Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1065 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 56

After he figured it out, He Jinnian's mood suddenly became brighter, and he no longer struggled.

He went to QQ first, and Xiao Rouge didn't contact him for several days.

This made He Jinnian sure that Xiao Rouge was Su Rouge.

He took the initiative to type contact.

Big Dream Ten Years: Are you there?

Ten years of big dreams: Are you in a bad mood recently? I'm still busy with school, and I haven't seen you talking in the group.

Ten years of big dreams: [worried]

Little Rouge: ?

He Jinnian looked at the question mark and thought, what does this mean?

Su Yan knew that Da Meng was his vest for ten years? Can't you? He hasn't revealed his real name, and even Nan Feng and the others in the circle don't know it.

Little Rouge: Brother, have you been hacked? Is it me?

Ten Years of Dreams:  …

Big Dream Ten Years: Why do you say that? not like me?

Little Rouge: No, it's just that my brother rarely contacts me. Also, my brother never posts memes.

Big Dream Ten Years: You are not mistaken, it is indeed me.

Big Dream Ten Years: Are you in a bad mood? The spark broke.

The spark refers to the fact that if the two keep in contact every day, there will be hot chat sparks. If there is a lot of chat, it will eventually be upgraded to a giant ship.

Little Rouge:  …

Xiao Rouge: I'm sorry, brother, I may have to fade out of the Internet for a while.

He Jinnian was stunned, was she really hurt?

He was nervous, and quickly asked: What happened? Exam is coming soon? still?

Little Rouge: My dog ​​died.

Little Rouge: [Angry] I'm going to find another obedient dog

He Jinnian: ? ? ?

He felt scolded.

But his heart was in a panic, which made his typing unsteady.

Ten Years of Big Dreams: Dogs? Actually, I think... if you can, do you want to try to save it again?

He asked carefully, but Su Rou obviously didn't know his inner thoughts.

Little Rouge: No! [cry]

The chat was interrupted, and He Jinnian smashed the phone angrily.

This chat can't go on! !


Afterwards, He Jinnian had another idea. He couldn't contact Su Yan, so let someone else do it.

So, he clicked on the group [Is Little Rouge Bubbling Today] with a different group name every day.

Find the village flower, open a temporary session.

Ten years of big dreams: Village Flower, have you been in touch with Xiao Rouge recently?

Village Flower: ? ? ?

Village Flower: [Warning]

Ten Years of Dreams:  …

Big Dream Ten Years: I want you to do me a favor.

Village Flower: No time, no time, impossible!

Village Flower: [Pain] Great God, wake up, you have a girlfriend, how can you harm other people's little girls! And the rouge is still small!


He Jinnian thought of Su Yan's bumpy figure and her real life style.

Why can't you get in touch with the little one?

So, he answered without blushing or panting: It's broken.

Ten years of big dreams: Because I think I may prefer Xiao Rouge than my real girlfriend.

Village Flower: ? ? ?

Village Flower: Scumbag!

Ten years of big dreams: To tell you the truth, in fact, Xiao Rouge is my real girlfriend, and she wants to break up with me.

Murakami: [looks like a fool]

Murakami: Great God, do you think I'm a fool?

He Jinnian felt that he was too difficult for a moment, and now no one believes the truth.

He pursed his lips and sent a red envelope directly.

Village Flower: ? ? ?

Village Flower: Although I love money, God, don't try to bribe me with money! My conscience will not allow me to do this!

Ten years of big dreams: [QQ red envelopes]

Ten years of big dreams: [QQ red envelopes]

Ten years of big dreams: [QQ red envelopes]


(The village flower received your red envelope)

It's done, I feel at ease~ hehe!

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