Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 1066 Online dating choose me, I am super sweet 57

Imperial City famous hotel.

At this time, there were two women and two men sitting by the window on the second floor.

One of the girls is cute and the other is a royal sister. The two boys sitting opposite to each other, the shorter one has a baby face, has big eyes, and always likes to laugh when they talk, looking at it. The man sitting next to him looked much more mature. He wore a white shirt and glasses and looked polite. Occasionally, he turned his head to look at the boy next to him, shaking his head and laughing.

This is the offline party of the [Have you taken off your order today] small group.

Tutu Village Flower and Bu Ji Nian Nanfeng are already very familiar with others, and have met a few times in private.

But every time I see a real person, I have an unspeakable feeling.

For example, looking at the bright boy who doesn't remember the year in reality, Tutu is speechless: "Year of the Dog, how did you make yourself a rough man?" He clearly has a cute face, He has a very sleazy personality.

Bu Ji Nian glanced at her blankly and snorted coldly, "I'm happy, as long as Nan Feng doesn't dislike me anyway!"

Nan Feng moved the cake he didn't want to eat in front of him, and hummed, "How do you know that I don't dislike it? It's just that someone is lying to me, and I can't help it."

"Oh~~~" Mura Hana laughed, "So that's how it is!"

"Bastard! Say it again!" Bu Ji Nian clenched his fist and waved it in front of Nan Feng.

Nan Feng smiled softly, "Huh? Did I speak just now?"

"I knew it," Bu Ji Nian pouted, his eyes sparkling.

Tutu and Muraka looked at each other, smiled at each other, and looked out the window.

At this moment, the village flower suddenly shouted 'I rely on' and pointed at the person across the road: "Tutu Tutu!! Look at the little sister over there, this is too beautiful, right? I rely on it. it a star? Is it a star?!"

Tutu was also attracted, and hurriedly probed over with the village flower.

The so-called soft and cute no longer exists, "I rely on it!!"

She followed with a roar, startling the waiter behind.

That's right, it was Su Yan who was walking across the road. She was pushing a suitcase and just got off the plane. I heard that this small group had a party in the emperor, so they rushed over.

At this time, the sun was just right, and she was wearing a long bohemian dress, which swayed as she walked, and the slim cut silhouette outlined her perfect figure with concave and convex shapes.

What's more, she also has a face that is 360 degrees in the sun without dead ends.

Bu Ji Nian was also attracted, lying on the window and widening his eyes.

"Mom, if I met such a good-looking young lady before, would I be looking for Gou Nanfeng?!"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Nan Feng glanced at him with a half-smiling smile, took a drink from the water glass, and said nothing.

Tutu glanced sympathetically without remembering the year, "Year of the Dog, cherish it!"

"What!" Bu Ji Nian rolled his eyes, and continued to stare at the people outside, looking at the wrong thing.

Tutu only said one sentence, and continued to stare at Su Yan, wailing while watching, "Cunhua, you said that God was unfair when he created us, and the beauty of others is just poured out. , for us? It's a grain of sprinkle!"

Village Flower nodded in agreement, "Alas, this meal suddenly doesn't taste good!"

"Don't eat!" Tutu stretched out his hand.

Village Flower high fives, "Yes! Don't eat it!"

Seeing that Su Ro's figure disappeared, they smacked their lips and sat back to their original positions.

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