Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1030 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 21

During class time, the corridor is very quiet.

He Jinnian's thin eyelids were drooping, and there was an air of indifference all over his body, as if he was reluctant to pay attention to Wen Zheng.

"Talk? What do we have to talk about?"

Wen Zheng's expression did not change, and he said solemnly, "About Ayan, you and her..." When he said this, his hands clenched tightly by his side, and those discussions were still in his ears, which made him Embarrassed to the extreme, "You and her are really together? Are the rumors in the school true?"

As soon as he finished speaking, He Jinnian smiled.

"Hey—" He raised his eyes, fixedly looking at Wen Zheng, "It's true or false, what does it have to do with you."

"He Jinnian!! Don't go too far!"

He Jinnian looked at Wen Zheng with an unbearable expression, and he could rush up to find him at any time. His smile became more and more sneering, he leaned against the fence as if he was boneless, and raised his eyes, "What have I done? If you want to talk, you should go to Miss Su to talk to you? Hmm... Didn't she tell you yesterday? Make it clear? Like playthings or something..."

"Shut the fuck up!"

Wen Zheng's head was tingling, and he slammed on it, punching He Jinnian in the face.

"He Jinnian, don't think I'm afraid of you! Do you think you are a good thing in her eyes? Will she like you? It's a joke!"


He Jinnian took two steps back, the corner of his lips was broken by his teeth, and blood oozing out.

He licked it, tasted the blood in his mouth, and his smile grew stronger. He rested his elbows on the railing, his expression never changed from beginning to end, neither panic nor panic.

But for those who have heard of He Jinnian a little, no one will think that he is easy to mess with.

He just has a deceptive face, and the actual degree of wickedness is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The more he laughed, it meant that he held grudges in his heart, and maybe one day, He Jinnian would be tricked by him.

Wen Zheng gasped and retracted his hand, his phalanx was still aching, he knew how heavy the hand he had just put down.

But He Jinnian's skin is white, and he looks harmless to humans and animals. He looks like a little prince on weekdays. Now that he was punched, the corners of his lips were quickly smudged with blood.

He was stunned for a while, and his reason gradually returned, and then he felt afraid, "Why, why don't you hide?"

After hearing this, He Jin Young tutted, and laughed condescendingly, "Why hide, how about changing a girlfriend with one punch?"

If this is heard by others, then the real hammer He Jinnian and Su Yan have together will be implemented.

But now in the empty aisle, there are only two people standing face to face.

A sullen face, not knowing what to think. The other one was calm and calm, even though his face had a color on his face.

Anyone who is familiar with He Jinnian knows that his character is like this. The so-called calmness is just because he didn't take Wen Zheng seriously, so he was careless.

"What the hell do you take her for? You mean it can be exchanged?" Wen Zheng choked out a sentence, holding back his anger.

He Jinnian smiled: "Oh, so you know that she is not so easily manipulated. Then what's the use of you coming to me? The right to choose is in her hands from beginning to end. Please use your brain before you do anything."

His hands are very beautiful, with well-defined joints and slender fingers. He smiled and tapped his temples, "My brain will rust if I don't use it for too long."

After that, he walked downstairs and passed Wen Zheng.

In a mocking tone, he threw out two words: "Stupid—"

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