Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1010 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 1

Su Yan brought the soul fragment back to the system space, and after a short rest, she walked into the beautiful door again.

The Imperial Capital Fengyang Private University is the number one school in the city.

Imitation of Western European-style buildings, white walls and delicate reliefs, and rows of plane trees are planted next to the wide school avenue.

In the early spring, looking around is a silvery white, like a fairyland.

Those who can enter this school are either rich or expensive. The main expenses of the school, in addition to the tuition fees that are several times more expensive than ordinary universities, are the investments from the major shareholders of the school.

And Su Yan's identity this time is the only daughter of Fengyang's shareholders.

Arrogant and domineering personality, coupled with an outstanding face and smart brain, has a lot of supporters in the school.

Not far from the carved gate, a graceful and slender figure gradually approached.

Wearing a pink haute couture suit, she stepped on high heels studded with rhinestones. A long wavy curly hair that has been carefully taken care of is scattered behind her, a pair of distant eyebrows are three-point heroic, and the bewitching peach blossom eyes add another seven-point charm to her. With snow-white skin and delicate facial features, walking in the school is the most beautiful scenery.

Su Yan walks fast, with a pair of straight and slender legs intertwined, walking with wind, like a supermodel walking on the runway.

She stood at the door, drooping her eyelids and slowly stretched out a hand, "Air cushion, lipstick."

The red lips parted lightly, the indescribable amorous feelings hung on her eyebrows, and the tone was boring.

The girl who followed behind her heard the words, and immediately took out the air cushion and lipstick she wanted from her bag, and handed them over with a flattering nature.

Su Yan took it, opened it and looked at the small mirror to touch up her makeup and some lipstick.

Only then did he lazily threw the thing back into Jiang Meng's hands, Jiang Meng took it, looked at the row of luxury cars at the door, and a flash of envy flashed across his eyes quickly.

She hugged Su Yan's bag and asked softly, "Yan Yan, where are you going to play tonight?"

Su Yan raised her eyelids lazily when she heard the words, "I don't want to go, go home."

Those entertainment activities are just a few things going back and forth. Party, clubbing, singing, racing.

If you are a fan of paper drunkenness, you will find that it is nothing more than that after playing it a few times.

"Ah...Aren't you going?" Jiang Meng blinked, unable to hide regret in his tone.

At this moment, a roar came from a distance, and it rushed to Su Yan's eyes in the blink of an eye. A gust of wind blew up, causing Su Yan to narrow her eyes.

When I saw the car window falling, a piece of skin so delicate that it was impossible to describe in words, white and flawless skin, a pair of starry eyes with a bit of arrogance and arrogance, raised his eyebrows at Su Yan, and had a noble temperament, just like the little prince in a fairy tale. .

But Su Yan knew that all this was just an illusion.

He Jinnian raised his eyebrows, "Go to Nanshan to play Bibi at night?"

Su Yan sneered, and put her hands around her chest, "Compare? The defeated generals are qualified to compare with me?"


Facing her ridicule, He Jinnian was neither angry nor annoyed. He crossed his hands behind his head, leaned lazily in the back of the chair and squinted at Su Rou, "Aren't you afraid? Last time I came out of the car. The problem is that I lost to you. I just mentioned a new car today, how about another match?"

Almost from the moment He Jinnian appeared, in Jiang Meng's eyes, only the arrogant and arrogant boy remained. The occasional brow raised when he spoke, and the pouting smile on his lips made her heart beat.

But she also knew that Su Yan and He Jinnian didn't deal with each other.

The two have been tied for the first place in the school all the year round and compete with each other. Occasionally going out to play, racing and drinking, all have to be divided up and down.

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