Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1056 Online dating chooses me, I'm super sweet 47

They came in with the box door open, and by coincidence, the box that Wen Zheng and the others had reserved was also on this floor. When they walked through the door, the clamoring sound came straight into their ears.

He Jinnian wanted to smile or not, his eyes warned, "Baby, don't make trouble."

"I rely on drinking quickly! Young Master He, Miss Su has taken the initiative, and if it's a man, go there!!"

"That's right! Quick, quick!"

Su Yanxiao's brows were bright, she bent her eyes, her eyes were full of water, and her voice was sour and flirtatious. She gently clinked glasses with He Jinnian and winked at him.

"Don't make trouble, my brother He is thin-skinned. Since he doesn't want to, then—"

It is about the dignity of a man, and He Jinnian can see that this crazy woman Su Yan did it on purpose.

He took the initiative to take Su Ro's hand and wrapped it around his, preventing her from continuing to speak. He raised his head and simply drank the wine in the glass.

Not a drop left.

The two were so close together that they could almost hear each other breathing.

Just by raising your eyes a little, you can see the woman's flawless skin, as white as snow. As soon as the wine was drunk, a layer of crimson quickly filled her little face, like a good rouge, which was very beautiful.

When she met Su Yan's eyes, her eyes were graceful and graceful in shape, and the end of her eyes was gently upward.

Confused, like a demon.

Wen Zheng's footsteps stopped, Su Yingyue held his arm, and he could clearly feel his muscles becoming stiff.

At the same time, the pace quickened.

Everyone in the box was shocked, and after a long silence, a more excited carnival suddenly erupted.

That sound was enough to lift the roof.

He Jinnian glanced at Su Yan, his thin lips hooked lightly, "Is this punishment enough?"

Wen Hang glanced at a few friends who could play next to him, and laughed awkwardly, "Of course it's not enough! If you give us another kiss, it would be even better!"

Su Ro walked towards the deck, and several girls automatically gave her the best position.

He Jinnian ripped open the button of his shirt and sneered, "You guys think beautiful."

After three rounds of drinking, He Jinnian couldn't help but drink a lot of wine.

He pinched his eyebrows and leaned on the sofa lazily. In the distance, Wenhang was playing billiards with a few people. There were also girls who gathered together to order songs in twos and threes, and went to the other side to play small games.

At this time, the light was dim, and the singing girls had a good voice, a low-pitched English song.

Rarely comfortable.

He squinted, turned his head to look aside, in the darker corner, Su Yan was sitting on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone. The fluorescence reflected her peach-like cheeks, and the corners of her lips were lightly hooked, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

He raised his eyebrows, and the phone suddenly rang.

Little Rouge: Good evening, brother! [happy]

Little Rouge: Has my brother had dinner yet? I heard Tutu and the others say, is my brother going out on a date tonight?

I don't know if He Jinnian is too sensitive, I didn't feel anything before, but now I read the word brother, I can't help myself. I think of Su Yan's grinning, and he used a sticky coquettish tone to call his brother's screen.

He pursed his thin lips lightly and moved his fingers.


Big Dream Ten Years: Good evening, don't call me brother in the future.


Little Rouge: Why? QAQ

Ding-dong, ding-dong—

Ten Years of Dreams: Wouldn't your boyfriend be jealous when he saw it?

Ten years of big dreams: I didn't think about it before, but you can just call me by my name in the future.


Little Rouge: [crying] But I don't have a boyfriend QAQ


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