Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1031 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 22

Wen Zheng turned around abruptly, his sinister eyes fell on He Jinnian's back, wishing to poke a hole in his back.


He Jinnian drove all the way back to the apartment, threw himself into the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was the beginning of the lights.

He roamed the house barefoot, his stomach protesting, demanding food.

The jacket was thrown on the sofa, he walked over, took out his mobile phone, and ordered a quick snack. Only then did he see that QQ had a lot of unread messages.

Little Rouge: Good evening, brother QVQ

Little Rouge: [is my brother there] [probe]

Little Rouge: Has my brother had dinner yet? Remember to eat on time, don't starve yourself!

Little Rouge: Does my brother hate me very much? Ignore my QAQ [crying haw]

I don't know if it was because the emoticon package sent by the other party was too vivid, but He Jinnian actually saw a bit of pitiful grievance from it.

He rubbed his forehead and woke up after a good night's sleep. Instead of healing, the wound was swollen. If you move a little, it hurts even the belt.

He Jinnian fell into the sofa, gave up on himself and didn't care, leaned barefoot on the coffee table, found a comfortable position on the sofa, adjusted his posture, moved his fingers, and replied two words.

Big Dream Ten Years: No.


Little Rouge: My brother got my message back! !

Little Rouge: Ah ah ah!

Little Rouge: [Spin ​​and jump, I close my eyes]

He Jinnian:  …

He shook his head and laughed, and even with the feeling of being tortured by Su Yan, he improved a lot. Rarely in the mood to return two more sentences.

Big Dream Ten Years: Are you so happy?

Little Rouge: [Star Eyes] Of course! Brother is my idol, love brother!

"Cough cough..." He Jinnian was speechless, the little girl was still young, so she confessed casually.

Big Dream Ten Years: Thank you for liking.

Little Rouge: Hee hee, no thanks, my brother is so good, there are actually a lot of people who like him!

Little Rouge: That...Brother, I want to ask, are you going to play yy? Everyone is playing games together!

He Jinnian raised his eyebrows. He slept for a while, and now he is extraordinarily energetic.

If it were normal, he would definitely refuse directly. But now his mood is affected, and he has no intention to deal with work at all.

Ten Years of Dreams: What game?

Little Rouge: Humanity is a complete defeat! It's a small game, brother go to the store to download it, and then you can play it~

Little Rouge: [Please, please] You must come, brother, it is fun to have a lot of people

He Jinnian wanted to refuse, but looking at the vivid, cute and pitiful expression pack, he didn't type out the words of rejection.

Big Dream Ten Years: Good.

【Have you all got off your list today? 】

Little Rouge: Ahhh! !

Bunny: ah ah ah! !

Murakami: Ahhhhh! !

Do not remember the year: what are you?

Nanfeng knows what I mean: ? ?

Little Rouge: My brother promised to come with us to play Human Fate! ! Come on yy later!

The group was silent for a few seconds, and after a while...

Bunny: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...

Murakami: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

At first it was a copy of the trend, and now it is a scream from the heart. Even so, he couldn't express his inner excitement.

Murakami: Is my fucking true? I have forgotten how long I haven't heard the voice of the ten-year big guy.

Tutu: I entered the pit late. When I entered the circle, the boss was already a myth... Now, can I finally get up close and feel the glory of the boss?

Don't remember the year: a group of nympho.

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