Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1057 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 48

Big Dream Ten Years: ?

Ding dong, ding dong...

The beep of the mobile phone kept ringing, and He Jinnian only reacted half a beat later. In the box, not only his mobile phone was ringing, but also—

He raised his eyes and looked at Su Yan, she didn't notice anything and was still lowering her hair.

Almost every once in a while, the phone vibrates.

He Jinnian's eyes flashed. Before that, he had never thought of a possibility, but's a bit too coincidental.

In particular, the timing of the alert tone on Su Yan's mobile phone matched the time of the message he sent every time.

He turned the phone to mute, and the corner of the light fell on Su Yan, while tentatively sending a message.

Ten years of big dreams: Are you calling your boyfriend in yy during the day?

Ten years of big dreams: But you are still young, and the focus should still be on learning.

Big Dream Ten Years: Why? Since you treat me as an idol, I will naturally be responsible to you.

Three messages were sent in a row.

He Jinnian listened to the regular mobile phone beeps beside his ears, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong——

No matter how slow he was, he couldn't deceive himself.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world, as soon as he sent a message, it started to ring there.

He raised his hand and wiped his face, looking at Su Rouge's noble, glamorous, goblin-like face, which he couldn't associate with the cute little Rouge in yy.


A new message came in from the phone.

When He Jinnian opened it, his face immediately darkened.

Little Rouge: That's helping my brother out of the siege~

Xiao Rouge: I really didn't listen to yy, it's just that I'm not calling my boyfriend, I'm just teasing the dog~

Little Rouge: [shy] [blush] [peek]

Little Rouge: Brother, do you believe me?


He Jinnian clenched his molars and sneered in his eyes.

Ten years of big dreams: Of course I believe it.


started again.

Little Rouge: [excited] Then can I still call you brother? [to finger]

He Jinnian took a deep breath, looked at Su Yan, and typed out two words blindly.

Big Dream Ten Years: Yes.


How to deceive yourself? You can't cheat at all, right? !

Su Yan didn't even notice that she had fallen off the horse, and she faintly noticed that You Dao's eyes had been looking at her. She put away her phone and raised her eyes, she met He Jinnian's beautiful and noble face.

It's just that the way he looked at himself was a little weird—

Although he was smiling, Su Yan felt that he smiled coldly, as if he was going to eat himself in the next second.

She raised her eyebrows and hooked her fingers at He Jinnian.

Usually at such times, when no one else is around, He Jinnian is too lazy to act. He wouldn't pay attention to her at all, but this time, almost as soon as she stretched out her hand, He Jinnian stood up and walked towards her.

This made Su Yan novel, she looked at it with a smile, and patted the position beside her.

"Come on, Brother He, sit beside me."


He Jinnian curled his lips into a smile, his eyes overflowing with evil spirits.

He lowered his eyes, stared at Su Yan attentively, and opened his lips: "What's your name, brother He? Baby, it's more interesting to call you brother directly?"

Su Yan: "? He Jinnian, did you take the wrong medicine?"

She raised her hand to touch He Jinnian's forehead, but was grabbed by him, her small hand clasped in the palm of her hand, weak and boneless.

He Jinnian: "Well... I seem to be drunk."

After all, he not only sat by Su Ro's side, but also leaned directly on her shoulder, putting all his weight on Su Ro's body.

Although Su Yan is violent, it does not mean that she is a strong man, and she usually uses cleverness.

And now-

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pushed He Jinnian who was leaning on her, "Hey, He Jinnian, are you a dog?"

How can you be a different person when you're drunk.

In particular, the look in her eyes just now was like a wolf that had been hungry for a long time.

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