whoever dares to molest her again will be caught by me, and I won't reveal it so easily next time, understand?"

He has an expression of wanting to kill, and if others don't understand it, he is an idiot.

His eyes were full of red blood, and the two of them were so frightened that they didn't even dare to say a word, and they were severely beaten. Qin Yuan smiled grimly. When he stood up, he was angry and kicked again, causing people to scream. When he saw his expression, he didn't dare to scream.

"Do you know, I really want to kill you guys directly!"

For him, it's just a matter of moving his fingers.

He turned his head, and the counselor was also taken aback by him.

In response, he asked displeasedly, "Qin Yuan, what's going on? Are there any contradictions that I can't sit down and talk about? Do you have to take such a heavy hand?"

When the class he led had an accident, he, as a counselor, was also responsible.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qin Yuan with understanding, just waiting for him to explain.

But seeing Qin Yuan's cheeks, he wanted to laugh and said, "You can talk to people, but you don't need to talk to idiots."

The counselor was half-dead from his anger, "Then you have to have a reason for hitting someone?!" He came in late and didn't understand many things.

Qin Yuan looked fearless, "Itchy hands, they are not pleasing to the eye, they are too ugly, isn't that the reason?"

Everyone: "..."

He Zhe, Yu Zhou: Sure enough, your father is still your father!

Daddy is awesome!

In the end, Qin Yuan was taken out, and he had to write a self-criticism letter after leaving the punishment.

The other two boys didn't get away, and the classmates helped Qin Yuan to speak. It was confirmed that the two boys were the ones who first spoke ill and insulted Qin Yuan's girlfriend with dirty and vulgar language. .

The two unlucky ones were sent to the hospital for examination, and they were wrapped like a zongzi, and they couldn't escape the examination when they came back.

Qin Yuan has been a man of influence since he entered the school. He has good academic performance and excellent sports. He has attracted much attention from girls. Knowing that he already has a girlfriend, when that person is still a new school flower, the girls are sour and envious.

But after this incident got out, no one dared to be upright and upright yy Su Yan.

That night, Qin Yuan was left until late. When Su Yan came to deliver the meal, he saw that he was sleeping on the table with a pen in his hand.

There was no sign of repentance.


Su Yan couldn't help laughing, a chuckle sounded in the quiet classroom, and Qin Yuan woke up immediately.

He raised his eyes and saw Su Yan's eyes lit up, "I just dreamed of my sister in my dream, but I didn't expect to see it when I opened my eyes."

He stretched out his big hand towards Su Yan, Su Yan shook his head, patted him and walked over.

He asked casually, "What dream did you have?"

Qin Yuan licked his lips, grabbed the woman's slender wrist with his big hand and pulled her into his arms.

The big palm is extraordinarily powerful, pinching her waist and directly holding the person to the table in front of him to sit down.

Except for the bright lights in the classroom, there was silence and a long dark night outside the window.

Qin Yuan squeezed her hand and leaned over, his voice was hoarse, "Such a dream—"

The sky above the school, with the clear breeze and the bright moon, is a bright starry sky.


Later, the school forum of University A was put on the top, and there was a post all year round, and the reply did not know how many floors were piled up.

[To declare, Su Yan, my girlfriend, came to me not afraid of death. 】

This warning has become a matter that every new student should pay attention to.

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